April 29, 2017 - No. 15

May Day Salute to the Workers
of All Lands!


All Out for May Day 2017!


Photo Review
Achievements of Workers' Movement Over the Past Year

All Out to Defend and Humanize the Natural and Social Environment

People's Climate March and Earth Day Marches for Science

May Day Salute to the Workers of All Lands!

Unite to defend the rights of all and build the new!

Led by the working class struggle for emancipation and nation-building on a new historical basis, the working and oppressed people all over the world are in action to defend their rights and open a path to society's progress. The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) sends revolutionary greetings to the workers of all lands on this May Day 2017.

May First 2017 is especially auspicious because it falls in the year of the centenary of the Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia and the beginning of the first sustained nation-building project of the modern working class. The historic victory in depriving the imperialist bourgeoisie of Russia of its power to wage war and deprive the Russian working class and peasantry of their rights for land, peace and bread, and their own nation-building project still inspires the working people because they know It can be done!

May Day finds the working class in North America engaged in struggles throughout the continent to defend its rights and organize to build the new. The working class of Mexico, Canada and the United States has an important role to play in defeating the U.S.-led Fortress North America and opening a path forward to the elimination of U.S. imperialist global aggression, occupation and exploitation.

U.S. imperialism has emerged as the most dangerous aggressor, with military bases throughout the world waging war against the peoples, depriving them of their sovereign right to be, and threatening nuclear annihilation of those who resist. The working class of North America is charged with a special responsibility to deprive the U.S. imperialists and their flunkeys in Mexico and Canada of their power to wage war. The working class is determined to make Mexico, Canada and the U.S. zones of peace and beacons of hope and progress for the world instead of war criminal states spreading global death, destruction and backwardness.

In Canada, the working class is striving to defend its rights and working and living conditions. It upholds its aim of emancipation through strengthening its independent politics and the building of its own political headquarters, media and all manner of institutions. The determination of the working class to defend its rights at work and throughout society is matched with its aim and resolve to bring the new into being as a necessary step towards emancipation.

Striking workers from CEZinc in Quebec are joined by Hamilton Local 1005 steelworkers and Toronto steelworkers to say "No" to the attacks on their pensions at a picket outside the
Noranda Income Fund's annual general meeting in Toronto, April 28, 2017.

CPC(M-L) hails all those sections of the Canadian and Quebec working class engaged in combat including workers in forestry, mining, other industrial and manufacturing sectors, the service industry and public sector, and steelworkers at Stelco, Algoma Steel and CEZinc who have launched the militant slogan: No Means No!

For the working class to affirm its rights and agree to equilibrium in relations of production, which must include the right to determine its wages, benefits, pensions and working conditions, it must have the power to say No!

No! to the ruling oligarchs who are throwing in the mud the just expectations of the working class for security while working and in retirement.

No! to the use of dictate, arbitrariness and police powers to defraud the workers of the pensions and benefits that belong to them by right.

No! to the denial of the right to employment and the continued existence of the anti-worker labour market, which should already be consigned to the museum of hated antiquities alongside the slave market.

No! to the anti-social offensive and its destruction of social programs, privatizations and constant downward pressure on Canadian standard wages and living conditions.

No! to death and injuries at work and workers left to fend for themselves.

No! to paying the rich!

No! to predatory and imperialist war!

No! to rulers who refuse to be held to account by the ruled and instead hide behind the fraud of disinformation, cartel party politics and a discredited political and electoral system that needs democratic renewal.

The determination of working people to defend and affirm the rights of all and build the new is unyielding. Their No Means No!

The working class and its political headquarters and institutions declare that they will not bow down to the negation of their rights. They are determined to forge a new direction for the economy and politics that serves working people and society, guarantees the rights of all and opens a path towards emancipation. The working class and its allies will find a way forward to a new form of governing through laws where people are guaranteed the rights they hold by virtue of being human and can elect their peers so that the rulers and the ruled become one and each can hold the other to account for their actions.

The current ruling imperialist elite have proven themselves unfit to rule. Their wars of aggression, constant attacks on the rights of all and refusal to solve the problems of the economy and political system reveal to one and all their incapacity to govern. The self-serving narrow aim of the oligarchs to serve their private interests and empire building is unsustainable. The socialized economy requires forms of cooperation with a broad aim to serve the well-being of the people and general interests of society. The working people need empowerment and democratic renewal to sort out problems in politics, the economy, and their relations at work and generally in society.

In a similar spirit to the heroic Russian workers and peasants who one hundred years ago smashed through the barriers of imperialist war and repression to build the new, the Mexican, Canadian and American working class will not rest until it brings into being nation building projects of their own making suitable for the twenty-first century.

