April 28, 2018 - No. 16

International Day of Working Class Unity and Struggle

All Out to Build the New!


Historic Third Inter-Korean Summit Paves the Way for
Permanent Peace on Korean Peninsula

Korea Is One! Congratulations!
Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and
Reunification of the Korean Peninsula

Transcript of Press Conference by President Moon Jae-in
and Chairman Kim Jong Un

President's Senior Secretary for Public Communication
Briefs Media on Meeting Between Two Leaders

Canadian Government Continues Anti-DPRK Actions

United States
Another Successful National Student Walkout
•  Anti-War Movement Holds Vigorous Demonstrations
Against Attacks on Syria


The Communist Party Will Resolutely Support and
Back the New President

- Speech by Raúl Castro Ruz -

International Day of Working Class Unity and Struggle

All Out to Build the New!

As workers all over the planet prepare to mark May Day 2018, contingents of the international working class reflect on their situation and their demands. In Cuba, the working people will celebrate their people's power and pledge to take further measures to consolidate their socialist economy. In the capitalist world workers know from direct experience that the problems they face at work and generally in their lives and society are connected with the unresolved problem that political power is in the hands of alien class interests. To solve those recurring problems the working class must take collective action to sort out the question of Who Decides? For this to happen, workers must rely on their own thinking, institutions, unity and strength of numbers, and resolve to become an independent political force which solves problems through actions with analysis. They must confront economic and social problems as a united force increasingly conscious of their social responsibility to constitute the nation and provide society with a pro-social aim. This will give them confidence in their ability to build the New. Whatever happens, they cannot look for solutions from a ruling elite which serves supranational private interests. This ruling elite is presently in control of the political process and their track record is to not permit any action that favours the working people.

This workers' consciousness of the necessity to unite and rely on themselves to bring about change that favours the people emerges from the class struggle they wage which becomes congealed as social class experience. Their direct experience when summed up gives rise to a new outlook, one that is not based on pragmatism like that of the social class outlook of the imperialists who own and control the basic economy and state. The pragmatic world outlook is opportunist, self-serving and justifies what cannot be justified. Its motto is that the end justifies the means and nothing succeeds like success. If they do not achieve success, then they wreak revenge.  The arrangements they put in place impose their backward imperialist outlook and thinking on the working people to keep them under control. On the basis that everyone should fend for themselves, they want the working people to be self-serving  and not concern themselves with the affairs of the society or polity. They want them to be collectively apolitical and inactive.

Driven by their private self-interest, the outlook of the ruling elite is to use their positions of power and privilege to maintain the society divided between those who rule and those who are ruled. Their political process makes sure no discussion whatsoever takes place on how the people would like problems solved in their favour and how they propose to do so. On the contrary, to fend for themselves "successfully," people are supposed to deal with the state one on one to access what should belong to them by right. Meanwhile the state institutions no longer even pretend to deal with the collectives that represent the working people, just those that represent the rich. They do not recognize the objective necessity for change because that would infringe on their private interests and class privilege. Their class nature is to manipulate the economy and state for their narrow private interests. They refuse to democratize the electoral processes so that the people can participate in governing themselves directly, and those who call themselves representatives of the people, but in fact represent alien class interests, are put in their place.

This year, it has become fashionable for the ruling class to say that the measures it takes to further narrow private interests and class privilege are synonymous with the national interest. This is the case even when the measures they take solve no basic problem and result in damaging recurring economic crises and unending anti-democratic dictate, violence and war.

Workers know that they can only serve their individual and collective interests and uphold their rights if they unite in action to defend the rights of all and the broad collective interests of the polity. This requires mobilizing workers in their own organizations with their own thinking to bring their superior numbers into conscious actions to bring about the political reforms which give rise to their own empowerment. Only they have an interest to defend their rights and to solve the problems confronting the working people and economy, thereby forcing the parasites who are not their peers but rule over them, to back off.

Local 1005 USW's Thursday Meetings, which have been held on a continuous basis since 2003,
are a forum for workers to discuss their concerns and develop their independent politics.

For the rulers to solve problems facing society would require subordinating their private interests and class privilege to the socialized nature of the economy and providing a modern aim for society to make sure the rights of all are guaranteed. Instead, they use their power to force domination of private interests and class privilege and obstruct the path forward. The political power in the hands of the ruling privileged elite no longer operates through a government of laws. Governments of police powers, of permanent executive rule under the hoax of permanent states of exception, have closed down what were hitherto considered the political system's mechanisms of participation for the working people to have a say and uphold their rights. The ruling elites are proposing that the only choice the workers have is to agree with them, give up the resistance which upholds their rights and, what's more, negate their own rights, betray their own conscience, and give up.  

