TML Monthly Supplement

No. 19

August 1, 2021

U.S. President Biden's Infrastructure Plan

• Infrastructure Plan to Pay the Rich
- K.C. Adams -

Report on U.S. Infrastructure by
American Society of Civil Engineers

Summary of Biden's Infrastructure Plan

U.S. President Biden's Infrastructure Plan

Infrastructure Plan to Pay the Rich

The Biden Administration infrastructure plan is presently before the U.S. Congress. The plan seeks to put $2.3 trillion in funds from the public treasury into constructing new infrastructure and rebuilding already existing roads, bridges, rails, electric grids, water supplies, ports and airports. Over half of the proposed funds are slated for direct handouts to private investors in what is called green projects such as $174 billion in pay-the-rich schemes for the auto oligopolies to produce electric vehicles or as some commentators derisively remark "to make Elon Musk richer."

A modern economy requires social infrastructure serving all sectors regardless of the relations of production or system of ownership and control. In a country the size of the United States, social infrastructure is massive in scope demanding equally massive investments. Infrastructure is socialized means of production that all enterprises and the people require in one way or another. The necessity is not in dispute. The issue facing the people is not the necessity of social infrastructure but who controls it and in whose social class interest it is built, maintained and realized (paid for).

Should financing, building, maintaining and realization of social infrastructure serve the competing private interests of the oligarchy or the common good of the economy as a whole and the people and society and its humanization? Working people can resolve this problem in their favour with mass political mobilization to stake their claims on what is theirs by right and open a path forward to democratic renewal and a new pro-social direction for the economy.

Infrastructure and Imperialist Globalization

Means of transportation are an obvious necessity. The need exists to transport resources and commodities to factories and other workplaces, including the human factor and its capacity to work. The further transportation of commodities to retail outlets and buyers, and customers to markets are all necessary functions of a modern economy. Globalization has added distance to all these activities.

International infrastructure under imperialism includes militarization and the competition for investments, resources, markets and workers to exploit. Resistance of the people to foreign control and exploitation is unrelenting with challenges to imperialism coming from all quarters. Development is uneven and competitors inevitably arise to challenge the existing powers with war a constant danger. For example, the silk road of the old world has become the Belt and Road Initiative of the modern one to build international infrastructure connecting China to 71 countries. In response, the U.S. imperialists under President Obama announced a U.S. military "pivot to Asia" and preparations for war with China, which is now intensifying under President Biden with Prime Minister Trudeau and others in lockstep. International and domestic infrastructure is a concern of the ruling U.S. oligarchy closely connected with its war economy driven by their individual private interests and their collective desire for global hegemony and to defeat all rivals.

Ownership, Control and Realization of Infrastructure

The ownership and control of infrastructure, its financing, price of production and realization, the distribution of profits and which companies are to be involved in its construction, maintenance and management both at home and abroad are matters that the oligarchs and their political representatives fight over according to their private interests and needs. The common good and how infrastructure should serve the entire economy and its parts in cooperation are not considerations of the imperialist oligarchs. Their quest for maximum private profit dominates their thinking and actions.

Once decided by those in control, infrastructure needs financing. The $2.3 trillion will come from both general taxation and deficit financing. This suits the oligarchs fine as lending governments money is a safe and reliable way not only to make some interest but also to park money that has few other possibilities at the time. General taxation has become a matter of the working class paying from its reproduced-value as most oligarchs and their enterprises pay relatively little in taxes.

The construction and maintenance of infrastructure is mostly a private affair of huge companies that are customarily owned and controlled by global investment cartels. The profits from infrastructure construction are enormous as can be seen from the scramble and infighting among the rich for political influence to be in a position to decide and award contracts.

Realization of the transferred-value of infrastructure is shrouded in mystery. The enterprises that consume infrastructure as means of production and distribution want to do so at the lowest price, if at all. In many cases they do not pay anything such as with mass commuter transit, or only partially at a fraction of the real value with roads and bridges, and with agreements on lower "industrial rates" for example with the Post Office or state owned hydro-electric enterprises.

