TML Monthly Supplement

No. 11

May 13, 2021


May Day 2021
Militant Actions and Virtual Exchanges Affirm Rights
and Uphold the Dignity of Labour


May Day Events Nationwide

United States

Continued Protests Show People Are Relying on
Their Own Efforts to Win Change

- Voice of Revolution -


Tens of Thousands Take to the Streets to Say
"No More Police Powers"


• Cuban People Celebrate Their Vigorous, United
and Victorious Homeland


• Party and State Pay First Rate Attention to the Working Class

Around the World

• Photo Gallery

Canada and Quebec

May Day Events Nationwide

Montreal, May 1, 2021.

Workers' Centre of CPC(M-L) Holds Successful
National May Day Meeting

Workers from all main sectors of the economy were joined by several trade union leaders from across the country to share experiences in a vigorous May Day meeting organized by the Workers' Centre of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) on the evening of May 1.

The meeting greeted the workers of all lands who are fighting as never before for peace, justice, democracy and freedom. Special mention was made of the working people in the United States who continue to fight without a moment's let-up. In spite of the efforts of the Biden administration to cover up the crimes the U.S. commits at home and abroad and claim it represents human rights, democracy and peace, "it is thanks to the struggle of the U.S. working people that the murderer of George Floyd was found guilty and it shows the way to get results," the representative of the Workers' Centre said. "Thanks to their struggle, the extent of the racist killings and violence in the U.S. has been revealed, the extent of the crimes against humanity committed by the U.S. imperialists striving for world domination have been revealed and we have confidence that the working people will continue to speak in their own name and create a new system which recognizes their claims on society, ends racism and fights for peace."

The meeting also sent specific greetings to our Mexican brothers and sisters and fellow workers in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, the entire Caribbean and all those who are brought to Canada as migrant labourers whose rights as workers and human persons are not recognized. We are one working class fighting for the rights of all, the representative of the Workers' Centre said.

Further, the meeting sent a red salute to "our fellow workers, farmers and families in India against whom a criminal government is acting as a wanton killer. The struggle of the farmers, supported by the Indian working class and people and the Indian diaspora shows the capacity of the working people to organize themselves on a new basis which transcends and does not permit the sectarian violence and splits imposed by the anachronistic system of party government."

Greeting the workers of the entire world, the Workers' Centre recognized that their "fight for the right-to-be of their peoples is saving humankind in the face of the insatiable greed of a global oligarchy whose crimes are so great that they control governments and media who declare it is all for the good of humanity."

The meeting saluted the workers of Cuba and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea whose determination and sacrifice under the leadership of their own communist parties are maintaining their socialist systems despite being heavily blockaded and attacked by the U.S. imperialists. It also saluted the Vietnamese working class and their communist party under whose leadership they have shown what can be achieved: Vietnam has 96.5 million people, with only 2,865 COVID-19 infections and just 35 deaths. It can be done! The pandemic can be brought under control. The economy can serve the people, the representative of the Workers' Centre pointed out.

"The people must control the product of their own labour by bringing into being new arrangements which place decision-making in their hands," he said.

A two-hour exchange of information and views followed in both English and French with simultaneous translation. Rank and file workers and trade union representatives spoke to what is happening in their sector and how the workers are organizing to get results. Speakers from British Columbia to Quebec and New Brunswick, retired workers, International Longshore and Warehouse Union Canada President Rob Ashton, New Brunswick Federation of Labour President Daniel Légère,  Rolf Gerstenberger, former president of United Steelworkers Local 1005 in Hamilton and President of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada, an occupational health and safety steward of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers in Scarborough and a Communications Specialist with UNITE HERE Local 40 representing hospitality workers in BC all spoke about the experiences of workers in their sector over the past year. Speakers also represented the concerns of health care workers and teachers. Besides workers, organized and unorganized, there were also representatives of advocacy organizations including the Barrie Injured Workers Group, South Asian Women's Rights Organization and migrant workers. The last speaker was a youth who expressed the pride of the youth to be part of the modernization and expansion of the work of the Workers' Centre.

It is thanks to the reports the workers are giving about their working conditions and the claims they are making that Canadians are getting a thorough appreciation of what comprises the economy of Canada and how it is organized.