On this May First 2017, the working class declares with utmost conviction that its rights are inviolable and the time is overdue to organize to deprive the ruling imperialist elite of their power to deprive the people of their right to decide and control all those affairs that affect their lives.

All out for empowerment, democratic renewal and an anti-war government!

Long live May Day, a day the international working class affirms boldly and publicly its determination and central decisive role to defend the rights of all and build the new!

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Photo Review

Achievements of Workers' Movement
Over the Past Year

TML Weekly is publishing on the occasion of May Day 2017 a photo review highlighting the struggles of the working people of Canada and Quebec since May Day 2016. May Day is a time to carry out summation of the achievements of the workers' movement in the past year and set goals for what it seeks to achieve in the coming year.

The review highlights some of the many organized actions of the workers in Canada and Quebec over the past year to defend their rights and turn the situation around in their favour. The actions of the workers and people to affirm their rights and the rights and well-being of all are a vivid reminder of why the task of nation-building falls on the workers today.

So too, one of the achievements of the workers' movement is the sustained publication of Workers' Forum by the Workers' Centre of CPC(M-L) to smash the silence on the workers' living and working conditions and report on their struggles against the anti-social offensive and to open society's path to progress. The non-Party workers' press has also made headway, seen in the regular publication of Justice for Injured Workers produced by the workers themselves in defence of their rights, as well as many union and other publications.

TML Weekly salutes the working people on the occasion of May Day 2017 and sends its best wishes for militant and successful actions on May 1 and in the year to come.


May Day rally in support of locked out MANA steelworkers in Hamilton, May 1, 2016.

Aerospace manufacturing workers participate in May Day 2016 in Montreal.

Autoworkers and allies rally in Windsor May 12, 2016, to oppose neo-liberal free trade outside Liberal government's consultations on Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement.

Hamilton Steelworkers' press conference July 14, 2016, demands a public inquiry into U.S. Steel's phony backruptcy protection scheme under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act.

Steelworkers from Local 1005 USW continue to picket the fraudulent CCAA bankruptcy court
hearings, photo shows July 27, 2016, action.

On July 29, 2016, United Steelworkers Local 1005 celebrates 70 years of continuous resistance in defence of steelworkers' rights.

Local 1005 Steelworkers distribute 70th anniversary issue of  Information Update in downtown Hamilton as part of regular work to inform the community about their fight for the workers,
retirees and steel industry.

On September 30, 2016, workers from Grimsby, Welland and Brantford converge at gates of
Max Aicher North American plant in Hamilton in response to USW Local 1005's call for
solidarity with locked-out workers.

Stelco steelworkers, retirees, salaried employees, and supporters hold "Hands Off Our
Pensions Rally" at Ontario MPP Ted McMeekin's office in Waterdown on November 25, 2016.

Hamilton steelworkers hold lively rally January 13, 2017, to defend pensions and express their determination to hold the Wynne/Trudeau Liberal governments to account.

Steelworkers at Samuel et Fils in Laval picket the plant February 12, 2017, after taking strike action to stop attacks on their pension plans.

Workers at CEZinc refinery in Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, striking to resist attacks on their pension plans, rally February 12, 2017.

Steelworkers' locals from U.S. Steel and Essar Steel Algoma hold a joint press conference February 27, 2017, in Sault Ste Marie where they express their determination to resist the
unjust and dictatorial "Wild West" of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act.

Striking workers at CEZinc in Salaberry-de-Valleyfield participate in a special membership
meeting March 8, 2017, as part of stepping up actions in defence of their rights in the face of
the company's demands for anti-worker concessions.

USW Local 1005 and allies picket outside of Hamilton East-Stoney Creek MP Bob Bratina's
office March 2, 2017, to raise public awareness of the role of the Companies' Creditors
Act in robbing workers of what is theirs by right.

Four hundred striking CEZinc workers and their allies demonstrate in Salaberry-de-Valleyfield
on March 29, 2017, joined by steelworkers from Samuel and Son -- themselves on strike
since February 4, others from Ciment Lafarge and a contingent of workers from Horne
Copper Smelter in Rouyn-Noranda.

Striking workers from CEZinc refinery in Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec, are joined by steelworkers from Hamilton and Toronto and other allies in protest at the Noranda Income
Fund's (NIF) Annual General Meeting in Toronto April 28, 2017. NIF owns CEZinc.


Mobilization by Quebec workers leads to September 19, 2016, reinstatement of a mineworker suspended for defending the health and safety of miners at IAMGOLD mine in Pressiac, Quebec.