The oligarchs regard infrastructure that reproduces the human factor and keeps workers available, healthy and educated to standards they need as not their responsibility to pay for (realize) through their enterprises other than by minimal user fees, corporate taxation, charity and certain collective agreements with their own workers for pensions and other benefits. 

The refusal to recognize social infrastructure as necessary means of production for which all enterprises active in the economy are individually and collectively responsible has the effect of dumping the cost of realization onto the working class. The refusal of those who control the economy and its parts to recognize and assume their social responsibilities means problems go unresolved, social conditions deteriorate, and the people are deprived of their right to education, health care, employment and even their lives.


Under the current regime of the oligarchs, infrastructure spending is directed at strengthening their private interests and control in contradiction with the necessity for nation-building to serve both the people and the economy. Modern nation-building is a project the working class must assume under its control and aim to serve the people and their society and all humanity.

Very little of the public spending under the control of the oligarchy results in realized actual and potential income from state enterprises that can then be reinvested in other infrastructure or social programs This lack results in a structural problem for imperialism as to where public funds can be found to pay the rich and to finance the massive domestic and international police powers, state bureaucracy and infrastructure. The oligarchs shift the burden of finding public funds for the state treasury onto the working class through individual taxation and user fees. This results in constant downward pressure on the working class and its standard of living.

Reduced state spending on social programs and the necessity for the oligarchs to always have a certain level of unemployment or "surplus workers" available at any time result in deteriorating social conditions and a continuous stream of workers falling out of the productive workforce into extreme poverty, and an equally large number of people engaged in social welfare and charity attempting to help the poor or advocate for their needs. Why this industrialization of poverty and charity exists is never questioned in official circles even though the productivity of the modern economy quite obviously allows solutions to be organized to lift up all people culturally and socially, affirm their rights and allow them to participate in work and life according to their ability.

When building and maintaining social infrastructure, the private interests of the oligarchy are first and foremost served. This is yet another reason the oligarchs fight so ferociously amongst themselves to ensure their private interests are represented in government and that their political operatives within the cartel parties win positions to award contracts.

The exposure of the political economy regarding infrastructure and the refusal of the oligarchy to meet its responsibilities is a front of the struggle to affirm the rights of all and claim what belongs to the working class by right as the producer of all value. The exposure and class struggle to stop paying the rich and increase spending on social programs point to the necessity for a new direction for the economy where the actual producers themselves take control of economic and political affairs freed from the burden of the narrow competing private interests of the oligarchs dictating what is to be done in contradiction with working people and the socialized productive forces.

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Report on U.S. Infrastructure by
American Society of Civil Engineers

Every four years, the American Society of Civil Engineers' Report Card for America's Infrastructure describes the condition and performance of the U.S. infrastructure and assigns letter grades based on the physical condition and needed investments for improvement. The Biden administration is using the 2021 report outlining the many deficiencies in the national infrastructure to bolster its argument that the $2.3 trillion plan to pay the rich is necessary.

In fact, the failure of the infrastructure is exposed in the daily lives of the people such as poisoned tap water in Flint, Michigan, the suffering of people during the western heat wave and the obvious deteriorating living and working conditions in many cities and towns including the recent sudden collapse of a condo tower in a fairly wealthy enclave in Florida resulting in many lost lives. Building and maintaining social infrastructure is a constant necessity of any society, in particular modern ones where the economy and life itself have become socialized and interconnected.

The problem lies not in knowing that infrastructure is in disrepair but that the financial oligarchy in control of the economy and political affairs is not capable of organizing what has to be done. Building infrastructure in a modern context is part of nation-building for the common good. For this to occur, an aim of serving the people, the economy, nation and all humanity, with sovereignty and control vested in the people is needed.

The aim of the oligarchs is based on expropriating the new value that workers under their control produce at home and abroad in fierce competition with other global oligarchs. To maximize their private profit the oligarchs are obsessed with serving their private interests and not the broad general interests of the people and nation. With this narrow aim, the oligarchs demand that the economy and its infrastructure serve their private interests in one way or another. Their actions come into direct conflict with the modern socialized economy that needs cooperation for the benefit of all and not greed and competition to serve the few. The results are recurring economic crises, war, unresolved problems and deteriorating social and natural conditions.

