International Women’s Day 2024
All Out to Support Women the World Over – Heart and Soul of Our Humanity
International Women’s Day March, Toronto, March 2, 2024
On this International Women’s Day, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) salutes all those across Canada and Quebec who are fighting for a society where the rights of all are recognized and human beings can flourish. A red salute to all women in the front lines of the striving of all to humanize the natural and social environment, many courageously facing maginalization, defamation and criminalization. A red salute to all Party women who are striving to make sure the level of political discourse is not further eroded and the work to renew the political process and for people’s empowerment is put in first place in every endeavour. It is when women take the lead in this and other battles for the realization of their claims on society, that problems can be resolved.
CPC(M-L) salutes the women across the country who bear the greatest burden of the neo-liberal anti-social offensive and the consequences of crimes of impunity on the part of the Canadian and provincial governments. We greet the fighting working class women who uphold the dignity of labour as they fight for the necessary changes to working and living conditions, and to humanize the natural and social environment. Their contributions and sacrifices in the past year have been truly awesome and deserving of everyone’s profound appreciation and respect. This is so both on the front lines in the fights of industrial workers, miners, fishers, farmers, transport and service sector workers as well as in the health and education sectors and the public service.
The only security the workers can count on lies in their fight for the rights of all. We salute the women workers who take on the brunt of the fight to humanize the natural and social environment, raise their children and uphold the cause of peace, justice and equality to the best of their ability.
Working women are also coming forward to take up the renovation and modernization of what are called the democratic institutions, needed by the entire society. They are tackling the need to renew the political process and modernize the constitution so as to provide the state with an aim which puts the concerns of the people in first place. This work aims to put human beings and their relations with one another and with nature at the centre of society’s concerns, not those of narrow supranational private interests. These narrow private interests impose anarchy and violence. They have taken up nation-wrecking and engage in wars to destroy whatever they cannot control. For them, workers at home are disposable as are the peoples of the world. The fight to end this state of affairs and bring a new world into being puts working women in the van of the struggles where they themselves define what is necessary and how to go about achieving it.
On the occasion of March 8, we also salute the Wet’suwet’en women and Indigenous land defenders across Canada who are resisting the ongoing state attacks and criminalization of their right to be. Their courage and persistence and the justness of their cause deserve broad support. In the past year they have stood second to none, withstanding all attempts to isolate and criminalize them and their peoples as the government pushes fraudulent land deals based on inventing new ways to circumvent constitutional commitments. Along with the use of state violence against elders, women and children and the criminalization of Indigenous peace-keepers and especially the women spokespersons, crimes are being committed.
We salute the persistence of Indigenous women and their families for justice for the missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls and those who are living the demand to search the landfills for the remains of at least three murdered Winnipeg Indigenous women. They are affirming and providing living proof that Indigenous women are not disposable as the federal and provincial governments would have everyone believe.
We salute all the courageous women, youth and students in the forefront of the fight for status for all, equality and an end to discrimination, state-organized racist attacks and violence and arrangements which push women and children into abusive situations including poverty, homelessness and hunger.
The women fighting for rights of all refugees, migrants, visa students, and super-exploited contract workers, and those forced to work in unprotected conditions for poor wages below the cost of living, play a crucial role in upholding human rights and the dignity of human beings. In this regard, we also salute the women of the United States, the UK, the countries of Europe and the entire world who are fighting for the rights and survival of displaced people.
Uppermost on our minds and in our hearts this year are the millions of displaced women and children worldwide as a result of the wars of aggression in which the U.S., UK and former colonial powers and their adjuncts such as Canada always have a hand. The women of Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean are demanding the elimination of conditions which create the violent, desperate plight imposed on them as a result of foreign interference.
A red salute to the women farmers of India who are the mainstay of the struggle of Indian farmers for what belongs to them by right. Their participation in the mass discussions of the problems the farmers face and how to provide them with solutions and the ways and means to bring them about is decisive in the successes the farmers are achieving despite the repression of the Indian state. So too in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kashmir and all the countries fighting against the institutions left-over from the British Raj.
In Haiti and all other countries, the role of women in the fight for the rights of all is as heroic as it is decisive.
Day after day the women of Palestine continue to resist the genocide of which they and their children are the main target in Israel’s genocidal war. We salute their courage and heroism and that of those across Canada, the U.S., Britain and other countries who are demanding an immediate end to Israel’s genocidal assault and siege on Gaza, and a complete and total end to Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories. In Canada, the demands for the government to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza as a matter of principle – not a machination to give Israel time to better achieve its murderous aim – as well as declare an immediate arms embargo on Israel, and to immediately reinstate funding for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees are important to keep up.
We call on all Canadians to support the youth, students and people from all walks of life opposing the use of police powers to criminalize their right to speak, their demands and their actions. Every human being has the right to express themselves freely to defend the rights of all, to give voice to the kind of world they want, the kind of world humanity needs, and the changes required to bring it into being.
On International Women’s Day 2024, let us together discuss and build the mechanisms we need to empower ourselves as the decision-makers, affirm the rights of all as human beings and put an end to the crimes against humanity we are experiencing and witnessing today.
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