Workers' Forum, November 17, 2016

Workers' Forum, March 30, 2017


Construction workers participate in May Day 2016  in Montreal.


Workers' Forum, November 17, 2016

A successful tour across Central and Northern BC is organized by the Stand Up for the North Committee to discuss solutions for the problems facing the forestry industry and the
communities that depend on it. Meetings take place in Prince George (photo above),
Mackenzie, Williams Lake and Fort St. James from March 13-17, 2017.


Residents of Lac-Mégantic on July 10, 2016, mark third anniversary of the train derailment and
explosion, reiterating their demand for genuine rail safety measures and that the rail line
carrying dangerous goods be rerouted outside their community. Rail workers across the
country continue their fight for the safety of workers and passengers to ensure there are
no more Lac-Mégantics.

Toronto arbitration hearing, September 16, 2016, forces Air Canada to reinstate editor of New
bulletin for in-flight workers and another flight attendant. The workers had been arbitrarily fired for speaking out about their working conditions and problems
facing Air Canada workers.

Striking workers at the Port of Montreal join October 15, 2016, action demanding changes to
labour laws that favour the workers, including a higher minimum wage.

A demonstration is held October 21, 2016, outside an event at the Ritz-Carlton in Montreal
promoting the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement signed with the European Union.

Maritime workers and allies march to the Transport Canada offices in Vancouver on
November 3, 2016, denouncing the Liberal government's signing of the Comprehensive
Economic and Trade Agreement with the European Union (top). Stewart, BC picket (bottom).

Convoy of hundreds of trucks converges on National Assembly in Quebec City on
November 19, 2016, as Quebec truckers affirm their dignity and rights.

Demonstration in Hamilton November 24, 2016, against privatizing public transit and
Hydro One, marks the 110th anniversary of the 1906 Amalgamated Transit Union strike
in that city for public transit.

 Vigorous day of action by maritime workers January 12, 2017, demands government defend maritime jobs threatened by the neo-liberal free trade agreement with Europe. Actions take
place in Victoria (photo above), Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal.

Transportation workers in Vancouver rally February 23, 2017, against the federal government's
plans to privatize sea and airports and dismantle cabotage, and denounce its endorsement of
the Canada Transportation Act review which advocates deregulation and privatization to hand
over control of maritime, air, rail and truck transport systems to the global oligopolies.

Post Office

Postal workers rally in Montreal  in defence of their rights, August 6, 2016, during contract
negotiations with Canada Post.

Calgary postal workers and supporters picket September 17, 2016, in support of public post
office and in opposition to the Liberal government's "Mandate Review" of the Post Office
through which they are attacking workers' rights.

Postal workers demonstrate at Laval West depot April 6, 2017, expressing outrage over
Canada Post's unilateral changes to working conditions of letter carriers in urban areas.

Public Services

Municipal workers rally against Quebec Bill 110 dictating public sector working conditions, in Quebec City, May 12, 2016.

Public service workers hold coast-to-coast day of action on June 8, 2016, to back demands in
the face of attacks on sick leave and right to negotiate. Photo above from Gatineau.

Ontario public sector workers oppose privatization of public assets at
Labour Day 2016 in Toronto.

Public sector workers rally in Winnipeg, September 2016, to oppose ending of grain shipments from the Port of Churchill. Pickets also take place in Churchill.

Montreal blue collar workers protest Couillard Liberal government's anti-worker Bill 110,
October 17, 2016, at a government press conference.

Workers' Forum, October 27, 2016

Federal public service workers' demonstrations across the country October 31, 2016, include a
large rally at the Prime Minister's Office in Ottawa (photo above). Workers protest the Liberal government's refusal to negotiate a new collective agreement and its failure to resolve the
cases of tens of thousands of unpaid or underpaid workers.

Workers at the Blue Water Bridge in Point Edward, near Sarnia, Ontario hold a strike rally November 27, 2016, to reject major concessions on benefits, pensions, maternity and parental leave, hours of work and scheduling.

Health Care

Mass mobilization of workers, residents and families September 12, 2016, to defend public
seniors care on BC's Sunshine Coast.

Rally February 3, 2017, at the Points West Living Alberta corporate office in Edmonton
demands the company lift the lockout of its employees in Cold Lake and stop attacking their wages and working conditions and the living conditions of the seniors in their care.

Striking Quebec paramedics demonstrate in Montreal March 16, 2017. The rally is one of three,
with others held at the National Assembly in Quebec City and in New Richmond in Gaspésie.
The actions are part of a strike of nearly 6,000 paramedics, emergency medical
dispatchers and support staff in the pre-hospital sector in Quebec.


