Ontario Injured Workers’ Day
Celebrate the Collective Strength of Injured Workers!
Compensation Is a Right!
June 1st 2020 is the 37th Ontario Injured Workers Day. Because of COVID-19, for the first time since 1983, we are not gathering in person to celebrate our collective strength and push for a better future.
Ontario’s health and safety and workers compensation systems are broken. Coronavirus has not created these problems, but it has brought them clearly into focus, and we cannot go back to how things were. This June 1st, we stand together to look towards the future. It is time to create meaningful change to keep workers safe, and to show once and for all that WORKERS COMP IS A RIGHT.
We know what is needed to fix the system:
• Workers MUST be protected on the job.
• Those who do get sick MUST be covered by workers compensation without hassle or delay, and
• The compensation board MUST end their harmful practice of deeming, or pretending injured workers have jobs that they do not in fact have and cutting benefits.