In the modern era, nation-building advances as the people fight for control and decision making. Workers organizing to affirm rights and claims on what they produce serves nation-building and the broad socialized economy. Serving the general interests of society and all humanity throughout the world requires cooperation and mutual benefit for all sectors and enterprises of the economy. 

Report and Evaluation of U.S. Infrastructure

The most recent report and evaluation of the U.S. infrastructure by the American Society of Civil Engineers says bridges, roadways, public transit, ports, airports, inland waterways, water supplies, wastewater pipelines, sewer systems and other infrastructure need investments of at least $6 trillion to meet the needs of the economy.

The report estimates that over 40 per cent of the nation's roads and highways are in poor or mediocre condition. The report adds that the drinking water infrastructure system, some 2.2 million miles of underground pipes, is aging and badly in need of renewal. Local water utilities are replacing only one to five per cent a year, far too little, due to lack of funding. 

The report also notes that of the 617,000 bridges in the United States "42 per cent are at least 50 years old, and 46,154, or 7.5 per cent of the nation's bridges, are considered structurally deficient and in poor condition." The report says the backlog of urgently needed bridge repair requires $125 billion more than the Biden total for highways, streets and bridges. The Biden administration uses these self-evident facts about the infrastructure as reasons to pay the rich and serve the narrow private interests of those oligarchs with whom his cartel party in power is connected.

The issue is not whether renewal of infrastructure is needed or not. The issue is who decides? Who decides the direction of the economy and for what purpose? By constituting itself the nation, building it in its own image and vesting decision-making power in the people, the working class can build the nation anew with a new aim and direction for the economy and politics that serve the people and society. This becomes a base for assisting all humanity to move forward. 

To view the reports of the ASCE, click here.

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Summary of Biden's Infrastructure Plan

The digest of the plan is gleaned from a White House Fact Sheet.[1] Comments are in double parentheses

((The public funds involved in the infrastructure plan serve to pay the rich and their particular private interests, not the general welfare. The amounts in the infrastructure bill before Congress coupled with the budgeted amounts already approved for the U.S. military, Homeland Security and the numerous spy agencies, are breathtaking in their size and scope. They show the extraordinary productive capacity of the modern working class and the socialized productive forces on which they work. If the available social wealth were channelled into human-centred nation-building projects serving the people, remarkable progress could be made on all fronts and a start made to humanize the social and natural environment. Already, the fight of the peoples worldwide against war, for anti-war governments and peace economies, is showing the way forward.))


$621 billion to build and repair physical transportation infrastructure: roads, bridges, public transit, rail, ports, waterways, airports and electric vehicles.

Repair American roads and bridges. One in five miles or 173,000 total miles of highways and major roads are in poor condition, as well as 45,000 bridges.

$115 billion of the total is specifically for highways, streets and to fix the most economically significant large bridges and repair the worst 10,000 smaller bridges.

((Continental transportation corridors are on the agenda in conjunction with further integrating Mexico and Canada into the U.S. war economy. U.S. Homeland Security wants strategic transportation corridors for military purposes to move troops and materiel to suppress rebellion of the working class and other mass political actions in defence of rights such as the uprising in 2020 against police killings of Black Americans and others. Also, competing sections of the oligarchy want mobility for police and military forces under their control in the event of a civil war with their rich rivals. The transportation corridors are also classified as strategic for purposes of ripping and shipping out Canada's resources and moving goods from Mexico.))

Public Mass Transit

The Department of Transportation declares the current transit infrastructure inadequate. It estimates a repair backlog of over $105 billion in purchasing is necessary. This represents more than 24,000 buses, 5,000 rail cars, 200 stations, and thousands of miles of track, signals, and power systems in need of replacement. An additional $85 billion is earmarked to modernize existing transit, which means doubling federal funding for public transit.