In Canada only 30 percent of workers are unionized and it is not just union members who are organizing and speaking out but also the organizations that advocate for migrant workers, gig workers and unorganized workers. The response to the invitation to the meeting shows the significance the workers give to exchanging experiences and learning from one another.

In the course of the discussion many people, besides relating their own experiences, condemned the back-to-work legislation of the federal government against the Montreal dock workers, and many expressed support for the militant struggle of Indian farmers against the anti-farmer legislation of the Modi government.

In his concluding remarks, Pierre Chenier, Secretary of the Workers' Centre, emphasized the role of Workers' Forum, the online newspaper of the Workers' Centre, to give pride of place to the voice of workers speaking in their own name. It has created the basis for our own news agency in which the workers themselves report on their concerns and we are not at the mercy of what the monopoly media reports and how they report. Reporting on what is going on in different sectors shines a light on how governments are operating, using the pandemic to pay the rich by borrowing vast sums from private lenders and using those funds to pay the interest, theft pure and simple. The reports received from the workers also reveal the revolving door between corporate leaders and government members and officials.

Pierre called on everyone to continue to contribute to Workers' Forum so that together we can assess the conditions and work together to change the situation in a manner which favours the people and society. Workers need their own reference points, he said, so as not to fall into the trap of accepting what the rich and their governments say are matters of national interest and national security. We need to strengthen and expand our work of interviews and reports and develop other means of communication such as podcasts and radio, something that the youth are keen to spearhead, and we need funds for this work so that it is done professionally, Pierre said.

We have seen over the past year, he said, that it is workers' fight for rights which is saving lives and that it is in fighting that we dispel all the dogmas which claim that the working class is no more than an extra-parliamentary pressure group to lobby for good policies, which diverts us from looking at what those policies are and who they serve.

The meeting ended with the playing of The Internationale, the song of the international working class written at the time of the great uprising of the French working class who created the Paris Commune in 1871.


On May Day, Quebec workers and their allies organized actions in several cities. They put forward measures to emerge from health, economic and environmental crises and they also opposed the activities of the rich and their governments to suppress the voice of workers and people in the defence of their rights, in the name of the combatting the pandemic and restarting the economy. They demanded better protection of workers' physical and mental health, wage increases that allow for a dignified life, increases in social assistance and employment insurance benefits, the strengthening of labour, social security and immigrant rights, a major reinvestment in public services, including the working conditions of those who provide them, and measures to protect the environment. Workers denounced the Legault government's Bill 59 as an unacceptable step backwards in occupational health and safety and compensation for workers who are injured or become ill on the job. Private and public sector unions, women's organizations, defence organizations for migrant workers, the unemployed and those on social assistance, student organizations, environmental organizations and many others took part.

The criminalization of dock workers at the Port of Montreal by the federal government's back-to-work legislation in support of the employers' refusal to negotiate was front and centre in the demonstrations. The dock workers, members of Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 375, led the march of more than 2,000 people in Montreal, side-by-side with workers from the Shell oil terminal in Montreal, members of Unifor Local 121, who have been locked out since November 2020.

Again this year, police forces violently attacked the demonstration organized by the Convergence of Anti-Capitalist Struggles in Montreal, injuring and arresting several people.


Quebec City



Month-Long Mayworks' Events in Halifax, Toronto and Winnipeg

Mayworks events are being held throughout the month in Halifax, Toronto and Winnipeg, starting with an online panel discussion including migrant workers' advocates, union leaders and community workers entitled "Essential Work, but Disposable Workers?"

Online Rally for Indian Farmers

The Farmer's Support Coordination Committee-Ontario, held an online May Day Celebration on May 2 to support the heroic farmers of India who have stood their ground to have the three unjust farm laws passed by the Modi government repealed. There was participation from across Canada as well as India. Underpinning the celebration was the months-long work that the Committee has undertaken.

One of the topics discussed was how to broaden the support for the fighting farmers of India by engaging the labour movement in Canada. A presentation was made about how the pandemic in Canada has particularly affected national minority workers who make up the bulk of frontline workers in many places. The speaker noted that these workers have faced discrimination and abuse by government and employers and continue to fight for their just demands for a living wage, paid sick leave and days off to rest and have a family life.

Between the presentations there were performances of poetry and song commemorating workers' struggles.

The Farmer's Support Coordination Committee announced that it will be stepping up work to support the Indian farmers and in defence of the rights of national minority workers in Canada.