Rally in Vancouver October 20, 2016, opposes firing of all members of  the Vancouver School Board for refusing to make cuts required to implement "balanced budget law."

Workers' Forum, November 24, 2016

Teachers and education workers, supported by parents and students, take to the streets in
Halifax December 5, 2016, to reject government threats to impose collective agreements
that attack teachers' working conditions and students' learning conditions.

Nova Scotia government is forced to back down from threats to impose agreements on teachers and large rallies are held in Halifax, Yarmouth (photo above) and Antigonish on
December 6, 2016, reiterating the demand: Negotiate, Don't Dictate!

Teachers and education workers hold the first province-wide strike action in the history of Nova Scotia on February 17, 2017 in defence of public education and to protest the Liberal
government's decision to legislate contracts. Photo shows teachers surrounding the
provincial legislature in Halifax that day.

Defend the Rights of All Working People

Defence of the rights of migrant workers and precarious workers at May Day 2016 in Toronto (above) and Edmonton.

Rally on Ontario Injured Workers' Day, June 1, 2016, demands justice for injured workers.

Workers' Forum, September 15, 2016

Mass rally on October 1, 2016, at Ontario Legislature demands changes to labour law that
favour workers, particularly those forced into precarious work.

Historic Harvesting Freedom Caravan concludes 1,500 kilometre journey from Southern Ontario
to Ottawa demanding justice for migrant farmworkers with a rally in Ottawa, October 6, 2016.

March in Montreal October 15, 2016, calls for higher minimum wage and improvement of
working conditions of precariously employed workers.

The Ontario Network of Injured Workers' Groups holds its 25th Annual Christmas rally in
Toronto December 12, 2016, and demands the government investigate the WSIB.
Picket actions were also held in Thunder Bay and Windsor.

February 21, 2017 press conference in Baie-Comeau on Quebec's North Shore launches
campaign to eliminate the "black hole," the period between the end of unemployed workers' employment insurance benefits (EI) and when they return to work, where they are left without income. Pictured, left to right are: Nelson Breton, Métallos; Julie Brassard, Mouvement Action-Chômage Charlevoix; Claude Guimond, Le Conseil national des chômeurs et chômeuses;
Yvon Payeur, Confédération des syndicats nationaux; Line Sirois, Action-Chômage Haute-Côte-Nord; and Jack Picard.

Our Security Lies in the Fight for the Rights of All!

Protests in Ottawa June 29, 2016, against the summit of "North American Leaders," reject
plans of  the governments of Canada, the U.S. and Mexico to exploit the land, resources and labour of those three countries in the service of North American oligopolies and embroil the peoples of North America in imperialist war preparations.

Onkwehonwe (Indigenous people) lead thousands in spirited opening march of World Social Forum in Montreal on August 9, 2016.

Edmonton Walk for Water, September 11, 2016, in support of the courageous resistance of the Standing Rock Sioux to the building of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Sisters in Spirit vigils across the country October 4, 2016 continue demand for justice for missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls and condemn the Trudeau government's failure to uphold the rights of Indigenous peoples. Above photo from vigil on Parliament steps in Ottawa.

Students from 58 colleges and universities in 36 cities hold actions November 2, 2016, to
demand the elimination of tuition fees and affirm that education is a right. Photo above is
from action in Halifax.

Protest in Drummondville, November 4, 2016, against passing of Bill 106 which facilitates
further monopoly plunder of Quebec's natural resources.

Actions organized November 7-9, 2016, by social organizations from many sectors in Quebec
call for an end to the neo-liberal austerity agenda and re-investment in social programs.
Above photo is from action in Quebec City.

An emergency rally is held in Vancouver November 29, 2016, following the Trudeau
government's approval of the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion.

Vancouver activists hold 100th weekly picket January 31, 2017, to demand the repeal of
Bill C-51, the Anti-Terrorism Act, 2015.

Sister marches to Women's March on Washington take place in cities across Canada on
January 21, 2017 as mass resistance in the U.S., Canada and around the world sets the tone
for the Trump presidency. Women affirm their rights and their place in the front ranks
of the fight for the rights of all. Above photo from march in Calgary.

Demonstrations are held in Ottawa (above) as well as Toronto and Montreal January 30, 2017, against assault on rights imposed with President Trump's travel and refugee ban.

Beginning January 30 in dozens of communities from coast to coast to coast, thousands
gathered to pay their respects and offer their sincere condolences to the victims of the
January 29, 2017, shootings in Quebec City, their families and the Muslim community.
Vigil above takes place in Whitehorse.