$80 billion is required to address Amtrak's repair backlog and modernize the Northeast Corridor line between Boston and Washington, DC.

The plan will improve ports, waterways, and airports: $17 billion will go to deal with inland waterways, coastal ports, land ports of entry, and ferries, which are all essential to the nation's freight.

The nation's airports lag far behind global competitors. According to some rankings, no U.S. airports rank in the top 25 of airports worldwide. The plan will invest $25 billion in airports, including funding for the Airport Improvement Program, upgrades to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) assets that ensure safe and efficient air travel, and a new program to support terminal renovations and multimodal connections for affordable, convenient, car-free access to air travel.

((Mass public transit is an important part of the social infrastructure as means of production for the socialized economy. No modern economy can function without mass transit to move workers to and from work and consumers to and from shopping areas and for other purposes. All enterprises in the economy more or less are responsible to realize (pay for) the price of production of the social means of production. The amount each enterprise should pay for mass transit could easily be determined, which should go directly to the producing entities and not into general government coffers.

Also, the price of production for mass transit could be broadly reduced and its use by the people humanized, if building, maintaining and supplying mass transit with the necessary buildings, vehicles, machinery and material were consistently organized as human-centred public enterprises where the added-value workers produce is reinvested into improving all aspects of mass transit instead of having the added-value expropriated as private profit.

The large size of investment needed in modern transportation means that the rate of profit for private investors is low – if it were not for governments paying the rich. This is evident in aviation where private airline companies are among the most heavily subsidized by governments. This not only includes direct handouts to these companies but all the necessary social means of production such as airports and research that governments fund. Research and development and production of airplanes are also closely connected with the military and government procurement of war machinery and materiel at inflated prices.)) 

America First

This changes the rules regarding federal spending on American-made goods, equipment, vehicles and materials for infrastructure projects: $180 billion to invest to advance U.S. leadership in research and development in critical technologies, upgrade the U.S.'s research infrastructure and establish the U.S. as a leader in climate science, innovation and research and development.

Spurs domestic supply chains from raw materials to parts, retooling of factories to compete globally, and support for having American workers make batteries and electric vehicles.

((The U.S.-dominated imperialist system of states already follows the "America First" mantra, where "First" is understood as the U.S. ruling oligarchy. The globalized U.S. military roams the world to ensure the dominance of the U.S. oligarchy and that the world's humanity bows to its demands and aim of maximum profit for the rich. The rulers evidently think all this talk of America First will somehow convince everyone that strengthening the very oligarchy responsible for the current social and natural problems and conditions the working people face in the U.S. can lead to solutions. The peoples have not forgotten their experience, present and past and everywhere consider that the rulers have no legitimacy, no answers and that it is the peoples in their many struggles for rights that are providing an alternative.))


The White House writes, "The U.S. manufacturing sector accounts for 70 per cent of business research and development (R&D) expenditure, 30 per cent of productivity growth, and 60 per cent of exports. Manufacturing is a critical node that helps convert research and innovation into sustained economic growth." 

The plan invests $300 billion to strengthen manufacturing supply chains for critical goods and invests $50 billion to create a new office at the Department of Commerce dedicated to monitoring domestic industrial capacity and funding investments to support production of critical goods. The plan also invests $50 billion in semiconductor manufacturing and research.

((The Biden plan has nothing to do with solving the problems of contemporary relations of production and how to utilize the enormous productive powers of socialized production for the common good. For example, public education and research developed the knowledge to produce vaccines and other modern pharmaceuticals yet the private manufacturers of Big Pharma declare this collective human knowledge their private property, their "intellectual property." They are expropriating billions in profit from Covid-19 vaccines that governments are buying, not to speak of the dark money they are seizing from the opioid pain-killer disaster they have unleashed on the world that last year resulted in 93,331 overdose deaths in the U.S. alone.)) 

Increase Access to Capital for Domestic Manufacturers

The plan will invest more than $52 billion in domestic manufacturers and includes specific supports for modernizing supply chains, including in the auto sector, like extending the "48C tax credit" program. It calls for the creation of a new financing program to support debt and equity investments for manufacturing to strengthen the resilience of America's supply chains and will invest $31 billion in programs that give small businesses access to credit, venture capital, and R&D dollars.

