December 9 — Online Christmas Action
Justice for Injured Workers!
Workers’ Comp Is A Right!
Workers’ Comp Is a Right! Christmas outreach action in Toronto in the first months of the Campaign, December 2017
Wednesday, December 9 — 11:00 am EST
Organized by Ontario Network of Injured Workers’ Groups
Watch live on Facebook
Register and join zoom meeting here
For many injured workers, the holidays, rather than being a time of celebration, are a time that emphasizes the poverty and isolation they experience all year round as a result of the workers’ compensation system. COVID-19 has only increased these problems. As studies show, many permanently injured workers experience a cascading set of health impacts that make COVID particularly dangerous.
For more than 20 years, injured workers and their allies have gathered on the steps of the Ministry of Labour or at the WSIB offices in December, calling on government to change the compensation system to fully and justly compensate injured workers.
This year, join ONIWG on Facebook Live for a festive gathering featuring singalongs, messages from injured workers’ allies, demands to fix the workers’ compensation system and for Justice for Injured Workers!