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Davos World Economic Forum
The Ruling Oligarchy Reschedules Davos World Economic Forum
Representatives of the global oligarchy gather each January in Davos, Switzerland to collude and discuss how to continue their domination of the world. The meetings since the outbreak of the pandemic have been held virtually. A virtual gathering began January 17 with speeches from world leaders where the most notable announcement was that an in-person meeting would take place May 22-26 this year.
A press release from the Forum said the working title of the May gathering is “Working Together, Restoring Trust.” Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum said, “After all the virtual meetings taking place in the last two years, leaders from politics, business and civil society have to convene finally in person again. We need to establish the atmosphere of trust that is truly needed to accelerate collaborative action and to address the multiple challenges we face.”
The press release said, “The summit will offer world leaders an opportunity to take stock of the state of the world and share partnerships and policies for the crucial period ahead. Topics on the agenda include the pandemic recovery, tackling climate change, building a better future for work, accelerating stakeholder capitalism, and harnessing the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”
Stakeholder capitalism is presented as an alternative that attempts to restrain the aim of imperialism for maximum profit at the expense of all else. Despite stakeholder capitalism being bandied about for years, a dominant trend of the imperialist economy concentrating social wealth in fewer hands continues apace. The pandemic has accelerated this trend generating greater inequality.
The Forum press release said that the world leaders in government, business and civil society who spoke at the January virtual Forum highlighted a global economic outlook of “inequality, healthy futures, climate and resilience.”
The press release did not elaborate how “inequality” can give rise to “healthy futures.” Reports on inequality say the 10 richest men in the world increased their wealth by $700 billion to over one trillion dollars last year. Apparently, the pandemic and the response of imperialist governments have been very lucrative for them and dramatically increased inequality. These 10 richest men have more than doubled their fortunes in the first two years of the pandemic, while the incomes of 99 per cent of humanity fell and over 160 million more people were forced into poverty.
Inequality is expressed even in the way the United States collects taxes. In the U.S. between 2014 and 2018, the average household of working people paid approximately 14 per cent of its gross income in federal taxes while the country’s 25 richest billionaires paid only three per cent.
More and more people consider that the inequality alluded to by representatives of the rich at the World Economic Forum has gone on long enough and the time now is for action to rectify the situation not words to describe the status quo.
(TML Daily, posted January 25, 2022)