((Wealthy private interests have seized control of governments at all levels, seizing the public purse to serve their private interests while the people are demanding that the common good be served, with increased investments in social programs and an end to funding war and massive policing.)) 

Research and Development

The White House writes: "Public investments in R&D lay the foundation for the future breakthroughs that over time yield new businesses, new jobs, and more exports. However, we need more investment if we want to maintain our economic edge in today's global economy. We are one of the few major economies whose public investments in R&D have declined as a per cent of GDP in the past 25 years. Countries like China are investing aggressively in R&D, and China now ranks number two in the world in R&D expenditures [...] In order to win the 21st century economy, President Biden believes America must get back to investing in the researchers, laboratories, and universities across our nation. But this time, we must do so with a commitment to lifting up workers and regions who were left out of past investments.

"He is calling on Congress to make a $180 billion investment that will: Advance U.S. leadership in critical technologies and upgrade America's research infrastructure. U.S. leadership in new technologies -- from artificial intelligence to biotechnology to computing -- is critical to both our future economic competitiveness and our national security [...]

"President Biden is calling on Congress to invest $50 billion in the National Science Foundation (NSF), creating a technology directorate that will collaborate with and build on existing programs across the government. It will focus on fields like semiconductors and advanced computing, advanced communications technology, advanced energy technologies, and biotechnology.

"He also is calling on Congress to provide $30 billion in additional funding for R&D that spurs innovation and job creation, including in rural areas. His plan also will invest $40 billion in upgrading research infrastructure in laboratories across the country, including brick-and-mortar facilities and computing capabilities and networks [...]

"The President is calling on Congress to invest $35 billion in the full range of solutions needed to achieve technology breakthroughs that address the climate crisis and position America as the global leader in clean energy technology and clean energy jobs [...] In addition to a $5 billion increase in funding for other climate-focused research, his plan will invest $15 billion in demonstration projects for climate R&D priorities, including utility-scale energy storage, carbon capture and storage, hydrogen, advanced nuclear, rare earth element separations, floating offshore wind, biofuel/bioproducts, quantum computing, and electric vehicles, as well as strengthening U.S. technological leadership in these areas in global markets."

((All hail the financial oligarchy that dictates all the affairs that affect the people's lives! This reads like a manifesto for war to defeat all competitors, and "win the 21st century" for the U.S. oligarchs. The demand in the U.S. is for All Troops Home Now! Everywhere there is the demand that breakthroughs in science, including vaccines, are not for war and profit but to be shared by all and serve humanity.))

Digital Infrastructure

$100 billion to build a high-speed broadband infrastructure in order to reach 100 per cent coverage across the nation.

((Big tech already controls the Internet and social media. This will make the rich even more powerful at the expense of the people.))

Workforce Development

The plan will invest $100 billion in proven workforce development programs. It will pair job creation efforts with next generation training programs including high-quality training and effective partnerships between educational institutions, unions, and employers. The plan includes $40 billion for a new Dislocated Workers Program including job training for formerly incarcerated individuals and justice-involved youth, and sector-based training to educate workers in new skills for in-demand jobs. Sector-based training programs will be focused on growing high demand sectors such as clean energy, manufacturing, and caregiving. In sum, the plan is to build the capacity of the existing workforce including registered apprenticeships and pre-apprenticeships, creating one to two million new registered apprenticeships slots.

((This is disguised as helping the working class while in fact public funds are being used to train workers for the oligopolies especially in modern production techniques without having big business pay the social price of production of workers' capacity to work.))

Green Energy, Electric Vehicles and Their Grid

Electric vehicle (EV) sales will not accelerate without an electric transportation infrastructure.

Shift to electric vehicles: $174 billion public investment in private companies to win the global EV market. Plan will give consumers point of sale rebates and tax incentives to buy American-made EVs, establish grant and incentive programs for state and local governments and the private sector to build a national network of 500,000 EV chargers by 2030, consumers' rebates and tax incentives to buy American-made electric vehicles. Direct $100 billion towards electric grid modernization.

