CPC(M-L) HOMETML Daily ArchiveLe
Marxiste-Léniniste quotidien

January 15, 2021 - No. 1

Desperate Trump Administration Designates Cuba
as State Sponsor of Terrorism

Cuba Is Not a State that
Sponsors Terrorism

When the Victimizer Blames the Victim -- No to Latest U.S. Aggression Against Cuba! - Canadian Network On Cuba
No to U.S. Government's Recent Move to Include Cuba on Its List of States that Sponsor Terrorism - Table de concertation de solidarité Québec-Cuba
Firm and Absolute Condemnation of Fraudulent Designation of Cuba as State Sponsor of Terrorism - Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Trump-Pompeo Parting Shots Hurt the Caribbean - Sir Ronald Sanders

January 26 March on Delhi
Indian Farmers Valiantly Organize to Affirm Their Rights - J. Singh

Desperate Trump Administration Designates Cuba as
State Sponsor of Terrorism

Cuba Is Not a State that Sponsors Terrorism

The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) condemns the decision of the Trump administration in its final days to designate Cuba as a State Sponsor of Terrorism, which the U.S. State Department did on Monday, January 11. We call on all Canadians to denounce this baseless designation and demand it be retracted immediately. We also call on Canadians to urge the government of Canada to disassociate itself from this outrageous move and call on the international community to refuse to recognize it and not to appease it in any way.

Cuba rejects terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, wherever it is committed, no matter by whom or against whom. Cuba has been a victim of relentless U.S. state terrorism and terrorist attacks, time and again orchestrated by U.S. agents and state agencies. It has suffered 3,478 fatalities and 2,099 persons live with disabilities due to actions carried out by U.S. governments or perpetrated and sponsored from U.S. territory with the connivance of U.S. authorities.

The United States has no moral authority to designate other countries as terrorist states. For the State Department to do this in the dying days of the Trump presidency is reprehensible. The Trump administration is doing many unpardonable things, besides its unprecedented assault on the U.S. Congress for which President Trump has been impeached, a second time, this time on charges of inciting an insurrection. Further, agents provocateurs paid to incite violence and carry out terrorist attacks are holding the entire country hostage with threats of terrorist attacks against federal institutions and other acts of violence against individuals in the six days leading up to the inauguration of the new administration on January 20.

Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy decried the designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism saying: "... domestic terrorism in the United States poses a far greater threat to Americans than Cuba does."

We fully support the statement of the Cuban government which condemned in the strongest and most absolute terms this fraudulent, arbitrary, unjust and baseless decision by the current U.S. administration. We reiterate the following points without equivocation:

- Cuba is widely recognized by the international community as a country that promotes peace and solidarity all over the world. It does not belong on a list of state sponsors of terrorism.

- This designation by the U.S. State Department is not motivated by any legitimate concern related to terrorism or its consequences.

- Its aim is solely to denigrate Cuba and justify the imposition of harsher coercive economic measures in the last week of the Trump administration, in addition to the more than 230 other unilateral sanctions it has implemented which have caused irreparable damage to the Cuban economy and people.

- Its true motivation is to impose additional obstacles to any prospective restoration of bilateral relations between Cuba and the United States.

Show your support for normal relations with Cuba by attending the virtual pickets against the all-sided U.S. blockade of Cuba to be held on January 17.

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When the Victimizer Blames the Victim -- No to Latest U.S. Aggression Against Cuba!

October 6. A day of commemoration in Cuba for the victims of state terrorism.

The Canadian Network On Cuba (CNC) vigorously and unequivocally condemns the deceitful and duplicitous designation of Cuba by the Trump regime as a sponsor of terrorism. This is an act of blatant opportunism and cynicism, an act that flies in the face of reality. It is Cuba that has been the victim of all manner of terrorist attacks that have been carried out with the complicity, participation and sponsorship of Washington.

Since the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959, Washington has waged an unceasing assault, both military and economic, against the Cuban people, organizing an invasion, assassinations, terrorist attacks against civilians and systematic economic sabotage. Many of these acts were directly launched from and/or planned in the United States. These acts of terror against Cuba include the 1976 bombing of a civilian Cuban airliner that claimed the lives of 73 people and the 1997 Havana hotel bombings, which claimed the life of Fabio Di Celmo, a young Montrealer of Italian origin. As a point of fact, 3,478 Cubans have been killed and 2,099 injured, as a result of these terrorist acts.