The Edmonton May Day Committee hosted a lively virtual celebration on May 1. Discussion focussed on the experience of workers in providing solutions to make their workplaces and communities safe during the pandemic. Participants also denounced governments' use of the emergency situation to launch one attack after another on workers' rights and to line the pockets of the rich. The chair of the meeting, Merryn Edwards, condemned the Trudeau government for its criminalization of the Montreal dock workers and the slanders against them, expressed solidarity with the Indian farmers' courageous fight and with the people of Cuba and others facing criminal blockades and with everyone fighting for rights, against aggression and for peace.

Speakers from Edmonton and District Labour Council, Friends of Medicare, Migrante, Women for Rights and Empowerment, the Edmonton-Cuba Solidarity Committee, the Edmonton local of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers and a teacher spoke about their experiences of the past year in upholding their rights to safe working conditions and to safety for students, patients, long-term care residents, migrant workers and all Albertans. The meeting concluded with a slide show of previous May Day celebrations and the singing of The Internationale.

At the event held by the Calgary May Day Committee, workers from many sectors including health care, communications, education, the post office and utility and retail workers vigorously participated. Workers, including retired workers and youth, shared information about their challenges and experiences over the past year in dealing with the pandemic to keep themselves and society safe and what they need going forward. Music and a slide show of past May Day events rounded out the meeting.

British Columbia

On the west coast, in Vancouver, the Left Coast Labour Chorus held an online concert celebrating the workers of the world with a new animation of Tommy Douglas' Mouseland speech and a story from fired hotel workers in Vancouver.

In Prince George, the May Day Organizing Committee and Stand Up for the North Committee held an online event with workers from many sectors including education, forestry, hospitality and construction. Also in attendance were the mayor of Prince George, Lyn Hall, and two city councilors, Frank Everitt and Susan Scott.

Dawn Hemingway, University of Northern BC (UNBC) professor and one of the organizers served as moderator. She began the event by providing a brief history of May Day. Mayor Lyn Hall welcomed everyone and spoke to the important role of workers in keeping everyone safe in the midst of the pandemic with particular thanks to the city workers.

Peter Ewart, a retired college instructor and representative of the May Day Organizing Committee, remarked that despite significant challenges posed by COVID-19 workers across the country and around the world are fighting heroically to improve the health and safety situation at their workplaces, and in the society as a whole, despite the failure of governments and employers to do so.

These introductory comments were followed by presentations from union representatives beginning with Matt Baker, President of the North Central Labour Council, who brought greetings from the Council, as well as speaking to the situation facing workers in construction camps around the region.

Naden Abenes, a hospitality worker and member of UNITE HERE Local 40, provided an update on hotel workers, mainly women and racialized workers, who are fighting against the industry's mass firings of workers and refusal to commit to bringing back workers once the pandemic is over. She thanked everyone for their support of the union's Unequal Women campaign, and encouraged everyone to share the information to bolster the struggle.

Joanne Hapke, President of the Prince George and District Teachers' Association, spoke about the struggles of BC teachers to keep schools, staff, teachers and students safe by fighting for proper class sizes, ventilation, mask requirements and other measures, despite lack of cooperation from the province.

Jan Mastromatteo, representing the Faculty Association at the College of New Caledonia, informed about the challenges facing college instructors in the move to online instruction, such as lack of appropriate support and compensation, and, importantly, a failure of management to properly address and adhere to copyright requirements and related issues.

Paul Siakaluk, President of the UNBC Faculty Association, spoke of the importance of unionization and unity in the labour movement. After being formed in 2014 and two subsequent strike struggles, the UNBC Faculty Association has finally achieved a sector norm salary grid. Paul thanked the entire labour community for its strong support and noted its importance in achieving this victory.

The organizers concluded by announcing that more online discussions will be held, with the next one in June, and invited everyone to provide topics that they would like to have discussed.

Bayan-Canada Online Event:
"International Worker's Day -- Activism Is Not Terrorism!"

Workers, students and youth across Canada joined speakers from the Philippines in an online May Day event organized by Bayan-Canada, an alliance of progressive Filipino organizations.