This makes fighting for the democratic renewal of the political process the urgent necessity. This May Day -- at a time the writ for a general election is about to be dropped in Ontario and working people in all the provinces are facing an increasingly vicious anti-social offensive enacted by governments no matter what political party is in power -- the way forward is for the workers to take up the fight for democratic political renewal.

All Out to Build the New!
All Out to Make May First a Success!


All Out for May Day 2018!


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Historic Third Inter-Korean Summit Paves the Way for
Permanent Peace on Korean Peninsula

Korea Is One! Congratulations!

As the Inter-Korean Summit unfolded at the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) on the 38th parallel in Panmunjom and its historic results soon became known, all over the world one could hear a collective sigh of relief and then expressions of hope and joy: Korea Is One!

The Koreans set their own agenda to achieve peace, the unification of their nation and prosperity. They achieved this victory by not permitting outside meddling and interference. They signalled to the world that the Armageddon the U.S. imperialists threatened to unleash on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea if it did not buckle under to their demands will fail as Korea is One and will no longer be divided. This is wonderful news for Koreans and the peoples of the world.

Only when the people’s interests are upheld can peaceful solutions be found. The world witnessed this on April 27 and people everywhere expressed their admiration and gratitude. The high level of culture  expressed by the two statespersons, President Moon of the Republic of Korea and Chairman Kim of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and their organizations, in terms of preparation and actions during the event, established a calm and optimistic atmosphere that brings honour to the Korean people and their leaders.

Guided by the aim of achieving concrete results to realize the aspirations of the Korean nation for unity and peace, everything was done to ensure the success of the talks. No hint of untoward incidents of any kind or exaggerated dramatics was allowed, quite different from what the world routinely sees in the imperialist camp. In full view of the world, the two statespersons interacted to sort out serious political affairs in a manner that favours their people, upholds their dignity and deepest aspirations, and contributes to the cause of humankind for peace on the Korean Peninsula and elsewhere. The Summit shows that when domination and wrecking are not the aim, but rather finding solutions which favour the people, problems can be sorted out and will gain the enthusiastic support of the people.

The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) expresses its confidence in the decisions announced in the Joint Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Unification of the Korean Peninsula. We wish the Korean people and their leadership every success in realizing their historic aspirations. Already, the DMZ, an imposed symbol of war and division for years has become a symbol of peace, hope and unification. This achievement convinces us that practical steps will continue to be taken to achieve the desired results expressed in the Joint Declaration adopted at Panmunjom.

Korea Is One! Congratulations!

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Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Reunification of the Korean Peninsula

Chairman of the State Affairs Commission Kim Jong Un and President Moon Jae-in are escorted
by south Korean traditional honour guards to a plaza near Peace House for the official
welcoming ceremony and inspection of the guards.

Kim Jong Un, Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and Moon Jae-in, President of the Republic of Korea, in reflection of the unanimous aspirations of all the fellow countrymen for peace, prosperity and reunification, held north-south summit talks at the House of Peace at Panmunjom on April 27, 2018 at a significant time when a historic turn is being brought about on the Korean Peninsula.

The leaders of the north and the south solemnly declared to the 80 million Koreans and the whole world that there will not be another war on the Korean Peninsula and a new era of peace has been ushered in there.

They, with a firm will to put an end to the protracted division and confrontation, outcome of the Cold War era, as early as possible, to open a new era of national reconciliation, peace and prosperity with determination and to improve and develop inter-Korean relations more positively, declared at the historic place of Panmunjom as follows:

1. The north and the south will make an all-round and epochal improvement and development in their relations so as to reconnect the severed blood vessel of the nation and bring earlier the future of co-prosperity and independent reunification.

To improve and develop north-south relations is a unanimous desire of all the fellow countrymen and an urgent demand of the times that brooks no further delay.

First, the north and the south affirmed the principle of national independence that the destiny of our nation must be decided by our nation itself, and agreed to bring about a turning point in the improvement and development of relations by thoroughly implementing inter-Korean declarations and all agreements already adopted.

Second, the north and the south agreed to hold high-level talks and other dialogue and negotiations in all fields at an early date in order to take proactive measures for putting into practice the issues agreed at the summit talks.

Third, the north and the south agreed to set up a north-south joint liaison office permanently stationed by the authorities of both sides in the Kaesong area so as to keep close contact between them and ensure smooth nongovernmental exchanges and cooperation.

