September 6, 2021 - No. 79

Labour Day 2021

All Out for Democratic Renewal to
Defend the Rights of All!

The Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada sends greetings to the workers across the country and salutes their struggles for wages and working conditions which protect their health and safety, affirm the rights of all and demand equal rights and status for all workers.

This Labour Day the MLPC expresses profound gratitude to the working people in every sector of the economy for fighting to make sure the lives of all are protected under the conditions of the COVID pandemic which is not over.

The past year and a half under COVID conditions has proven above all else that our security lies in the fight for the rights of all and that the country needs democratic renewal so that the interests of the working people, not those of the rich, define the way forward.

Labour Day 2021 falls during the federal election campaign, a most irresponsible election called by the Trudeau government even though the pandemic is far from over. Spokespersons of the ruling elite and their media claim that this election is about "making the right choice," by which they mean voting for the party that will best serve the policies to pay the rich and continue integrating Canada into the U.S. war machine.

Workers are under pressure to take as their reference point the platforms of the cartel parties, to examine them and vote for the platform that is allegedly closest to what they want. It is merely a ploy to divide the people who have no say or control over those platforms. There is no mechanism to hold parties to account and we have seen how governments use any excuse to dictate self-serving laws and regulations.

The election is two weeks away. Let's make good use of this time to speak out and take action in defence of the rights of all, demand that governments stop paying the rich, increase investments in social programs and make Canada a zone for peace! Let's make sure no cartel party gets a majority to claim it has a mandate to pay the rich, privatize, sell out our resources, carry on racist attacks against Indigenous people and minorities, treat the workers as disposable and engage in war preparations.

All Out for Democratic Renewal!

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