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May 20, 2014 - Vol. 3 No. 28

June 12 Election

Vote No to the Austerity Agenda!

June 12 Election
Vote No to the Austerity Agenda!
The Need for a New Direction for the Economy

June 12 Election

Vote No to the Austerity Agenda!

Ontario Political Forum is pleased to inform you that during the Ontario election campaign, it will post articles on a daily basis to inform its readers of the concerns of the working people and how they are intervening in this election. The aim of Ontario Political Forum is to help unify the people in action during the campaign so that they can give expression to their opposition to the brutal austerity agenda championed by the parties in the Legislature, especially the Liberals and the PCs.

Ontario Political Forum thinks the best outcome in this election is to make sure that no political party which champions the austerity agenda can form a majority government. No party which forms the government should be able to claim a mandate for anti-worker, anti-people, anti-social policies, laws and arrangements.

Experience at the federal level as well as in various provinces, including now Quebec, shows that governments that espouse neo-liberalism use parliamentary majorities to pass the most anti-worker, anti-people and anti-social measures and to act with impunity.

Let us together find the ways and means to make a clear statement that the working people reject this anti-social agenda championed by both the Liberals and PCs and that they want solutions to the problems of the economy and other aspects of life which uphold their rights!

Vote No to the Austerity Agenda!
Deprive the Parties in the Legislature of a Majority Mandate!
Defeat the Liberals and the PCs!

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The Need for a New Direction for the Economy

During the Ontario election, one of the greatest problems facing the people is the fraudulent discussion on the economy. It poses a real problem for the people since economic stability is their greatest need. So long as people have stable decent paying jobs, they can organize to meet their expenses. So too they need to count on a decent income during their retirement and that the social programs they depend on will be there.

Despite this, the political parties in the Legislature try to hide their partisan attacks on the economy and people behind a barrage of disinformation. They erect a smokescreen of what can be called "one nation economics." This is the pretence that the rich and the poor have the same interests and the poor should line up behind the plans of the rich for the good of society.

Whenever those who call themselves "leaders" speak, and their words are repeated endlessly in the mass media, they try to hide the truth of the social relation of the economy and its social class makeup behind a barrage of buzz words. They refuse to inform the people of the concrete conditions of an economy that has two main contending social classes and interests, and that every economic policy, measure and agenda serves either one or the other of the two main contending social forces: the working class and working people or the owners of monopoly capital and their retinues.

A great disservice to the people is done by obscuring the basic truth that the modern Ontario economy is a social relation with two main opposing social forces and that they have diametrically contending interests and rights.

The legislative parties suggest that their policies can serve both social forces within a "one nation economy," which is a big lie. Within Ontario's basic economy, every policy objective, regulation and agenda serves owners of monopoly capital and not the working class. They cannot serve both. To serve the interests of one means in essence to deprive the other of its interests.

The parties in the Legislature hide behind "one nation economics" to obscure the reality that their austerity agenda, proposals and policy objectives serve the owners of monopoly capital and strengthen their class privilege, their control over the basic sectors of the economy and their dictatorship over the working class and the denial of workers' rights.

Within this murky atmosphere of one nation economics, the people are not allowed to hash out and analyze the various proposals, programs and agenda of the legislative parties and determine for themselves their real content and clearly identify the social force those proposals and agenda serve. Enormous pressure is put on the people to ignore the concrete conditions of an economy that is a social relation divided into contending social classes and interests. The Ontario and Canadian economy is not a "one nation economy" but an economy split into contending social classes with opposing interests and rights, which demand a pro-social agenda of the working class to oppose the anti-social austerity agenda of monopoly capital.

Even before the election, the legislative parties and other representatives of monopoly capital began piling on pressure on the people as to how issues should be viewed and how political parties and individuals should address issues from the perspective of "one nation economics." Within this situation, the legislative parties denounce the proposals and agenda of each other while presenting their own austerity agenda as the best way to serve the interests of monopoly capital although they would never admit so openly because that is the nature of one nation politics and economics.

One aim of the Ontario electoral campaign of the legislative parties is to negate the independent politics, interests and rights of the Ontario working class and to keep it disempowered. The electoral campaign of the legislative parties and mass media is to ensure that the contradictions with the Ontario economy and the needs and rights of the human factor are never discussed and never debated, and the working class and its allies in other social strata do not organize for their political empowerment.

In opposition to the status quo, the working class itself has the social responsibility to bring forward into the light of day its independent politics in defence of its rights and interests in opposition to the rights and interests of the monopolies and their political representatives. The fight is on to organize and rally the people behind a pro-social agenda to win their political empowerment, solve the problems of the modern socialized economy and open the door to progress.

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