2023 Anniversaries December National Day of Remembrance and Action Against Violence Against Women December 6 November Balfour Declaration November 2, 1917Hanging of Louis Riel November 16, 1885 October Terrorist Bombing of Cuban Airliner October 6, 1976Founding of the Workers’ Party of Korea October 10, 1945Defeat of Charlottetown Accord October 26, 1992 September Victory of Chinese Resistance Against Japanese Aggression September 3, 194575th Anniversary of Founding of DPRK September 9, 194850th Anniversary of U.S. Coup in Chile September 11, 1973Munich Agreement and Historical Fraud September 30, 1943 August Start of the Warsaw Uprising August 1, 1944Use of Nuclear Weapons in Hiroshima & Nagasaki August 6 & 9, 1944Hardial Bains August 15, 1939- August 24, 1997Historic Conference in Chertsey, Quebec August 19, 1989Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact August 23, 1939Anniversary of the Party Press August 26, 1970 July Canada Day July 1Signing of Korean Armistice Agreement July 27, 1953 June Indira Gandhi’s Invasion of Golden Temple June 3-8, 1984Normandy Landing During World War Two June 6, 1944Juneteenth and the End of Slavery June 19National Indigenous Peoples Day June 21Quebec’s Fête nationale June 24Start of the Korean War June 25, 1950Defeat of Meech Lake Accord June 23, 1990 May Victdory Over Fascism May 9, 1945Gwangju People’s Uprising May 18-28, 1980Birth of Ho Chi Minh May 19, 1890 April Founding of NATO April 4, 1949Birth of Paul Robeson April 9, 1898Battle of Vimy Ridge April 9-12, 1917Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in Punjab April 13, 1919Birth of President Kim Il Sung April 15, 1912Important Anniversaries of the Cuban Revolution April 16-19, 1961Day of Mourning April 28 March February Birth of Bertold Brecht February 10, 1898Allied Firebombing of Dresden February 13-14, 1945Black History MonthCoup in Haiti February 29, 2004 January CPC(M-L)’s Historic Initiative January 1, 1995Triumph of the Cuban Revolution January 1, 1959Triumph of the Haitian Revolution January 1, 1804Death of V.I. Lenin January 21, 1924Anniversary of Republic of India January 26, 1950Liberation of Auschwitz January 27, 1945 Join Our Mailing List Email address* NamePostal CodeEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