Replace 50,000 diesel transit vehicles and electrify at least 20 per cent of the yellow school bus fleet. Government will utilize the vast tools of federal procurement to electrify the federal fleet, including the United States Postal Service; $46 billion for federal purchases of electric cars, charging ports, and electric heat pumps for housing and commercial buildings.

$27 billion for "clean energy and sustainability accelerator," which extends tax credits to promote solar and wind energy alternatives.

$10 billion to create a "Civilian Climate Corps" to promote public investment in private green enterprises.

The plan will invest $16 billion in putting the energy industry to work plugging orphan oil and gas wells and cleaning up abandoned coal, hardrock, and uranium mines.

In thousands of rural and urban communities around the country, hundreds of thousands of former industrial and energy sites are now idle. The plan will invest $5 billion for the remediation and redevelopment of these Brownfield and "Superfund" sites.

The plan will reactivate the Appalachian Regional Commission's POWER grant program, Department of Energy retooling grants for idled factories and capacity and project grants to address legacy pollution.

Biden believes that the market-based shift toward clean energy presents enormous opportunities for the development of new markets and new industries. The plan will establish ten pioneer facilities that demonstrate carbon capture retrofits for large steel, cement, and chemical production facilities. The plan reforms and expands the Section 45Q tax credit making it direct pay and easier to use for hard-to-decarbonize industrial applications, direct air capture, and retrofits of existing power plants.

((The green sector is fast becoming a dominant one for the oligarchy with new billionaires such as former Vice-President Al Gore emerging with enormous power and the political influence to control and direct public funds in their direction. Any undertakings and investments of the size announced in the Biden plan require funds beyond the willingness of the private sector to provide without government guarantees of the security of the investment and return. The oligarchy is striving to use their power to deprive the working class from bringing into being new relations of production in conformity with the already socialized means of production, which would open a path for a pro-social, anti-war direction for the economy and political affairs.) 


The plan invests $111 billion to replace 100 per cent of the nation's lead pipes and service lines and is to upgrade the country's drinking water, wastewater and stormwater systems, tackle new contaminants and support clean water infrastructure in rural parts of the country. The plan will put $45 billion in the Environmental Protection Agency's Drinking Water State Revolving Fund and in Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (WIIN) grants.


The plan invests $213 billion to produce, preserve, and retrofit more than 2 million affordable and sustainable places to live through targeted tax credits, formula funding, grants, and project-based rental assistance. It will invest $40 billion to improve the infrastructure of the public housing system in America.

The plan establishes a grant program that awards flexible funding to jurisdictions that take steps to eliminate barriers to creating affordable housing. The plan will contract companies to upgrade homes and businesses through block grant programs, the Weatherization Assistance Program, and by extending and expanding home and commercial efficiency tax credits.

The plan will establish a $27 billion Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator to mobilize private investment into distributed energy resources; retrofits of residential, commercial and municipal buildings; and clean transportation.

((This public money is directed at private construction enterprises and lending institutions, making the rich richer and the poor poorer. What is needed are social housing projects dedicated to providing housing for all at the highest cultural and material levels that exist at this point, with decision making in the hands of the people.))


There is $100 billion to build new public schools and upgrade existing buildings with better ventilation systems, updated technology labs, and improved school kitchens that can prepare more nutritious meals. $12 billion would go to states to use towards infrastructure needs at community colleges with conditions attached to address existing physical and technological infrastructure. The money is to be made available through $50 billion in direct grants and an additional $50 billion leveraged through bonds.

((The right to education is required for society to function and educational facilities need to be put on a modern basis to meet that right, including decision-making by teachers, staff, parents and students.))

Child Care

$25 billion is allocated to upgrade privately owned and controlled child care facilities. The plan also wants to expand a tax credit to encourage employers to build care facilities at places of work. Employers will receive 50 per cent of the first $1 million of construction costs per facility.