The meeting addressed the situation in the Philippines in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Renato Reyes, Secretary General of Bayan (the New Patriotic Alliance), which was founded on May Day 1985 to oppose the Marcos Dictatorship, spoke about how the U.S.-backed Duterte regime has used the pandemic to carry out a military campaign against the communists, progressives and human rights activists and others, while at the same time abandoning its responsibility to ensure the safety and security of the people. Reyes noted that the Philippine government passed the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 last year and this has been used to criminalize and attack the movement of the people for their rights. In response, workers and peasants have stepped up their resistance with the aim of ousting the Duterte regime from power. They have also strengthened their social solidarity with one another to help contain the pandemic and ensure that no one is left behind.

Maria Sol Pajadura, the Chair of Migrante Canada, a national defence organization for Filipino and other migrant workers, spoke about the struggle of migrant workers in Canada, many of whom are undocumented. She pointed out that the racist immigration policy of the Canadian government encourages human trafficking of Filipinos and other workers. She spoke about the recent appeal by Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott for more nurses from the Philippines to fill shortages in the health care system which have been made even worse by the pandemic after decades of privatization and cuts. Canada knows that the nurses are needed in the Philippines, Ms. Pajadura pointed out, but nonetheless encourages nurses to come as temporary foreign workers to help solve their crisis. Still, despite their qualifications and the fact that English is an official language of the Philippines, these same nurses face expensive and onerous language and certification requirements. Ms. Pajadura highlighted the work that Migrante Canada was doing in helping undocumented migrant workers to obtain basic services as well as uniting with other defence organizations of the Canadian working class to fight for the rights of all. Migrante Canada also works to support the Filipino people's movement for national liberation.

The Canada-Philippines Solidarity Organization provided information about its work in support of the Filipino people's movement for national liberation as well as campaigns to hold the Canadian government to account for its role in facilitating widespread human rights violations in the Philippines. The Canadian government continues to support the Philippine military through training and arms sales to the Duterte regime as well as enabling Canadian mining companies to dispossess the Indigenous people of the Philippines and steal their resources for private profit.

The online meeting highlighted the role of the workers in the forefront of the Philippine revolution and in the fights for the rights of all in Canada.

Cuba's Medical Internationalism Celebrated in Windsor, Ontario

To celebrate this year's May Day under pandemic conditions, people in Windsor were invited to walk by One ten park Studio to view its window display of Mail Art sent from Canada and 23 other countries in response to a call to honour Cuba's Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade and support its nomination for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. The call was issued by the coincidentally named Nobel Peace Project, an international Mail Art initiative founded over 20 years ago in Nobel, Ontario by artists Susan Gold and AG Smith as a response to NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia.

The Nobel Peace Project's organizers say they are very pleased with the enthusiastic response of artists and others to their call, and of community members to the exhibition. A booklet documenting all the Mail Art images received and where they came from has been produced and is being mailed to all participants. The images, many accompanied by statements expressing love and appreciation for Cuba's contributions to humanity, can be found on the Nobel Peace Project's website here. (Right click on any of the photos and select "Open Image in New Tab." to view full size.) 

The exhibition is included in a YouTube video produced by the Art Gallery of Windsor. To view the segment where it is featured click here.  

(Photos: TML, CSN, May Day Calgary)

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United States

Continued Protests Show People Are Relying
on Their Own Efforts to Win Change

Los Angeles, California, May Day is marked here as in many cities in the U.S. with actions demanding "Citizenship for All" 

As the numbers of racist police killings, deportations and child detentions at the border continue to climb, people have been swift and determined in demanding justice and accountability. Many actions continue across the U.S., including student walk-outs, protests both sides of the border, opposing racist attacks against Asians, hunger strikes, information actions with safety training, efforts to change policing laws and defund and demilitarize policing, petitions, online events, social media posts, independent news posts and more. There is broad discussion on what security means for the people, including not only defunding the military and police but providing rights to housing, healthcare, education, jobs and accountability for government crimes. There is also broad recognition that the solution to the widespread state organized racist violence and impunity is resistance by the people, relying on their own efforts.