Marches across Canada on February 14, 2017 reaffirmed the demand for justice for missing
and murdered Indigenous women and girls and denounced the paternalism of the Trudeau government's treatment of Indigenous peoples' hereditary, treaty and constitutional rights. Pictured is Women's Memorial March in Vancouver.

Militant mass actions in Canada marking International Women's Day affirm that women are determined to renew their resistance and plant the flag of women's rights. Photo shows
Toronto, March 11, 2017.

Picket in Windsor March 18, 2017,  marks the 14th anniversary of the criminal U.S. invasion of
Iraq with the demand for an end to U.S.-led wars of terror.

Canadians from all walks of life oppose the U.S. missile attack on Syria and Canada's support
for U.S. aims of regime change and war. Photo of Ottawa protest April 8, 2017.

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All Out to Defend and Humanize the Natural and Social Environment

People's Climate March and
Earth Day Marches for Science

March for Climate Jobs and Justice

Climate march, New York City, September 21, 2014.

Washington, DC
Saturday, April 29 -- 11:00 am

Capitol Building, 3rd St and Jefferson Dr. SW

For information: https://peoplesclimate.org

Events in Canada and Around the World
For information: https://peoplesclimate.org/sister-marches/

The second People's Climate March is taking place in Washington, DC on Saturday, April 29 at the National Mall, blocks from the White House. Tens of thousands are expected to attend, highlighting the deep concern of the people over climate change and their demand for deep-going transformations to avert the dangers it poses and defend the natural environment.

The march organizers note that April 29 will mark the 100th day of the U.S. Trump administration and that the action will "show the world and our leaders that we will resist attacks on our people, our communities and our planet." In that regard, participants will denounce the fact that not only has the Trump administration dropped the pretense of previous U.S. administrations of acting to combat climate change and protect people from its effects, it has begun to reverse what environmental protections did exist. This includes budget cuts of around 31 per cent from the Environmental Protection Agency and an executive order revoking various measures of the previous U.S. President's "Clean Power Plan" as well as promises to continue the previous administration's program of expanding U.S. domestic oil and gas production.

On Earth Day, April 22 more than 600 March for Science events were held around the world followed by a week of actions. According to estimates, several hundred thousand people participated. Eighteen rallies were held in Canada with thousands of participants. The day of action began with a march in Washington, DC and spread to other cities and countries.

Earth Day March for Science in Washington, DC (J. Shore)

The marches were a "celebration of science" but also highlighted "the very real role that science plays in each of our lives and the need to respect and encourage research that gives us insight into the world," organizers said. In response to questions about whether scientists should involve themselves in politics, the March for Science website noted, "In the face of an alarming trend toward discrediting scientific consensus and restricting scientific discovery, we might ask instead: can we afford not to speak out in its defense?"

March for Science organizers argued, "The best way to ensure science will influence policy is to encourage people to appreciate and engage with science." They noted that the application of science is essential to protecting "the health of our communities, the safety of our families, the education of our children, the foundation of our economy and jobs, and the future we all want to live in and preserve for coming generations. We speak up now because all of these values are currently at risk. When science is threatened, so is the society that scientists uphold and protect." Organizers also stressed the need to affirm science as a democratic value.

The March outlined the following principles:

- science that serves the common good;
- evidenced-based policy and regulations in the public interest;
- cutting-edge science education;
- diversity and inclusion in [science, technology, engineering and mathematics];
- open, honest science and inclusive public outreach;
- funding for scientific research and its applications.

Earth Day Marches for Science


St. John's
















United States

Washington, DC



Ann Arbor




Los Angeles

San Francisco

San Diego


Latin America and the Caribbean

St. George's University, Grenada

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Mexico City, Mexico

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Santiago, Chile

Buenos Aires, Argentina


Dublin, Ireland

Edinburgh, Scotland

London, England

Paris, France

Berlin, Germany

Warsaw, Poland


Abuja, Nigeria

Cape Town, South Africa

Kampala, Uganda

Blantyre, Malawi


Busan, Korea

Tokyo, Japan

Quezon, Philippines


Melbourne, Australia


(Photos: TML, March for Science, R. Savi, B. McNoldy, J. Owens, G. Molina, J. Combden, M. Hudema, L. King, D. Leung, V. Brown, Science First, C. Malgarin, S. Watson, B. Stirling, B. Bowen, O. McBride, J. Peters, J. Hopgood, A. S. Sind, M. Sepulveda, R. Lexzier, C. McCabe, T. Omozuwa, B. Rakeepile, A. Oshiro, Kalikasan)

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