This contemptible move by the Trump regime reeks of desperation, reflecting Washington's failure to isolate Cuba in international relations and public opinion. This failure is poignantly underscored by the international acclaim, accolades and gratitude that Cuba continues to receive for its singular role in the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, illustrated by the numerous nominations of Cuba's internationalist medical contingent, the Henry Reeve Brigade, for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. Indeed, it is precisely Cuba that shows the world a model of international relations that stands diametrically opposed to terrorism. It is a model based on creating and fostering relations between countries founded on genuine human solidarity.

The CNC stands with Cuba and the rest of the world in denouncing this latest despicable act of aggression against the heroic island nation. The CNC calls on the Canadian government to take a principled stand by rejecting this utterly immoral and self-serving hypocritical double standard that flagrantly violates international law. Despite this unacceptable and grotesque action by the U.S. government, the CNC is convinced that justice and truth will prevail in the end.

No to the Latest U.S. Aggression Against Cuba!
Justice and Truth Will Prevail!

(January 13, 2021)

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No to U.S. Government's Recent Move
to Include Cuba on Its List of States
that Sponsor Terrorism

The Table de concertation de solidarité Québec-Cuba (TCSQC) joins its voice with the rest of the world in firmly condemning the decision of the U.S. government to include Cuba on its list of states that sponsor terrorism. On January 11, nine days before Donald Trump's mandate ends and the new president takes office, [U.S. Secretary of State] Mike Pompeo announced that "The State Department has designated Cuba as a State Sponsor of Terrorism for repeatedly providing support for acts of international terrorism in granting safe harbour to terrorists."

The TCSQC considers this latest measure on the part of the Trump administration an act of great despair, not of strength. It's a web of lies and a vengeful act against the courageous Cuban people and government. Ever since the victory of the Cuban Revolution in 1959, the U.S. has refused to establish equal relations with Cuba, and to respect the sovereignty of the Cuban people and their right to be. For the U.S. to declare that Cuba sponsors terrorist activities reveals once again its shameful hypocrisy, as the real terrorist is the United States.

The reality is that Cuba is the victim of an inhumane blockade imposed by the U.S. government for over 60 years, along with assassinations, terrorist attacks against civilians and systematic economic sabotage, which have met with international condemnation.

Despite these activities of systematic sabotage, Cuba has won the hearts and the support of the world's peoples for its courageous defence of its sovereignty, its right to determine its own affairs and its vibrant worldwide internationalism. The Henry Reeve Brigade, amongst others, which travels the world to assist during times of natural calamities, earthquakes, pandemics etc., is acclaimed internationally and is now a candidate for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. Last year Cubans travelled to over 39 countries to bring relief and make their unfailing contribution to assist humanity in defeating COVID-19.

April 25, 2020. Members of Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade prepare to go to
South Africa.

The TCSQC calls upon the Canadian government to adopt a principled position and formally reject this latest immoral measure imposed by the U.S. government against Cuba.

Washington's lamentable efforts to isolate Cuba are doomed to fail; they run counter to Cuba's momentum and that of the peoples of the world, who demand relations between peoples and countries based on mutual benefit and equal exchange between countries large or small, oppose interference, aggression, sanctions and blockades against the peoples and aspire to true human and international solidarity.

Long Live Cuba! Long Live Solidarity Between Peoples!

(January 14, 2021. Translated from the original French by TML.)

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Firm and Absolute Condemnation of Fraudulent Designation of Cuba as State Sponsor of Terrorism

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba condemns, in the strongest and most absolute terms, the fraudulent designation of Cuba as a State that sponsors terrorism which, in a cynical and hypocritical move, has been announced by the government of the United States.

For some months now, there have been speculations about the possibility of including Cuba in a unilateral list issued by the State Department that designates countries, without having received any mandate or having any legitimacy whatsoever to do that and without having any genuine motivation in relation to terrorism and its sequels, in order to use it as an instrument to denigrate and implement economic coercive measures against other countries that may refuse to indulge the whims of the US imperialism.

The announcement made by Secretary of State Michael Pompeo is an arrogant action by a discredited, dishonest and morally bankrupted government. It is well known -- and there is little doubt about it -- that the true motivation behind this action is to impose additional obstacles to any prospective restoration of bilateral relations between Cuba and the United States.

Cuba is not a State that sponsors terrorism and this is a truth that has been widely recognized by everybody. Cuba's official and well-known policy and impeccable behavior has been that of rejecting terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, particularly State terrorism, wherever and by and against whoever committed.

