78th Anniversary of the Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
No to U.S./NATO Warmongering!
Make Canada a Zone for Peace!
![]() Painting by Kimura Hideo a 12-year-old survivor of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, August 6, 1945 |
August 6 and 9 mark the 78th anniversary of the U.S. nuclear attacks against the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively in 1945. When the U.S. committed these war crimes in Japan, Canada’s Minister of Munitions and Supply, C.D. Howe, immediately praised the military action. “It is a distinct pleasure for me to announce that Canadian scientists have played an intimate part, and have been associated in an effective way with this great scientific development,” he told the press.
To this day Canada pursues the criminal policy of negotiating on the basis of the nuclear threat. It is one of the architects of NATO’s strategic concept of maintaining nuclear superiority as integral to maintaining what it calls a “credible deterrence.” The U.S. refuses to even commit to a “no first use” policy, stating that it “reserves the right to use” nuclear weapons first in the case of conflict.
Canada postures that it pursues “a pragmatic step-by-step approach toward nuclear disarmament” which is disinformation to divert the people’s organizing efforts to empower themselves to remove those economic and political forces which pursue a war policy.
The war aims of the imperialist powers were on full display at the G7 Summit which was held in Hiroshima this year from May 19 to 21. To cover up that the very fact of meeting in Hiroshima was to serve notice to the entire world of what lies in wait for them if they do not submit to the U.S. dictate, the G7 leaders issued what they called their Hiroshima Vision on Nuclear Disarmament. The preamble says, in part, “In a solemn and reflective moment, we reaffirm, in this first G7 Leaders’ document with a particular focus on nuclear disarmament, our commitment to achieving a world without nuclear weapons with undiminished security for all.”
The statement goes on to say that the G7 is pledged to “upholding and reinforcing the free and open international order based on the rule of law, respecting the UN Charter to the benefit of countries, large and small; strongly opposing any unilateral attempts to change the peacefully established status of territories by force or coercion anywhere in the world and reaffirming that the acquisition of territory by force is prohibited; promoting universal human rights, gender equality and human dignity.”
This statement underscores what the peoples of the world face when words are used to mean the opposite of what they say. The warranted conclusion is for the peoples of the world to set their own course and not remain bound to responding to what the imperialists say. To keep the people chained to a pro or con stance toward the use of nuclear weapons is precisely the aim set by the U.S. and Cold War warriors after World War II. It was to smash the peoples’ movement for peace, freedom and democracy on the basis of de-nazification, de-militarization and the re-establishment of democracy and its further enhancement. Now, once again, they are using the nuclear threat to terrify humankind whose aspirations lie in their own empowerment to end the scourges the imperialists rain upon them.
Further in the document, the G7 asserts: “[We want] Russia to stop its military aggression, and immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw its troops from Ukraine.” Nothing is said about ending the criminal measures the U.S./NATO countries have taken to wage a proxy war in Ukraine to the last Ukrainian, or their use of uranium cluster munitions or brinkmanship using nuclear-armed proxy war battle-groups in the world’s seven seas — the Arctic, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific, Indian, and Southern oceans.
Regarding China, the G7 statement says, among other things, that they oppose China’s militarization activities in the South China Sea but not a word about their own provocative activities in the region all of which are now raising the so-called nuclear option. It is criminal indeed.
As regards the DPRK, the G7 is vituperous in spreading disinformation as to the reasons the DPRK has developed its self-defence capabilities in a manner which will ensure the U.S. cannot raze the DPRK to the ground as it attempted to do in its 1950-53 war of aggression against Korea that divided the country and caused massive casualties and suffering for its people not only then but to this day when families remain divided, under the threat of nuclear holocaust.
The statement of the G7 Summit in Hiroshima declared: “We strongly condemn North Korea’s unprecedented number of unlawful ballistic missile launches, each of which violated multiple UN Security Council Resolutions (UNSCRs). We demand that North Korea refrain from any other destabilizing or escalatory actions, including any further nuclear tests or launches that use ballistic missile technology, which undermine regional stability and pose a grave threat to international peace and security. Such reckless actions must be met with a swift, united and robust international response.”
These threats and disinformation against Russia, China and the DPRK were met with condemnation not only from these countries but also the forces for peace worldwide. For example, the International Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) noted in its statement denouncing the stand of the G7: “The G7 are trying to sell decades-old and insufficient initiatives as a new ‘vision,’ when at the same time they themselves are complicit in the rising nuclear risks and promoting mass murder of civilians as a legitimate form of national security policy.”
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Hiroshima, a cardboard cutout of U.S./NATO nonsense, shamelessly beat the drums of war. “This week, the G7 issued the Hiroshima Vision on Nuclear Disarmament in which we condemn Russia’s reckless nuclear rhetoric. The threat of nuclear weapons is also very real here, in the North Pacific. Security and stability in the region is an important part of our Indo-Pacific Strategy. This is why we announced this week that Canada is investing in projects to help identify, investigate and respond to North Korea’s activities related to weapons of mass destruction. We also announced additional funds for the International Atomic Energy Agency to continue monitoring Iran’s nuclear commitments.”
Trudeau had nothing to say when, a month before the G7 Summit, U.S. President Joe Biden threatened the DPRK with a nuclear assault that would result in the “end of the Kim Jong Un regime.” Using Hiroshima as the base for issuing threats of armed aggression and even nuclear war is a criminal affront to the memory of the immediate and ongoing victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and a provocation against all humanity.
On this occasion, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) expresses its deepest respects to the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and their families. Peace-loving Canadians express their commitment to make “Never Again” the watchword of humanity. Let us step up the struggle to Make Canada a Zone for Peace and do everything within our power to avert the danger of another world war and also end all regional wars provoked by the U.S./NATO cabal and former colonial powers. It is the resistance struggles of the peoples which the imperialists seek to snuff out that will ensure the cause of peace, freedom and democracy prevail.
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