President Biden has made numerous efforts to divert the movement from this direction, with his repeated claims that the federal government will act to ensure "racial justice," and that the "dream of justice for all will be deferred no longer." He used the conviction of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd as yet another opportunity to secure reliance on him and the federal government. He referred to systemic racism and admitted that "such a verdict is also much too rare." But far from endorsing, even in words, the demands widely made, such as cutting funding for policing and increasing funding for social services, greater control by the people themselves over policing and budgets and eliminating police impunity, Biden repeats the "bad apple" story: "Most men and women who wear the badge serve their communities honourably. But those few who fail to meet that standard must be held accountable." He then calls for reliance on the federal government and his Justice Department -- already rightly branded the “Injustice Department.”

Actions by federal police over the summer, the numerous Justice Department "investigations" that lead to nothing, the long experience with the FBI, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and others, all make clear that the federal government exists to serve and protect private property and the existing constitutional order. It is an order that is unequal, racist and violent by its very nature, as history from day one, with enslavement of Africans and genocide against Native peoples, shows.

The movements for justice and rights are standing firm in relying on their own efforts and continuing to fight for change that favours the people. Students are demanding removal of police from their schools and funding for books, counselors and teachers. Everywhere there are calls to greatly cut the Pentagon and policing budgets, fund social programs and empower communities to control and decide issues of security. Ending racist mass incarceration, today's genocide, and ending all deportations and detention camps for children and families, along with immediate legalization for all immigrants and refugees are also being consistently fought for. These demands are not separate from those that address the violence and insecurity of poverty and continued government failures concerning COVID-19 -- such as the right to health care and safe working conditions for all, to housing, jobs and education.

Hundreds of demonstrations took place in March and April in many cities involving the majority of states, including those in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Miami, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Washington, D.C. Far from waiting on the government and falling into their traps meant to divert and divide the people, united actions are taking place with people from all walks of life organizing together for change that favours the people.

May Day

Seattle, WA

Portland, OR

Coachella, CA

San Francisco, CA


Chicago, IL



New York City

New Jersey

Washington, DC

Excluded Workers

On the 100th day of the Biden administration, April 30, 2021, over 40 undocumented immigrants along with allies shut down traffic outside the White House, risking arrest and their own deportation to demand PAPERS, NOT CRUMBS! 

April 28 marked the 22nd day of Fast 4 Relief. Immigrant essential workers have been calling for recovery for all outside the War Memorial in New York

Excluded workers in New York held daily actions and a hunger strike throughout the month of March and into April to demand support for undocumented workers who are refused unemployment benefits and excluded from the COVID stimulus payments. There are an estimated 11 million such workers, many of them providing essential services. On March 31 they joined their action with those demanding Housing For All.

New York excluded workers' actions, March 31, 2021 (top) and April 2, 2021

After gathering at Grand Army Plaza in New York City, March 13, 2021 pro-migrant activists headed across the street to Senator Schumer's Park Slope home to return his & Democrats' "empty promises."

Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges are shut down simultaneously by protestors March 5, 2021, demanding funding for undocumented and often essential workers presently excluded

George Floyd

People gather in George Floyd Square in Minneapolis, April 20, 2021 when verdict in Chauvin trial is announced

On April 20, Derek Chauvin was convicted of second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020. The conviction follows massive protests demanding justice, equality and accountability in dozens of cities last summer, with some persisting for more than 100 days. Milwaukee has now persisted for more than 340 consecutive days, demanding justice and rights for Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Daunte Wright and many others, as well for immigrant rights.

People across the country celebrated the Chauvin conviction while also recognizing that it does not solve the problem of racist police violence and killings and the repeated injustice and lack of government accountability. Indeed, many more police killings, with no accountability to date, occurred during the trial. As has been reported, only seven officers have been convicted in fatal police shootings since 2005.

New York City, April 20, 2021

Protests were held throughout the trial demanding justice, equality, an end to police brutality and to stop the militarization of the city. In the days leading up to the conviction Minneapolis had been militarized by National Guard, state and local police, fencing around the court house and more. A federal judge had to issue a restraining order against police to stop them from brutalizing protesters, including press covering the trial. Plans are going forward for continued organizing against racist police killings and for rights.

On April 20 Students in over 100 high schools in Minneapolis walk out demanding:
National Guard Go Home!

A Black and Asian Solidarity rally is held in George Floyd Square, April 19, 2021, to mark the trial of George Floyd's killer and in mourning for Daunte Wright and the Asian-Americans killed recently in the U.S.