Fourth, the north and the south agreed to reenergize many-sided cooperation, exchanges, visits and contact of all social strata in order to stoke up the atmosphere of national reconciliation and unity.

They agreed to boost the atmosphere of reconciliation and cooperation at home by positively promoting joint events of the nation involving the authorities, parliaments, political parties, local autonomous and nongovernmental organizations and all other social strata to mark significant anniversaries common to both sides, including June 15, and to demonstrate to the whole world the resourcefulness, talents and united appearance of the nation abroad by jointly entering international games, including the 2018 Asian Games.

Fifth, the north and the south agreed to strive for an immediate settlement of humanitarian issues caused by national division and open inter-Korean Red Cross talks in order to discuss and resolve various issues, including the reunion of separated families and their relatives.

For the present, they agreed to arrange such a meeting on the occasion of the forthcoming August 15 national liberation day.

Sixth, the north and the south agreed to push ahead with projects agreed upon in the October 4, 2007 Declaration so as to ensure a balanced development of the national economy and achieve co-prosperity and take practical measures for relinking, upgrading and exploiting the railway lines and roads on the east and west coasts in the first stage.

2. The north and the south will work together to ease the acute military tension and substantially remove the danger of war on the Korean Peninsula.

To defuse military tension and remove war danger on the peninsula is a very important issue related to the destiny of the nation and a vital issue for ensuring a peaceful and stable life of our fellow countrymen.

First, the north and the south agreed to completely discontinue all hostile acts against each other, which are the source of military tension and conflict, in all spaces of the ground, sea and air.

They agreed to stop loudspeaker broadcasting, leaflet scattering and all other hostile acts along the Military Demarcation Line and remove means of these acts from May 1 for the present and turn the Demilitarized Zone into a true peace zone in the future.

Second, the north and the south agreed to take practical measures for preventing any accidental military clash and ensuring safe fishing activities by turning the area along the "northern limit line" on the West Sea into a peace zone.

Third, the north and the south agreed to take a series of military security measures for revitalizing mutual cooperation, exchanges, visits and contact.

The north and the south agreed to hold frequent talks of military authorities including ministers of the people's armed forces and to arrange general-level military talks first in May so as to immediately discuss and resolve military issues arising between both sides.

3. The north and the south will closely work together to build a permanent and durable peace mechanism on the Korean Peninsula.

It is a historic task that allows no further delay to put an end to the current abnormal armistice and set up a definite peace mechanism on the Korean Peninsula.

First, the north and the south reaffirmed the nonaggression agreement on the non-use of any type of armed force against each other, and agreed to strictly observe it.

Second, the north and the south agreed to reduce armaments by stages in accordance with the easing of military tension and the substantial building of mutual military confidence.

Third, the north and the south agreed to push ahead with holding of three-party talks involving the north, the south and the U.S., or four-party talks embracing the north, the south, China and the U.S. to declare the termination of war, replace the Armistice Agreement with a peace pact and establish a permanent and lasting peace mechanism in this year that marks the 65th anniversary of the conclusion of the Armistice Agreement.

Fourth, the north and the south affirmed the common goal to make the Korean Peninsula nuclear-free through its complete denuclearization.

The north and the south shared the view that the proactive measures taken by the north are very important and crucial for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and agreed to fulfil their respective responsibility and role in the future.

The north and the south agreed to work hard to win support and cooperation from the international community for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

The leaders of the north and the south agreed to frequently have a serious discussion of the matters of national importance through regular talks and hotline to consolidate confidence, and make concerted efforts to further expand the trend favourable to the sustainable development of inter-Korean relations and peace, prosperity and reunification of the Korean Peninsula.

For the present, President Moon Jae-in agreed to visit Pyongyang in autumn this year.

Panmunjom, April 27, 2018

Moon Jae-in
Republic of Korea

Kim Jong Un
Chairman, State Affairs Commission
Democratic People's Republic of Korea


1. The spellings used for Korean place names in this article and elsewhere in TML Weekly are those used in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

(Text from Naenara. Photo: Korea.net)

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Transcript of Press Conference by
President Moon Jae-in and Chairman Kim Jong Un

Chairman Kim Jong Un and President Moon Jae-in applaud following the announcement of the signing of the Panmunjom Declaration.

The following is a TML Weekly transcription of the BBC English simultaneous translation of the joint press conference by President Moon Jae-in and Chairman Kim Jong Un following the signing of the Panmunjom Declaration, April 27.

President Moon Jae-in

Fellow south and north Koreans, Chairman Kim and I had an historic meeting and made an important agreement based on your aspirations. We're not going to have war and we are declaring a new era of peace.

