110th Anniversary of the Birth of President Kim Il Sung
April 15, 1912
Socialism Lives in the Present and Future of Humankind!
Speech delivered by Hardial Bains, the founder and leader of CPC(M-L), at a mass meeting in Pyongyang in April 1997, on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the birth of Comrade Kim Il Sung and fifth anniversary of the Pyongyang Declaration, that calls on communist parties worldwide to defend and advance the cause of socialism.
Citizens of Pyongyang, distinguished leaders of the Workers’ Party of Korea, other distinguished guests from the party delegations and friendship and solidarity organizations:
On this solemn occasion of the fifth anniversary of the Pyongyang Declaration, I bring best wishes to you and send ardent revolutionary greetings to the beloved leader of the Korean people, Comrade Kim Jong Il.
On behalf of the delegation of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), other party delegations and friendship and solidarity organizations present in this rally, I express thanks to the beloved leader of the Korean people, Comrade Kim Jong Il, and the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea for the invitation to attend the commemoration of the 85th birthday of the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, and for the wonderful arrangement of this Pyongyang Mass Rally celebrating the fifth anniversary of the historic Pyongyang Declaration.
Today in the capitalist countries, especially in the former socialist countries where capitalism has been imposed from above, a broad economic, political, cultural and social chaos prevails, with tragic consequences for the working class and other working people. The promise by imperialism, the world bourgeoisie and reaction and their underlings that “reform” on the basis of a “free market economy”, “multi-party system” and “human rights” would bring prosperity, has proven to be hollow indeed. The society which espouses the “values of free market democracy” is based on 19th century liberalism and empire-building. Its political system has never been democratic for the working masses and never will be. It has convinced no one that the world capitalist-imperialist system is the wave of the present, let alone the future. The bankruptcy of these claims is such that the advanced capitalist countries are withdrawing the notion of society itself and of public health, education and social welfare, and their political system of unrepresentative democracy has become more arbitrary, marginalizing the people from governance as never before. Everything points to its anachronistic character as a political system which is inconsistent with the aspirations of the people and is over-ripe to be overthrown.
Within these conditions of deepening and broadening crisis and the spread of disorder in the capitalist and former socialist world, the imperialists, world bourgeoisie and reaction and their underlings continue their most vicious anti-communist and anti-social offensive, trying to convince the world that there is no further stage in the development of human society. Deathly afraid of more and more working class and other working people seeing through their fraud of “democracy” and “free society” they continue to carry out provocations against those countries, like the DPRK, Cuba and others, which are pursuing their independent course. The inter-imperialist quarrels for the spoils of counter-revolution are increasing. This brings to the fore, once again, the truth that as long as imperialism exists, there will be a danger of inter-imperialist and unjust wars, calling forth the struggle of the peoples to put an end to imperialism and reaction and take their destiny in their own hands.
Within these conditions of world development, comrades, we have gathered here to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Pyongyang Declaration, signed five years ago in April, 1992 by over 70 delegations of communist and workers’ parties on a visit to Pyongyang to celebrate the 80th birthday of the great leader, Comrade Kim Il Sung. This declaration is now signed by 235 political parties and progressive organizations. The main content of the Pyongyang Declaration, that socialism remains the present and the future of humankind and that all parties with the cause of socialism and communism should work and cooperate with each other, has been further validated. The belief that the setbacks to the socialist cause are temporary has been strengthened and ideological confusion about the character of the counter-revolution has been dispelled.
Comrades, on behalf of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) and all the party delegations and friendship and solidarity organizations present at this important rally, I applaud the far-sighted wisdom of the great leader of the Korean people, Comrade Kim Il Sung, for hosting and facilitating the drafting of the Pyongyang Declaration in 1992, right in the midst of the greatest anti-communist, anti-social offensive, giving this offensive a fitting reply.
Comrades, there comes a time when all developments point to the need for deep-going renewal, the need to start afresh. We are passing through such a defining moment. The entire world needs renewal, but what is being offered is retrogression. The future of humanity does not lie in the hands of the imperialists. It lies with those who are fighting to open the door for the progress of the whole world. In this regard, the internationalism of the WPK and its great leader, Comrade Kim Il Sung, are exemplary, as they have linked the fate of Korea with the fate of the entire humankind. With their resolute struggle against imperialism and reaction, for independence and socialism and the reunification of the fatherland, the Korean people, united as one with their Party and leader, Comrade Kim Jong Il, are continuing to be frontline fighters for the emancipation of all humanity, as they have done in the past. The U.S. imperialists and their puppets should remember that they were defeated by the Korean people, with their indomitable struggle and will to resist and fight, proving that any enemy, no matter how powerful and Hitlerite, can be defeated. U.S. imperialism, the most swaggering imperialism, met its defeat in Korea; it could not go home victorious. On the contrary, it has gotten hopelessly pinned down.
It is to the merit and glory of the Korean people, their unity with their Party and leader and the quality of leadership of Comrade Kim Il Sung that U.S. imperialism has been held at bay. Soon it will be compelled to leave the Korean Peninsula, never to return. Such a victory will signify the beginning of the end of imperialism and the old world order. Such a victory is inevitable; it is the trend of history.
We are confident that the Korean people, united with their Party and leader, Comrade Kim Jong Il, following the behests of Comrade Kim Il Sung, will make it happen; Comrades, we pledge our full support for your cause, which is the cause of all struggling humanity to open the door for peace, progress and the emancipation of all humankind.
In conclusion, Comrades, permit me to join with you to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the birth of Comrade Kim Il Sung. His name and work will always have a place of honour, not only in the forward march of the DPRK, but in the forward march of the entire world. His immortality, in this respect, has been guaranteed, in his deeds, in the deeds of the WPK and DPRK, which are inseparable from his own deeds, and in the deeds of the entire progressive world.
We express great joy and happiness that the Korean people have a leader in the mould of Comrade Kim Jong Il, who will continue his behest. In this regard, Comrade Kim Jong Il’s work The Historical Lessons of the Building of Socialism and the General Line of Our Party and other works in which he clearly indicates that although socialism may undergo twists and turns in the course of its development, it is the future of humanity, and it is the law of historical development for humanity to advance towards socialism, are an inspiration to all who are fighting for socialism. We wish the dear leader of the Korean people, Comrade Kim Jong Il, good health and a long life.
Comrades, just as during the 20th century the communists were in the van of every struggle of the working class and people, so too it will be the case in the 21st century. The 21st century will be the century of the triumph of the revolution and socialism for which the 20th century carried the initial preparation. Let all communists, all progressive people, all justice and peace-loving peoples of the world prepare for that day when human society will celebrate its triumph over every kind of exploitation, domination and barbarity.
Socialism is the present and future of humankind; It shall triumph! The bright red banner of socialist revolution shall prevail!
Long Live the Workers’ Party of Korea!
Long Live the Unity and Friendship Between All Communist and Fighting Organizations and Peoples of the World!
Hail the Fifth Anniversary of the Pyongyang Declaration!
Workers of the World, Unite!
(TML Weekly, May 3, 1998)
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