Black-Asian solidarity rally, Minneapolis, April 18, 2021

University of Minnesota doctors join a protest April 17, 2021 and release the following numbers: 89 people injured by #LessLethal weapons during #GeorgeFloyd protests, 32 people sent to ER due to tear gas, 10 hit in the eye by rubber bullets, 16 suffered traumatic brain injuries and seven required emergency surgery.

On April 4, 2021 a Community Healing action was held in George Floyd Square.

March 8, 2021 thousands gather to speak and march on first day of Derek Chauvin's trial. Actions were held in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, and other cities.

March 7, 2021, the day before the trial of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd, one thousand marched through downtown Minneapolis with a scroll with more than 470 names of people killed by Minneapolis police. 

Daunte Wright

Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 11, 2021, hundreds gather after police killing of black youth.

Hundreds of people immediately gathered calling for justice after police killed 20-year-old African American Daunte Wright during a traffic stop in the Minneapolis suburb of Brooklyn Center on April 11. Demonstrators defied the 7:00 pm curfew announced by the Governor on April 12, demanding accountability. Demonstrators were the ones arrested, not the police killers. Despite yet another mobilization of National Guard forces, many people have continued to gather at the vigil site in Brooklyn Center where there is a memorial to Wright. A large wooden fist originally made for George Floyd Square in Minneapolis is now present at Daunte's memorial site.

A large wooden fist now stands at Daunte Wright's memorial site in Brooklyn Center.

Protest against killing of Daunte Wright, April 12, 2021, in New York.

Protest against killing of Daunte Wright, April 12, 2021, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Justice for Daunte Wright protest in Tampa, Florida, April 18, 2021.

Adam Toledo

Chicago, Illinois, April 16, 2021 protest demands end to racist police killings.

People of Chicago again took to the streets April 16 demanding an end to racist police killings and accountability after police body cam footage was released of the police killing of 13-year old Adam Toledo March 29. It shows him with his hands in the air and without a weapon at the time of the shooting. Even so, police have attempted to justify the unjustifiable, saying that Toledo posed a threat as he "had just dropped a handgun." People responded as they have been: Hands Up, Don't Shoot! Charge All Those Responsible! 

La Villita, Illinois protest April 18, 2021 against police killing of Adam Toledo

Andrew Brown

Protests erupted in Elizabeth City, North Carolina and elsewhere April 21, after police shot and killed unarmed African American Andrew Brown. Brown was seated in his car, hands on the steering wheel, posing no threat when police riddled his car with bullets, shooting him in his arm and the back of the head. Police came to serve a warrant and instead, as the family's attorney said, carried out an execution. There were no weapons, no threat of any kind.

Despite a major deployment of riot police and a state of emergency being called by the Governor prior to the release of a small portion of police body camera footage, people in Elizabeth continued to demand justice for Andrew Brown and his family. As has occurred with other racist police killings, they were joined by solidarity actions in other cities.

Anniversary of Breonna Taylor's Death

Louisville, Kentucky March 13, 2021 marks the first anniversary of the police killing
of Breonna Taylor

March 13 Actions across the U.S. renewed calls for Justice for Breonna Taylor. Demonstrators gathered in Louisville, where Taylor lived, in New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Maryland and elsewhere. Louisville is one of the cities where demonstrations persisted for more than 100 days last summer and demands for accountability continue today. Three officers fired a total of 32 bullets, killing Breonna in her home, but none have been charged for her death.  

Louisville, Kentucky, March 13, 2021

Actions in Washington DC (left) and New York City, March 13, 2021 marks anniversary of the police killing of Breonna Taylor.

Ma'Khia Bryant Killing

Students occupy the Ohio Union building April 21, 2021, the day after the shooting of
Ma'Khia Bryant

As the guilty verdict for Derek Chauvin was made known, police in Columbus, Ohio shot and killed young African American woman, 16-year old Ma'Khia Bryant. She was shot four times in the chest in front of her home. Protests were held that very evening. The Ohio Union building was occupied on April 21, the day after her killing, by students filling the atrium and main floors in protest.

Colombus, Ohio, April 20, 2021, protest against the police killing of Ma'Khai Bryant.

Voice of Revolution is a publication of the U.S. Marxist-Leninist Organization.