Over the past decades we've endured the tragedies of secession but now we are here together because we overcame all those hardships. Chairman Kim and I agreed and confirmed that our goal is the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. In that sense it is really significant that north Korea declared that it would stop nuclear development and it is going to mark a very important beginning.

South and north Korea are going to cooperate more closely; through the truce and peace treaty we are going to end the Cold War regime and we are going to build a permanent system for peace. The international order including the Korean Peninsula can be changed with this important agreement. We believe that on land, on sea and in the sky, there are going to be no further provocations and hostility. We are going to put in place measures to prevent such confrontations. The Demilitarized Zone will become a true place for peace, and we are going to prevent accidental military clashes on sea as well, so that both south and north Korean fishers can focus on their business.

I'd like to thank and pay my respects to the brave and courageous determination of Chairman Kim who made it all possible. We are going to work together for future developments.

Chairman Kim and I share firm trust with each other and we are going to have regular meetings and phone calls for reunification. From now on, we will not return to the past.

Fellow Koreans, along with Chairman Kim, I will work hard for the unification and [inaudible] and peace. We have just started this step. Working level staff are going to cooperate closely and negotiate. All corners of the society and the country are going to be engaged in the exchanges. We are going to resume the reunions of the separated families and they will be given the opportunity to exchange letters. There will be a joint liaison office between south and north, where staff from north and south are going to be stationed.

North and south will hopefully begin investigation and further development of institutions.

Chairman Kim and I have set a milestone for reunification, peace and prosperity that will not waver. Thanks to the determination of Chairman Kim, we've reached this human decision, as a gift to people around the world and in Korea. This announcement is quite exceptional. This is the first time a north Korean leader has been in front of the world for such an announcement.

Once again, I'd like to thank you Chairman Kim for your determination and courageous act.

Thank you.

Chairman Kim Jong Un

Fellow Koreans at home and abroad, President Moon and I met for the first time at the village of Panmunjom with a huge obligation to history. For the success of these talks and Summit meeting, President Moon and all the staff in south Korea worked really hard and I'd like to thank you. I'd also like to thank all the south Koreans for their hospitality and for welcoming us so whole-heartedly.

The north and the south wasted such a long time to meet again. We've been waiting for this meeting for a long time. We are one nation, we cannot be separated and we share the same blood, and this is what I really feel.

We live close to each other and we must not confront each other; rather we are brothers and one nation, to live with each other. We should pave the way for a new future where all the people can live peacefully. That's why I came here.

President Moon and I took this seriously and we've had sincere discussions on many issues. The whole nation should be able to live without [inaudible] and confirmed our determination for a peaceful future. We also agreed on the measures and plans to implement all the agreements already made. We are going to turn around the situation by sticking to the agreements.

For the peace, prosperity and unification of the Korean Peninsula, we reached an agreement and signed the declaration reflecting those agreements. The declaration shouldn't repeat the tragic history of the previous agreements. So we are going to work closely together for the full and successful implementation of the declaration.

I sincerely hope that both south and north Koreans can move freely along the path I just took today. We are going to be one again as we share the same history, same language, same culture and same blood.

Fellow Koreans at home and abroad, we can make everything possible if we work really hard. Based on trust, we should think about the significance and we can even speed up the development of relations. We can even achieve reunification.

History can only be made by the hard work of the generations. The reconciliation, peace and prosperity of the nation, can only be achieved when we fulfill our duties sincerely. There can be some stumbling blocks and setbacks. No pain, no gain. And failure can pave the way for victory or success. Overcoming those hardships, we are going to happily look back at the hard times in the past once we achieve the new future. Let us go forward step by step for this bright future together.

I sincerely hope that this declaration can satisfy all of you, with high expectations and aspirations for peace and unification.

I'd like to thank all Koreans for your unwavering support and expectations for this Summit meeting. I'd also like to thank all you journalists who've been paying attention to this historic occasion.

(Photos: Korea.net)

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President's Senior Secretary for
Public Communication Briefs Media on
Meeting Between Two Leaders

President Moon Jae-in and Chairman of the State Affairs Commission Kim Jong Un meet
for the first time.

I will brief you on the undisclosed conversations between President Moon Jae-in and Chairman of the State Affairs Commission Kim Jong Un, from their historic meeting at the Military Demarcation Line to their friendly chats thereafter.

First of all, the leaders of south and north Korea met for the first time.