Cuba has been a State victim of terrorism and our people have suffered from it first hand, at the cost of 3478 fatalities and 2099 persons with disabilities due to the actions carried out by the government of the United States or that have been perpetrated and sponsored from the territory of that country with the acquiescence of the US official authorities. We Cubans disdainfully deplore every maneuver aimed at manipulating such a sensitive issue to achieve gross politically opportunistic goals.

(January 11, 2021. Minrex.)

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Trump-Pompeo Parting Shots Hurt the Caribbean

As they are preparing to exit the White House and the State Department on January 20, the outgoing Donald Trump administration has planted some explosives for the foreign policy of the government of Joseph Biden Jr.

A grenade has already been thrown into policies that Antony Blinken, Biden's nominated Secretary of State, might pursue in relation to Cuba and, consequently, the Caribbean region.

In the dying days of his tenure as Secretary of State and only nine days before Blinken takes over the reins of U.S. foreign policy, Mike Pompeo placed Cuba on a list of State Sponsors of Terrorism that the U.S. draws up unilaterally.

As the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) stated on January 13, the listing of Cuba as a sponsor of state terrorism is "baseless." Caribbean Community (CARICOM) heads of government on the same day were unequivocal in their view that "Cuba's international conduct does not in any way warrant that designation."

In pursuing this pugnacious policy against Cuba, including unravelling the painstakingly weaved policy of the previous Obama administration to try to normalize relations between Cuba and the U.S., Trump's government is seeking to maintain the support of Cuban-Americans in Florida both for raising money for his political activity in the coming years and to be able to deliver the state for a presidential candidate he favours -- maybe even for himself in 2024. As Juan Gonzalez, the incoming senior director for Western Hemisphere in the Biden National Security Council, has pointed out, securing Florida for the 2020 presidential election was the principal motivation of Trump's Cuba policy throughout his term in office.

Little publicized is a corollary of the Trump-Pompeo Cuba policy for the countries of CARICOM. Less than a month ago, the U.S. government sent a questionnaire to Caribbean countries. The answers will be used to compile its annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report that is submitted to the U.S. Congress. The December questionnaire included a new and sinister section related specifically to workers from China and Cuba.

In relation to Cuba -- from which every Caribbean country has sought and received -- vital help through the provision of medical personnel, the U.S. asks questions which are entirely the business of a sovereign State, or the business of sovereign States which have entered contracts. The questions intrude glaringly on State rights. Were the same questions put to the government of the U.S., it would quite rightly firmly reject the very audacity of asking them.

Trafficking in persons is a very troubling activity. It is one that every country should combat vigorously. In this regard, it is true to say that Caribbean countries have worked diligently with the U.S. to try to stamp out the activity, related to what amounts to modern-day slavery in its worse form, and at its best to the criminal exploitation of vulnerable persons, particularly women and girls.

However, this attempt by the outgoing Trump administration to include Cuban medical workers and professionals, serving Caribbean governments, is an attempt to politicize an otherwise noble cause. The objective appears to be the classification of Cuban medical personnel as "trafficked persons," thereby implicating both Cuba and Caribbean governments in criminal activity. The latter would be the weaponizing of a policy against countries that discards cooperation against crime and replaces it with coercion.

The implications of this are quite serious and will be a priority of the work of Caribbean countries with the Biden administration and the U.S. Congress because of the dangers posed to them.

Under the U.S. TIP Act, the non-trade related, and non-humanitarian assistance can be withdrawn from any country considered not to be in compliance "with minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking" and "is not making significant efforts to bring itself into compliance with such standards." Of course, the determination of what is "minimum standards" and "significant efforts" is made entirely by officials of the U.S. government.

Every year, the TIP report classifies countries from Tier 1 (the most acceptable) to Tier 3 (the least acceptable). Of the 14 independent CARICOM countries, two of them -- the Bahamas and Guyana -- were listed in 2020 at Tier 1. Seven countries were in Tier 2. These were: Antigua and Barbuda, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago. On the Tier 2 Watch List were Barbados and Belize. For unclear reasons, Dominica, Grenada, and St. Kitts and Nevis appear in none of the Tiers. In the event, no Caribbean country is at the worst level -- Tier 3.

However, if the presence of Cuban personnel in CARICOM countries becomes a criterion for the U.S. to unilaterally declare a human trafficking offence, this will injure U.S. relations with CARICOM countries for no good reason, since U.S. security and U.S. values are not threatened in any way.

The addition to the U.S. TIP questionnaire of a section on Cuban and Chinese workers fitted well with the anti-China, anti-Cuba stance of the Trump administration to serve its domestic political agenda.

