Desperate Trump Administration Designates Cuba as
State Sponsor of Terrorism

Cuba Is Not a State that Sponsors Terrorism

The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) condemns the decision of the Trump administration in its final days to designate Cuba as a State Sponsor of Terrorism, which the U.S. State Department did on Monday, January 11. We call on all Canadians to denounce this baseless designation and demand it be retracted immediately. We also call on Canadians to urge the government of Canada to disassociate itself from this outrageous move and call on the international community to refuse to recognize it and not to appease it in any way.

Cuba rejects terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, wherever it is committed, no matter by whom or against whom. Cuba has been a victim of relentless U.S. state terrorism and terrorist attacks, time and again orchestrated by U.S. agents and state agencies. It has suffered 3,478 fatalities and 2,099 persons live with disabilities due to actions carried out by U.S. governments or perpetrated and sponsored from U.S. territory with the connivance of U.S. authorities.

The United States has no moral authority to designate other countries as terrorist states. For the State Department to do this in the dying days of the Trump presidency is reprehensible. The Trump administration is doing many unpardonable things, besides its unprecedented assault on the U.S. Congress for which President Trump has been impeached, a second time, this time on charges of inciting an insurrection. Further, agents provocateurs paid to incite violence and carry out terrorist attacks are holding the entire country hostage with threats of terrorist attacks against federal institutions and other acts of violence against individuals in the six days leading up to the inauguration of the new administration on January 20.

Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy decried the designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism saying: "... domestic terrorism in the United States poses a far greater threat to Americans than Cuba does."

We fully support the statement of the Cuban government which condemned in the strongest and most absolute terms this fraudulent, arbitrary, unjust and baseless decision by the current U.S. administration. We reiterate the following points without equivocation:

- Cuba is widely recognized by the international community as a country that promotes peace and solidarity all over the world. It does not belong on a list of state sponsors of terrorism.

- This designation by the U.S. State Department is not motivated by any legitimate concern related to terrorism or its consequences.

- Its aim is solely to denigrate Cuba and justify the imposition of harsher coercive economic measures in the last week of the Trump administration, in addition to the more than 230 other unilateral sanctions it has implemented which have caused irreparable damage to the Cuban economy and people.

- Its true motivation is to impose additional obstacles to any prospective restoration of bilateral relations between Cuba and the United States.

Show your support for normal relations with Cuba by attending the virtual pickets against the all-sided U.S. blockade of Cuba to be held on January 17.

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 1 - January 15, 2021

Article Link:
Desperate Trump Administration Designates Cuba as : Cuba Is Not a State that Sponsors Terrorism - Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)


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