70th Anniversary of Founding of NATO
Week of Actions March 30 – April 7

The aggressive military alliance NATO is holding a summit in Washington, DC the week of March 30 to April 7 on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of its founding. Actions will be taking place in Washington, DC and around the world against NATO and to oppose current plans to invade Venezuela. In addition to the March 30 demonstration, conferences and street actions are taking place in Washington, DC through the week up to the April 4 Black Alliance for Peace meeting on the anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King. For full listings for events in Washington, DC, as well events elsewhere, click here.
An international day of action has been called for Saturday, March 30 to protest NATO and specifically to defend Venezuela against foreign interference by the U.S., Canada and other NATO members and allies. Colombia, which borders Venezuela, is the first NATO partner in Latin America, playing a nefarious role in supporting regime change in Venezuela.
March 24 this year is also the 20th anniversary of the NATO bombing of the former Yugoslavia under humanitarian pretexts, similar to the ones being used once again to legitimate the military invasion of Venezuela to achieve regime change.
Picket Against NATO
Make Canada a Zone for Peace!
Get Canada Out of NATO! Dismantle NATO!
Thursday, April 4 — 5:00-6:00 pm
Complexe Guy Favreau
200 René-Lévesque Blvd. W.
Organized by Parti marxiste-léniniste du Québec
Meetings in Canada on the 70th Anniversary of NATO
Thursday, April 4 — 7:00 pm
Edmonton Hostel, 10647 – 81 Avenue
Organized by CPC(M-L)
For information: alberta@cpcml.ca, (780) 484-2961
Saturday, April 6 — 12:15 pm
Giuffre Library, 3223 14 Street SW
Organized by CPC(M-L)
For information: alberta@cpcml.ca, (403) 667-2961
Sunday, April 7 — 3:00 pm
Workers’ Centre of CPC(M-L), Etobicoke
For information: 647-907-7915
Sunday, April 7 — 2:00 pm
Firehall Branch, Vancouver Public Library, 1455 West 10th Ave.
Saturday, April 13 — 2:00 pm
Courtenay Public Library, 300 6th St.
Comox Valley Peace Group,
For information: 250-338-3149