((This is yet another plan to pay the rich not only by giving public money to the increasingly monopolized private daycare centres but also to the privately owned construction companies. Child daycare and early learning centres should be part of a human-centred public education system from birth to passing away that affirms the right to education for all at the highest level society has attained.))

Medical Investments

The plan allocates $30 billion for new investments in medical pandemic countermeasures in manufacturing; research and development and related biopreparedness and biosecurity to shore up our nation's strategic national stockpile. It accelerates the timeline to research, develop and field test and therapeutics for emerging and future outbreaks; accelerate response time by developing prototype vaccines through Phase I and II trials, test technologies for the rapid scaling of vaccine production, and ensure sufficient production capacity in an emergency; train personnel for epidemic and pandemic response; and onshore active pharmaceutical ingredients. The plan invests $10 billion in the American Rescue Plan to prevent future pandemics.

((This is all well and good but these investments really help private Big Pharma to become richer than they already are. The scandal with government purchasing of vaccines from private cartels that have benefited from public funds for research and development and scientists with a modern education should not be repeated. Human thought material belongs to all humanity and should not be a matter of private ownership and manipulated to enrich a few individuals.))

Elderly Long-term Care

The plan provides a $400 billion expenditure on mostly privately owned and controlled long-term care for the elderly and disabled.

((Note that these care homes have been a centre of death and misery during the pandemic and yet are to be rewarded with public funds instead of being held to account for their crimes.))

The plan expands access to long-term care services under Medicaid. It provides more opportunity for people to receive care at home through community-based services or from family members. $450 billion to allow more older Americans and their families to receive care at home or in their communities, as opposed to nursing homes and other institutions. The plan notes that caregivers have been underpaid and undervalued for far too long. Wages for essential home care workers are approximately $12 per hour, putting them among the lowest paid workers in the economy. In fact, one in six workers in this sector lives in poverty. Research shows that increasing the pay of direct care workers greatly enhances workers' financial security, improves productivity, and increases the quality of care offered. Another study showed that increased pay for care workers prevented deaths, reduced the number of health violations, and lowered the cost of preventative care.

((The entire long-term care sector needs a new direction as does health care generally. All social programs must be human-centred. The workers who do the work, including the professionals, and the people they serve, are the ones that know what is needed to humanize elderly long-term care. Their many struggles for rights during the pandemic bring out that they are the ones that need to decide, something Biden's plan rejects.))

More on How the Plan Pays the Rich and Strengthens Their Control

The White House writes: "Jumpstart clean energy manufacturing through federal procurement. The federal government spends more than half-a-trillion dollars buying goods and services each year. As a result, it has the ability to be a first-mover in markets [...] By 2050, the United States will need more electric vehicles, charging ports, and electric heat pumps for residential heating and commercial buildings. The President is calling on Congress to enable the manufacture of those cars, ports, pumps, and clean materials, as well as critical technologies like advanced nuclear reactors and fuel, here at home through a $46 billion investment in federal buying power [...] Make it in ALL of America. The President believes we must build social infrastructure to support innovation and productivity across the country. He is calling on Congress to invest $20 billion in regional innovation hubs and a Community Revitalization Fund. At least ten regional innovation hubs will leverage private investment to fuel technology development, link urban and rural economies, and create new businesses in regions beyond the current handful of high-growth centers [... The plan will] invest $14 billion in NIST [National Institute of Standards and Technology] to bring together industry, academia, and government to advance technologies and capabilities critical to future competitiveness [and] to quadruple support for the Manufacturing Extensions Partnership."

((The Biden infrastructure plan demands that the strength of the modern productive forces be mobilized to enhance the power, wealth and privilege of the ruling oligarchy. But this private control and ownership is in contradiction with the modern socialized productive forces. The productive forces must come under the control of socialized humanity, the working people who can utilize the tremendous actual and potential power of the modern means of production to humanize the social and natural environment and put an end to the outdated and backward motive for maximum private profit that exploits the working people and tears the socialized economy apart through reckless greed and unbridled competition and war.))


1. "FACT SHEET: President Biden Announces Support for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework," White House, June 24, 2021

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