(Photos: SIEU 721, J. Ward, S. Olmos, UFW Foundation, Make the Road PA, Make the Road NY, Make the Road NJ, dudge daddy, RedScare Toby, VA Coalition for Immigration, SIEU 32BJ, Teamsters 814, NYIC Action, R. Sandino, NAKASEC, Moviemento Cosecha, Cosecha NY, B. Landaer, Fund Excluded Workers, Y. Tovar, Unicorn Riot, K. Mendoza, G. Severson, A. Mohamed, daviss, A. Vitale, K. Paynter, Tampa Bay Community Action, A. Parrella, Black Action, I. McCullough, C. Modi, Status Coup, P. Jani, Sead Project)

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Tens of Thousands Take to the Streets to Say
"No More Police Powers"

Tens of thousands took part in militant May Day demonstrations in as many as 46 cities and towns across Britain. The main focus of the demonstrations was opposition to the Police, Crime, Courts and Sentencing Bill 2021, at present going through Parliament, which gives police and ministers further arbitrary powers. One such power permits them to ban demonstrations on self-serving grounds, such as causing annoyance or being too loud. The demonstrations demanded "No More Police Powers." The movement against the Bill has been growing around the hashtag #KillTheBill. A main focus is to oppose the criminalization of protest that the bill enshrines.

The protests reveal many aspects of what the bill targets which would otherwise remain hidden such as how it will drastically impact the lives of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) communities by threatening to criminalize "trespass" in a state where 92 per cent of the land is privately owned. Travellers do not recognize the private ownership of land and are persecuted incessantly because of their way of life.

The May Day demonstrations were the latest in the protests against the use and abuse of police powers. More than 40 activist groups have joined forces in a coalition against the bill since March. The bill is now scheduled to resume its path through Parliament in May. More than 600 civil society and protest groups have called for the government to drop the legislation. A planned quick passage through Parliament has already been delayed.

In London on May Day an estimated 10,000 people gathered in Trafalgar Square at noon at a rally featuring speakers from Sisters Uncut, the youth empowerment organization, the 4FRONT Project, anti-school exclusions campaign group No More Exclusions, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Socialists, Women of Colour and Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM). The diverse range of organizations represented included the trade unions United Voices of the World, the Independent Workers' Union of Great Britain, the University and College Union, the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers and Unison. This broad swathe of organizations was reflected in the demonstration itself, with speakers pointing out, "We're here for everybody!"

Pragna Patel, Director of Southall Black Sisters, said in London: "The bill represents a massive assault on civil liberties and it's part of a wider trend on the part of the government to shut down free speech, shut down protest, shut down dissenting voices. In a sense it's an attack on a fundamental democratic value, which is the right to raise our voice in criticism, in protest, in dissent.

"We are really, really alarmed by the government's thrust towards authoritarianism. This represents one in a long line of draconian laws which the government is bringing in which will impact on our fundamental rights."

After gathering in Trafalgar Square from midday, protesters marched past Buckingham Palace amidst red and purple smoke flares, then through Victoria, past the Department for Education and the Home Office, and finally across the river to Vauxhall Gardens.

Outside the Home Office, speeches were given from atop a double decker bus, including by students from Pimlico Academy who recently walked out of school in protest of racist school uniform policies. Activists expressed solidarity with Osime Brown, a young autistic Black man currently facing deportation to Jamaica.

As police helicopters flew overhead, the militant march to Vauxhall Gardens focused on how to intervene in police Stop-and-Searches, how to resist evictions and how to stop immigration raids.

Opposition to the bill has been growing also because of the exercise of police violence against peaceful demonstrations during the COVID-19 lockdown, as well as revelations of endemic police corruption, racism, and connection with neo-Nazi organizations. The Mitting Inquiry itself, initiated after the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence on April 22, 1993, indicated endemic racism throughout the police. The use of under-cover policing since the anti-Vietnam War demonstrations, and before, has also demonstrated both the immorality and provocateur nature of the secret police which is integral to the police powers in the executive and court system. In this light, demonstrators on May Day also upheld the slogan, "Whose Streets? Our Streets!"

Towns where demonstrations were held included Sheffield, Manchester, Newcastle and Bristol where demonstrators have come under police attack since the first of eleven demonstrations since March 2020 when the statue of slave-trader Edward Colston was torn down and dumped in the tidal river. Other towns included Margate, Hastings, Oxford, Bath, Doncaster, Brighton, and Aberystwyth in Wales. In Truro, Cornwall, protesters gathered on Lemon Quay and marched through the city. A statement from organizers prior to the event said: "We're taking to the streets again on a day of national action to Kill the Bill. Cornwall has shown we are rising to each and every occasion. Let's make May Day bigger and more spectacular than any of our protests so far. Cornwall is rising! We have shown that we have a vibrant protest movement here. We need to grow that momentum. We need to Kill the Bill."

