The Banking Sector of the Economy

An Important Sector Over Which the Working People Must Exercise Control

Why should banking be considered a private matter to enrich those in control and concentrate money and power in fewer hands? This is an important question.

A key issue is the role of the state at all levels. Should the state and its many institutions serve the people or a tiny minority of rich oligarchs? With food insecurity now a serious issue facing one in eight people; unemployment, poverty and homelessness constant threats; governments incapable of mobilizing the people and science to bring the pandemic under control; and racial and other forms of inequality and injustice plaguing the society, people are questioning the reactionary role of the state and its authority within the conditions that have developed.

Does the state at all levels, as the most important and powerful institution, not have a social responsibility to ensure the well-being of all? Would that not include the broad functioning of the economy in a manner that serves the public interest and not simply a select wealthy privileged few?

The imperialist system in both the U.S. and Canada gives state-sanctioned private banks the social responsibility of creating new money and moving it into the economy as credit. This broad social responsibility to increase the money supply and supply credit to meet the needs of the economy and people comes into contradiction with the narrow aim of private banks to make maximum profit for their private owners.

This contradiction between a private aim and social responsibility exists throughout the imperialist economy. This unresolved contradiction is a leading reason for the recurring economic crises and the inability of the imperialist economy to mobilize the tremendous productive power of modern industrial mass production to meet the needs of the people and guarantee their rights and well-being.

State-Sanctioned Banking to Pay the Rich

In assessing the role of the state within the banking sector and the important role of providing credit and creating new money the reality is clear: the state has awarded positions of power to private enterprises and individuals that use their state-sanctioned privilege for private gain. Those in control of the banking sector act with impunity to serve their narrow private interests and are not held to account for their actions. They refuse to uphold social responsibility as a matter of course, as they consider banking a private matter to enrich those in control and concentrate money and power in fewer hands.

The working people take an opposing view and demand change. Banking and the provision of credit and creation of the money supply are a public matter and entail broad social responsibility. Banking in a modern economy is a necessary public infrastructure or utility required for the proper functioning of the economy in the production and distribution of the goods and services the working class produces to meet the needs of the people.

The banking sector controls the creation of a national money supply at an appropriate level to serve the extended reproduction of the economy in conformity with the growth and development of the productive forces and the actual and potential amount of social product. Further, banks are meant to provide a safe place for people and businesses to keep their savings and for the use of those savings for nation-building to serve the local and national economy. These tasks cannot and should not be considered private responsibilities with the aim of enriching a privileged few.

Banking is a necessary infrastructure that carries important social responsibilities for the well-being of all and society. How to uphold social responsibility on all fronts and in new forms necessary to fulfil their roles are important issues to be discussed for all the different sectors of the economy and politics.

The old forms and aim that arose with the origin of the country, constitution and economy are obsolete. New political, economic, social and constitutional forms, institutions and authority are necessary that are in conformity with a modern economy and country of industrial mass production where the productive forces are completely socialized and workers who sell their capacity to work and produce the social product constitute the vast majority of the people.

Within the modern world and conditions that have developed, working people demand their rights, as they must. They demand an authority in conformity with the modern conditions; they require control over the political and economic power so as to deal effectively with those affairs that affect their lives and in ways that favour the people. Banking is an important sector over which the working people must exercise control.

The people are determined to bring into being new forms that conform to the socialized nature of the basic economy, how they acquire their living, and how they relate to one another and to nature. Modern forms must serve the broad public interest, uphold social responsibility, and have an aim to guarantee the rights and well-being of the people.

The banking and credit system is a sector that needs immediate and radical reform. The old form of state-sanctioned private banks holding the savings of the people and businesses, providing credit throughout the economy, and creating the money supply, has degenerated into parasitism and decay. Private banking has become a form of paying the rich, which plays a negative destructive role in the economy and the lives of the people.

Private banking and its aim of maximum profit for the few have become factors contributing to recurring economic crises and the further concentration of wealth and power in fewer hands. Private control of banking is part of the overall pay-the-rich economy. The ruling oligarchy uses its control of banking to block and deprive the people of the power and control they need to deal with the issues that affect their lives and to take action to solve the mounting economic, social and natural problems facing the country and the world.

State-sanctioned private banking reflects the contradiction between the conditions that have changed and an authority that has not. The resolution of this contradiction requires the renewal of the democracy with equality for all members of the polity at the core, the development of friendly peaceful relations with all humanity, and the humanization of the social and natural environment. Fighting consciously on all fronts for a new pro-social direction for the economy and country brings to the fore the human factor and democratic personality necessary to resolve the contradiction.

The Banking and Credit System Must Become a Public Utility in the Service of the People and Under Their Control

The contradiction in the economy between the state-sanctioned private aim for maximum profit and the need for social responsibility to serve the people and society is starkly evident in the banking system. People are discussing and coming to the realization that the banking system must be torn from the clutches of the imperialist oligarchs. How to deprive the rich of their power over banking and to organize to make this reform of the economy permanent are major concerns of the movement for the New. Bringing into being a public banking system that upholds its social responsibilities to the economy, people and society is an important part of the overall struggle to build the New in opposition to imperialism.

This article was published in

Volume 50 Number 36 - September 26, 2020

Article Link:
The Banking Sector of the Economy: An Important Sector Over Which the Working People Must Exercise Control - Workers' Centre of CPC(M-L)


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