How much of this booby trap left for the Biden administration is known to its incoming State Department and National Security teams is not clear, but the Caribbean must regard advising them as a priority. The next U.S. TIP report will be published and sent to the U.S. Congress in June.

The U.S. publication Foreign Policy recently quoted a U.S. official as saying that Pompeo's team is engaged in "parting shots deliberately aimed at hampering the incoming administration's foreign policy." Where the Caribbean's interests are affected by those "parting shots," the region must act in unity to safeguard them.

Sir Ronald Sanders is Ambassador of Antigua and Barbuda to the United States and the Organization of American States. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies at the University of London and at Massey College in the University of Toronto.

(Antigua Breaking News, January 14, 2021.)

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January 26 March on Delhi

Indian Farmers Valiantly Organize to
Affirm Their Rights

Farmers in India are continuing their struggle without letup. They continue to demand the repeal of the three farm laws which favour agribusiness at their expense. They rejected the announcement by the Supreme Court of India that it has stayed the implementation of the three farm laws which the farmers demand be repealed. Nine rounds of talks with the government have been fruitless. The government is adamant that it will not repeal the laws. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court formed a panel packed with supporters of the laws and big agriculture companies for consultation with farmers about solutions to their problems. The farmers see this as another manoeuvre by the ruling elite to exhaust them and then attack them. They have announced that they will not go back home without the repeal of the laws. They have announced a program of intense agitation culminating in a tractor rally in Delhi on January 26, which is India's Republic Day.

They have organized actions on January 15, 16, 18, 20 and 23 in the lead-up to January 26. On January 6, they held a rally with thousands of tractors, described by some as a "teaser" for the January 26 tractor March on Delhi.

On January 8, the anniversary of Chhotu Ram was marked. He was one of the leaders of the farmers' movement against their indebtedness in 1905, which forced the British to repeal the offending law at that time. On this anniversary, farmers went to every village in India and discussed issues with the people and mobilized them. They are also asking people to go to Delhi on January 26 and take as many tractors and trolleys as they can.

On January 13, which is celebrated as Lohri, copies of the three anti-farmer laws were burnt as people lit bonfires and declared that these laws constitute their "death warrant." Lohri marks the arrival of longer days after the winter solstice. It has been celebrated for millennia, possibly as far as back as Stri Rajyas (the time of Women's Rule). Thus it celebrates the memory of women who discovered fire (agni devi) and harnessed it. Even now a huge bonfire is built and the winter crops gur, sesame, corn and mustard are offered. People sit around the fire, dance, sing and celebrate the birth of their progeny. In the last 500 or so years, Dulla Bhatti's name has become associated with Lohri as well. Dulla Bhatti fought against the oppression of the emperor Akbar. Folk songs about Dulla Bhatti's valour and generosity were sung in all the farmers' encampments around Delhi.

January 18 is Women Farmers Day. Big rallies will be held leading to the January 26 Tractor March on Delhi. The tractors in the Tractor March will be driven by women.

January 23 is the anniversary of Azad Hind Fauj (Free Indian Army). This was the army of the Provisional Government of Free India, mobilized during World War II and constituted of Indian expatriates and prisoners of war in southeast Asia. It is being celebrated with rallies of soldiers and farmers as Azad Hind Kisan Day (day to free Indian working people).

Army retirees join farmers' actions.

Meanwhile, the boycott of Ambani and Adani products and services across the country continues. The farmers have also warned against "Facebook Warriors" of the IT cells of the ruling elite that are trying to mislead the people.

On the Singhu border of Delhi, farmers of Punjab and Haryana who have been encamped for more than 50 days, recalled their memories of the centuries-old fight against Delhi. They recalled the uprising of peasants against Akbar led by Dulla Bhatti; the battles against Nadir Shah and Abdali and their determination to continue their fight against the new Nadir Shah of Delhi -- Modi and his cronies and the ruling elite. Throughout the month of Poh (December 14 - January 13 is Martyrs month), they recalled the battles against Aurangzeb and the valour and sacrifice of the gurus and their sons. Speaker after speaker recalled Ahmad Khan Kharal, Nizam Lohar, Malangi, Jabroo, Ajit Singh, Chhotu Ram, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev, Kartar Singh Sarabha, Barkatullah, Udham Singh, Baba Sohan Singh Bhakna, Baba Hari Singh Mrigind, Baba Bujha Singh and many others who fought for the cause of the people.

