Online Meetings April 17-18
No to the Criminal U.S. Blockade of Cuba!

Friday, April 17, 2020 — 5:00 pm
Organized by the Table de concertation de solidarité Québec-Cuba
Join the Zoom Meeting here.
Meeting ID: 895 6482 0423
Password: 960934
Participate in the visio-meeting on April 17 to demand the end of the U.S. blockade against Cuba and to learn about and support Cuba’s contribution to the global fight against COVID-19. The video conference will be dedicated to Miguel Angel Cespedes Pino, who passed away on April 6, taken from us by COVID-19.
Friday, April 17, 2020 — 7:00 pm
Organized by Ottawa Cuba Connections
Register in advance for meeting here.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email
with information on how to join the meeting.
The Ottawa Cuba Connections’ monthly picket at the U.S. Embassy demanding an immediate End to the Illegal U.S. Blockade of Cuba is replaced by an online meeting. We will pursue our monthly campaign in solidarity with the Cuban people who are heroically facing the difficult situation under the illegal U.S. blockade and are rising to the occasion by providing an example of international solidarity for the whole world by sending medical teams to countries that require assistance to fight the pandemic and defend the people.
Let us get together to once again call for an End to the Illegal Blockade of Cuba and demand that the U.S. get out of Guantanamo and abolish all unjust U.S. laws targeting Cuba.
Viva Cuba!
Opening remarks by OCC
Giuvel Orozco, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Cuba In Canada will
explain how Cuba is resisting despite the enforcement of the criminal U.S. blockade
during the pandemic thereby depriving Cuba of needed medical supplies.
Isaac Saney, spokesperson for the Canadian Network on Cuba will then speak to us
about the campaign to raise funds for the Cuban medical brigades operating
in more than 11 countries at this time to help stop the spread of the virus
An exchange of views will follow on measures Ottawa-Cuba Connections can take to
support this campaign or other initiatives which can be adopted to end the U.S. blockade of Cuba.
Everyone is welcome!
U.S.-Cuba Normalization Webinar
Worldwide Health Crisis Demands Solidarity, Not Sanctions!