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December 17, 2018

2018 Photo Review

Taking Bold Stands in Defence
of the Rights of All and to
Make Canada a Zone for Peace


With this issue of TML Daily, CPC(M-L) begins its month-by-month 2018 photo review.

Throughout 2018, Canadian, Quebeckers and Indigenous peoples took bold stands in defence of the rights of all.

The year began in Sudbury, with the travelling exhibition "Walking with Our Sisters." This beautiful and moving tribute brought together people in memory of thousands of Indigenous women and girls and to demand an end to their disappearances and murders. This tenacious spirit of all those involved in this fight for rights and justice imbued this and many other struggles in 2018.

The tone for the year was also set with vigorous stands taken by aluminum smelter workers in Bécancour, Quebec when they were locked out by the company on January 11. Throughout the year, their determined defence of their rights against company demands for concessions and their fight that the Quebec government must not allow the company to pay for its lockout through reneging on its payments to Hydro Quebec has won the solidarity and financial support of workers across Quebec and Canada and continues as the year comes to an end.

The support of Canadians from all walks of life for peace, justice and reunification on the Korean Peninsula was expressed in a big way at the warmongering Vancouver conference of the aggressor powers in the Korean War. Weekly pickets restarted in January to call for a peaceful resolution of the tensions on the Korean Peninsula and that Canada act as a factor for peace.

January also saw the first anniversary of the Trump presidency and the 2017 Women's March on Washington and the coordinated actions around the world in which millions participated expressing their opposition to the vicious anti-social offensive. The occasion was marked with marches across Canada and around the world in which women's rights and the demand for justice for missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls were put on the agenda on a broad scale from the beginning of the year.

In Ontario, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) began  regular meetings amongst working people to discuss how to take part in the June Ontario election, on the basis that working people themselves, by using their speech, can and must affirm their conscience and establish a framework with which to intervene in a manner that favours them.

Going into 2018, CPC(M-L) called on people to reject "any outlook that seeks to imbue us with a view that no alternative is possible. We reject an outlook that tells us human beings have no other option but to submit to the police powers over which not only we, the people, exercise no control but over which those who have seized power by force exercise no control either." The events in January set a good direction for people to take their own independent stands in defence of the rights of all.

January 4
Walking With Our Sisters' travelling exhibit of more than 1,800 pairs of unfinished moccasins reaches Sudbury. These moccasin tops (vamps) represent unfinished lives and are an expression of the demand for justice for the thousands of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.


January 6
The Marxist-Leninist Party of Quebec (PMLQ) holds a lively New Year get-together in Montreal, with broad participation of workers from many sectors as well as youth and students and people from various communities. Amongst other things, the PMLQ highlights the need for the workers to intervene in the general election to be held in Quebec in October, on the basis of themselves finding the solutions for the serious problems facing Quebec.


January 11
Montreal weekly picket and petition signing for peace on the Korean Peninsula.

January 12
Steelworkers rally outside the ABI smelter in Bécancour, Quebec, after the lockout begins the previous day.

January 14
A brunch and discussion organized in Toronto by the Workers' Centre of CPC(M-L) brings together working people from across southern Ontario to apprise themselves of the tasks facing them in the coming year, how issues pose themselves and how to intervene.

January 15-16
Pickets, discussions and other activities in Vancouver denounce the Vancouver meeting of foreign ministers of the aggressor nations in the Korean War and call for peace on the Korean Peninsula.

January 16
Information pickets and petition signings are held in Toronto (below), Montreal and Edmonton, to ensure Canadians are informed about events on the Korean Peninsula and Canada's dangerous role.


January 17
Monthly pickets in Montreal, Ottawa and Vancouver demand an end to the criminal
U.S. blockade of Cuba. The work to relieve the Cuban people of this attack on their human rights, interference in their economy, international relations and trade takes on renewed urgency with the setback in U.S. relations with Cuba imposed by the Trump presidency.




January 20
Across Canada, women's marches on the occasion of the one-year anniversary of the Women's March on Washington and related actions around the world in 2017, reject the broad assault on rights taking place under the Trump presidency in the U.S. A notable feature of the actions in Canada is the demand for justice for missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.

St. John's

Saint John













Thunder Bay







Fraser Valley




http://cpcml.ca/Tmlw2018/W48004.HTM#6  (Photos: TML, Women's March 2018, Xinhua, Les EssentiElles, A. Gagnon, R. Boilbeau, G. Caliskan, D. Osmond, Foundry Photo, L. MacDonald, A. Hufane, @huile_doppler, N. Tabandcura, K. Rosenkrantz, snapd, J. Jules, C. Marie, K. Shields, D. Maria, YWCA, T. Philips, D. Fairbairn, G. Decelled)

January 21
Working people from across southern Ontario begin regular meetings in Hamilton to discuss their concerns, the fights they and their collectives are waging, and how to break the silence on these concerns in the June Ontario election.

January 24
University of Northern BC food service workers rally for better wages
and working conditions.


January 27
Workers rally in Montreal outside the sixth round of talks to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement, on the basis that neo-liberal free trade has only served the private interests of big business, not that of working people or the public.

Rallies and vigils on the first anniversary of the shootings at the Quebec City mosque, reaffirm the social solidarity between Canadians from all walks of life and their fundamental opposition to attempts to sow divisions based on race, religion or any other consideration.

Quebec City





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