Many speakers also pointed out that all the establishment political parties have betrayed the people. The sentiment expressed is that now is the time to take political power in their own hands without the establishment parties, without the MLAs, MPs and judges who swear allegiance to the state handed over by the British, as presently constituted. The current system of party government inherited from the British has never served the Indian polity but acts as gatekeeper of the power of the rulers. Some farmers gave examples of how they are running the toll barriers and the morcha (resistance) by relying on their own forces. They also pointed out that morcha is Beghampura in the making, as envisioned by Guru Ravidassji in his hymn by the same name, during the bhakti movement which took place in the 14th to 15th centuries. Written long before the French Revolution, it extols the virtues of a society based on equality, liberty and universal brotherhood, where there is no discrimination, taxes or oppression. As such it is an expression of Indian thought material based on rich experience through the millennia.

Others pointed to the thought material inherited from Guru Nanak who called for a new society based on Sarbat Da Bhalla -- the well-being of all.

Many of the farmers based their remarks on insights from Punjabi Darshan on the duty of the state to ensure the Sukh and Raksha of all (happiness and security). If it does not, then it is the duty of people to overthrow it. Many said that it is not just an economic struggle; it is a fight for their Hond and Vajud -- their very being. It is not only a fight for Fasal (crops) but also for Nasal (the coming generations); not only for Kanak (wheat) but also for Anakh (dignity); not only for Anaj (grain) but for Samaj (society). Hundreds of artists and performers are invoking the battles that Punjab has waged. Many artists from west Punjab have also expressed their unity with their brothers and sisters in east Punjab. Some of their songs have gone viral. According to one news report, more than 100,000 Punjabis have returned from abroad to join the Punjabi farmers in their struggle.

Punjabi consciousness for the self-determination and unity of Punjabis has emerged very strongly in this struggle. Dulla Bhatti's call for the self-determination of Punjab is being repeated in the farmers' protest. Many people are calling for the decolonization of Punjab, which was occupied by the British in 1849 with neo-colonial rule continued after 1947, suppressing the national, social, and cultural rights of Punjab and Punjabis and finally leading to the brutal division of the Punjabi nation in 1947, as was also done to the Bengali nation.

The present-day Raj in Delhi has tried to demonize the farmers' struggle and the aspirations of Punjabis by equating them with terrorism but it is not getting very far. Punjabis have risen many times since 1947 for the affirmation of their rights, the quest and aspirations of Punjab. It has been expressed in diverse ways. In the 1950s, it was expressed in the form of the movement for the Punjabi language; in the 1970s and '80s it was for autonomy and Khalistan. Now it is being expressed in a call for a referendum on an independent Punjab. Many commentators are pointing out that whether the farmers' struggle succeeds or is drowned in blood by Delhi, this aspiration and determination will grow stronger. The end of the State of the oligarchs in Delhi is unavoidable. Governance is untenable without renewal and renovation which empower the people. But, like Aurangzeb before them, the ruling elite in Delhi would rather have collapse than renewal. They have not learned any lesson from history nor from the collapse of the Soviet Union or from what is taking place in the U.S. and other countries.

The farmers' struggle shows that all the neo-colonial institutions imposed on India by the British and their collaborators before and after 1947, such as the transfer of the colonial state apparatus, government, parliamentary system, judiciary, corporations and system of elections and party rule, only serve the empire builders, exploiters and a tiny ruling elite and concentrate all the natural and human resources in their hands. In the last 74 years, nine monopolies have acquired more wealth than the 600 million people of India put together. The rights of people are violated with impunity.

December 26, 2020. Action in Toronto in support of Indian farmers.

It is reported that the anti-farmer laws were recommended by the World Bank 30 years ago. That World Bank document was entitled India: Country Economic Memorandum, Vol. II.

The farmers' struggle also reveals the necessity of developing the people's own thought material to solve the problems faced by them and their society. Punjabi farmers, workers, intellectuals, artists, musicians and poets at the Singhu border, in full public view, are articulating and presenting solutions based on the insights of Punjabi Darshan developed over centuries as a guide to action in the present conditions. They are inspired by and upgrading concepts and categories articulated by revolutionaries, fighters, gurus, sufis, saints, bhagats and thinkers of Punjab dating back several centuries. They reject the borrowed phrases from Europe, the U.S. and other places. Punjabi Darshan and Punjabi Reet are robust, rich and capable of dealing with present-day problems and enunciate a vision for the future. Hundreds of poets, singers, musicians and writers and story-tellers are expressing the quest and aspirations of people and their fighting traditions from the stage, through social media, on the streets and parks of villages, towns and cities.

The line of march remains to support the farmers in India and unite in action to demand the withdrawal of the three farm laws. Until they are withdrawn, the farmers have no intention of withdrawing their morcha (resistance).

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