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August 24, 2022 - No. 6

25th Anniversary of the Death of
Comrade Hardial Bains
August 24, 1997

With Deepest Respects

Memorial Gathering at Beechwood Cemetery, Ottawa
- July 31, 2022 -

CPC(M-L) Honours Its Members Who Have Passed Away

With Deepest Respects
- Central Committee
Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)
August 24, 2022 -

Memorial Gathering at Beechwood Cemetery, Ottawa

This year, the memorial gathering organized by the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) at the Party Monument in Beechwood Cemetery in Ottawa paid special tribute to our founder and leader Comrade Hardial Bains, on the 25th anniversary of his death.

We paid tribute as well to all the Party comrades who have passed away and this year, in particular, to the comrades we have lost in the past two years: Dorothy-Jean O'Donnell, Jean-Paul Bédard, Louis Lang, Allan Bezanson and James Nugent.

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CPC(M-L) Honours Its Members
Who Have Passed Away

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With Deepest Respects

At the funeral of Hardial Bains held on August 30, 1997, the tribune at the front of the hall was adorned with the baskets of flowers and wreaths sent by individuals and organizations from across the country and around the world. The portrait of Comrade Bains was flanked by six Party flags, one for each Congress which marked the Party's work under the leadership of Comrade Bains.

Twenty-five years ago, on August 24, 1997, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) lost its beloved leader, comrade and friend, Hardial Bains. Comrade Bains passed away at the age of 58, having waged a courageous battle against cancer.

Through his lifelong dedication to the cause of communism and for the emancipation of the working class and the social and national liberation of the peoples of the world, Hardial Bains provided selfless and unwavering leadership and inspired thousands to follow him. His untimely death was mourned by all progressive, democratic and revolutionary people whose lives he touched. 

The funeral was attended by his family, members of CPC(M-L), its supporters in Canada and abroad, fraternal parties and fellow travellers who joined the work he led and found hope for a new world in his vision of modern communism. The report on the funeral published by TML Weekly in 1997 reads:

"More than 550 people filled the hall at the Palais de Congrès in Hull, Quebec where, on August 30, 1997, the solemn memorial service for Comrade Bains took place. They came from all over Canada, Britain, Ireland, Australia, India, the United States and several other countries to pay homage to this great personality and communist leader. The participation of so many comrades, friends and fellow-travellers spoke volumes about the qualities of this man who touched the lives of so many, from his earliest childhood days to the saddest day when, on August 24, 1997, he drew his last breath.

"Old friends and new and many fellow travelers joined the members of the Party's Central Committee, the representatives of the Party organizations from across the country and Comrade Bains' family in bidding him farewell. Besides his life-long companion and six children, brothers, sisters, cousins, nephews and nieces and their families, those in attendance included many from his childhood days in India, from his early years at the University of British Columbia and from his years in Ireland. Along with his Party comrades and many friends representing each period of his life and struggle, many colleagues attended from political, academic and cultural fields, as did workers, women and representatives of some of the most vulnerable sections of Canadian society. The large number of youth who came to pay their deepest respects to Comrade Bains speaks for itself of his love for the youth and his dedication to their cause. Fraternal Parties from India, Britain, Ireland, Cuba and the United States also came to pay final tribute to their dearest comrade and friend, Hardial Bains."

On this occasion of the 25th anniversary of the death of Comrade Bains, the Central Committee of CPC (M-L) expresses deepest respects for his work which we hold in the highest regard. The significance of the nation-building project he bequeathed us increases with each passing day. His contributions to the theory of Contemporary Marxist-Leninist Thought based on the Necessity for Change analysis and modern definitions permit the empowerment of the people and the emergence of the modern democratic personality required to open society's path to progress. Comrade Bains dedicated his life and work to the striving of the working and oppressed peoples to bring into being a world fit for human beings of their own making. This is crucial to defend the cause of peace, freedom and democracy in this particular historical juncture in which everything has come to a head.

On this occasion, we remember all those who joined us 25 years ago to mourn the passing of Comrade Bains and send our sympathies to all those party members who have stood firm through the years by taking up the work to build the mass communist party which Comrade Bains always put in first place, taking up the implementation of the nation-building tasks which are so much needed today. We express our support for the Party sympathizers and fellow travellers and, especially, for the youth of today who have lifted the Party banner and carry it forward with utmost pride and the courage of their convictions.

To Comrade Bains' family and extended families who he loved dearly and for whom he provided strength and direction, may all those who treasure his legacy stay safe and keep well. We cherish the memory of all those who have passed away in the ensuing years.

To the Memory of Comrade Hardial Bains

Sonnet by John Maharg

Be silent, says the heart, yet words are all
We have to say; this was a man who took
The heart and mind by storm and with his call
To arms for revolution wrote the book
Anew. He was not only for his time,
But for that time to come when all who choose
To right the wrongs of class oppression climb
The heights, and from the mountain tops accuse
With more than words who would deny the mass
Their right to rule by their choice, undeceived.
So fought this comrade for this right, and pass
Who may in silence or who will relieved
He no more will the rostrum mount; he will --
In us -- for he in us is living still.

Memories from 25 Years Ago

The casket was brought into the hall led by the red Party flag, inscribed with the words: Historic Initiative, in honour of the work Comrade Bains developed to transform CPC(M-L) into a mass communist party and take Canada into the 21st century on a new basis.

When the casket was placed at the front of the hall, a young pioneer laid a single crimson rose on the red flag of revolution and communism which draped the casket.

A representative of the Central Committee informed Comrade Bains of the presence of his comrades, relatives and friends who had come from far and wide to pay their last respects. He read excerpts from some of the hundreds of messages of condolence received by the Central Committee on this sad occasion. His Excellency Bienvenido Garcia, Cuban Ambassador to Canada presented the message from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba. 

The tributes concluded with a representative of the Party youth addressing the Tribute of the Youth to Comrade Bains, who dedicated his greatest energies to the struggle of the youth for a better world.

The tributes were followed by a violin and piano instrumental medley performed by young musicians: Advance Fighting Youth of the World; Here's the Rose, Now Dance; The Party Is the Most Precious Thing and We Sing for the Future. One of Comrade Bains' favourite patriotic Punjabi songs and the Irish revolutionary song Revolution's Dawn Is Breaking, were followed by some of Comrade Bains' favourite Urdu couplets. The Urdu poem March On! and the Sonnet to the Memory of Comrade Hardial Bains by John Maharg, both written for the occasion, were then presented. The eulogy, Oh Comrade, Dear Comrade, Our Beloved Comrade, was spoken by a representative of the Party's Central Committee.

All of Comrade Bains' comrades, relatives, colleagues and friends then stood for a moment of silence, soon to be enveloped by the strains of the music of The Internationale.

As the service ended, everyone present walked past the casket one last time, bidding their personal farewells. Many of those present raised their fists to salute their beloved comrade and friend as he lay before them for the last time. Everyone present expressed their respects and profound appreciation for the contributions of Comrade Bains to the cause of the proletarians and oppressed peoples of all lands for freedom from want and exploitation, and to their own lives which he touched in so many ways.

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