
Cuban People Celebrate Their Vigorous, United and Victorious Homeland

In conformity with health and safety conditions during the pandemic, Cuba's central May Day event was marked this year with a simple commemoration at Havana's José Martí Plaza de la Revolución, Granma reports.

Among those in attendance was Communist Party of Cuba First Secretary and President of the Republic Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz and other members of the Party, Political Bureau, government and trade union movement.

After the National Anthem was played and the national hero honoured with white roses, Political Bureau member and Secretary General of the Federation of Cuban Workers, Ulises Guilarte Nacimiento, congratulated the nation's workers for their commitment and critical contribution to the construction of a vigorous, united and victorious homeland.

"Congratulations workers! What has been done to survive the pandemic under a tightened blockade, and nonetheless advancing, is monumental. A hard-working, creative people like ours deserves a great tribute," tweeted President Díaz-Canel on the occasion.

Cuban workers and families celebrated May Day virtually, on social networks, and in small gatherings in accordance with health and safety measures, reaffirming the people's support for the Cuban Revolution, and their continuing struggle for equality and social justice.

New Song Released

A new song, Un Eco de Banderas (An Echo of Flags) was released on the occasion of May Day. In the video for the song, singer-songwriter Arnaldo Rodríguez and his Talisman orchestra are joined by a number of other celebrated Cuban musicians in a tribute to the determination of the country's people to forge ahead, working hard and overcoming all manner of challenges as they defy the U.S. attempt to bring them to their knees. In the words of its chorus, "Aquí no hay marcha atrás / Aquí la timba está 'cerrá'" ("Here there's no going back / The gambling den is shut here"). 

To view the video click here.

This article was published in

Volume 51 Number 11 - May 13, 2021

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