Brighton, England

Sheffield, England

Liverpool, England

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Cuban People Celebrate Their Vigorous, United
and Victorious Homeland

In conformity with health and safety conditions during the pandemic, Cuba's central May Day event was marked this year with a simple commemoration at Havana's José Martí Plaza de la Revolución, Granma reports.

Among those in attendance was Communist Party of Cuba First Secretary and President of the Republic Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz and other members of the Party, Political Bureau, government and trade union movement.

After the National Anthem was played and the national hero honoured with white roses, Political Bureau member and Secretary General of the Federation of Cuban Workers, Ulises Guilarte Nacimiento, congratulated the nation's workers for their commitment and critical contribution to the construction of a vigorous, united and victorious homeland.

"Congratulations workers! What has been done to survive the pandemic under a tightened blockade, and nonetheless advancing, is monumental. A hard-working, creative people like ours deserves a great tribute," tweeted President Díaz-Canel on the occasion.

Cuban workers and families celebrated May Day virtually, on social networks, and in small gatherings in accordance with health and safety measures, reaffirming the people's support for the Cuban Revolution, and their continuing struggle for equality and social justice.

New Song Released

A new song, Un Eco de Banderas (An Echo of Flags) was released on the occasion of May Day. In the video for the song, singer-songwriter Arnaldo Rodríguez and his Talisman orchestra are joined by a number of other celebrated Cuban musicians in a tribute to the determination of the country's people to forge ahead, working hard and overcoming all manner of challenges as they defy the U.S. attempt to bring them to their knees. In the words of its chorus, "Aquí no hay marcha atrás / Aquí la timba está 'cerrá'" ("Here there's no going back / The gambling den is shut here"). 

To view the video click here.

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Party and State Pay First Rate Attention
to the Working Class

 President Nguyen Xuan Phuc (4th, left) and delegates witness the launch of the Workers' Month and the Month for Labour Safety and Hygiene.

At this year's main ceremony marking International Labour Day, held in Hanoi on April 28, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc pointed out that Vietnamese Communist Party and State always give special attention and care to the working class, labourers and trade unions. He added that workers and labourers have continued to play an important role after 30 years of reform, noting they are the driving force in the process of national industrialization and modernization.

President Phuc hailed initiatives raised by trade union members and employees nationwide for the development of their businesses, agencies, units and the nation as a whole.

Pointing out difficulties facing workers and labourers in general, notably those working in the informal sector, as Vietnam and the world are combatting COVID-19, the President stressed that the Party and the State have adopted effective measures to fight the pandemic and recover the national economy.

Incomes of labourers are expected to increase again and new jobs would be created in the time ahead, helping to boost the rapid, sustainable economic growth of the country, the President said.

In that spirit, he emphasized the need for the Vietnamese trade unions to soon draw up an action plan in order to realize the Resolution adopted at the 13th National Party Congress, saying the plan must carry forward the core, pioneer role of workers and labourers nationwide.

At the same time, trade union organizations at all levels should revamp their operational methods to better care for and protect legitimate rights and interests of workers, he said.

Nguyen Dinh Khang, President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour (VGCL), highlighted great contributions of the working class to the development of the Vietnamese revolution.

The VGCL has chosen the theme of "Solidarity, Creativity, Overcoming Difficulties, Development" for 2021, he said, adding that up to 245,000 initiatives were raised by workers and labourers across the country under a program launched by the confederation. On this occasion, the VGCL launched the Workers' Month and the Month for Labour Safety and Hygiene.

(Vietnam News Agency)

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Around the World

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May Day celebrated at the Farmers protest camps on the Delhi border as a day of workers-farmer unity against the farm laws.


Republic of Korea




Protests against planned tax reforms take place across the country.



El Salvador












In Ankara carnations were laid at a memorial for 415 healthcare workers who have died in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic at Ankara City Hospital (top). Despite lockdowns and bans on demonstrations thousands took to the streets across the country on May Day. 

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