During his historic handshake with Chairman Kim, President Moon asked, "You came to the south, but when can I go over to the north?" Chairman Kim responded by stepping across the Military Demarcation Line to the south side and saying, "Why don't we go over now?" He took President Moon by the hand and crossed north of the [Military Demarcation Line] with him. That's why Chairman Kim and President Moon had a photo taken from the north side today, something that was not originally planned.

Chairman Kim Jong Un and President Moon Jae-in's return after crossing together to the north
of the Military Demarcation Line.

While being escorted by the honour guard, President Moon remarked to Chairman Kim, "Foreign dignitaries like the traditional honour guard, too." He added, "It's unfortunate you can only see the simplified version of the traditional honour guard routine. If you come to Cheong Wa Dae [the Presidential Blue House], we can show you a far better performance."

Leaders are escorted by traditional Korean honour guard.

Chairman Kim responded, "Is that so? I will visit Cheong Wa Dae whenever you invite me."

Shortly afterward, an honour guard review took place.

After reviewing the honour guard, Chairman Kim shook hands with the official delegates from both sides and said, "There are some officials who came here today and need to return after the review of the honour guard."

President Moon responded by saying "Then, I hope all the official delegates from the south and the north can stand together for a commemorative photo before some of them return to the north." His suggestion led to an unscheduled photo session.

While viewing the painting titled "Bukhansan Mountain" by Min Joung-ki at Peace House, Chairman Kim asked President Moon, "What techniques did the painter use for this work?" and the President answered that although it was a Western-style painting, it was executed with oriental techniques.

They exchanged a few words at the reception room at 9:48 am.

The President introduced "Hunminjeongeum," a photographic artwork by Kim Jung-man hanging on the reception room back wall.

President Moon said, "This is a photograph of a calligraphic work of a quote from the 'Hunminjeongeum' created by King Sejong." President Moon also explained the meanings of some of the old Korean words that were used in the "Hunminjeongeum."

He said the first letter of two of these words were highlighted in colour and they represented the family names of himself and of Chairman Kim. Chairman Kim smiled and replied that the south Korean Government paid attention to details.

President Moon asked Chairman Kim, "How did you get here?" Chairman Kim answered, "I came here by car via Kaesong early this morning. You must have departed early in the morning, too."

President Moon said, "It just took me about an hour because it is only 52 km away."

Chairman Kim said with a smile, "I was told that you used to be unable to get a good night's sleep, being awakened in the wee hours of the morning because you had to attend the National Security Council meetings because of us. You must've gotten into the habit of rising early in the morning."

President Moon responded to the Chairman's remarks, saying, "I'll sleep well, free from care, from now on, because you gave your word when our special envoy went to the north."

Chairman Kim said, "I'll make sure that you can sleep soundly. While walking down the mere 200 or so metres, I wondered why it has appeared to be so distant and why it has been so hard. I originally expected to meet you in Pyongyang, while now I think it is better for us to meet here. Many people with high expectations are watching us meet here at the very spot that symbolizes confrontation. On my way here I saw that those who had been nervous about any shelling from [the] north Korean army, including the Yeonpyeong Island residents, north Korean defectors and displaced people, do have high hopes for our meeting today. I look forward to making the most of this opportunity so that we have the chance to heal the wounds between the north and the south. The demarcation line, which is in fact not high, may disappear with many people stepping on it and passing over it."

President Moon said, "On my way here from Cheong Wa Dae, I saw so many people who had come out to see me off along the roadside. As such, people have high hopes for our meeting today. The residents of Daeseong-dong all came out and had their picture taken together. We have a lot on our shoulders. I hope our meeting today at Panmunjom will lead to more meetings in Pyongyang, Seoul, Jeju and Mt. Paektu."

President Moon pointed to the paintings ... on the wall of Peace House and explained, "To the left is the painting of Jangbaek Waterfalls and to the right is the painting of Seongsan Ilchulbong ("Sunrise at Mt. Seongsan") on Jejudo Island."

Chairman Kim said, "President Moon seems to know more about Mt. Paektu than I," to which President Moon replied, "I have never been to Mt. Paektu, but there are a lot of people who have traveled there through China. I would like to visit Mt. Paektu from the north's side."

The leaders participate in ceremonial planting of pine tree.

Chairman Kim said, "What worries me about President Moon visiting us is that our transportation system is deficient, and you might find it uncomfortable. Those who went to the PyeongChang Olympic Games have said how fast the PyeongChang high speed train is. Because you are used to this in the south, you might be disconcerted when visiting the north. We will prepare so that we can make your stay comfortable.

President Moon said, "When the railways of the north and south are linked again, everyone will be able to use the high speed railroad. This is something that is stipulated in the June 15 and October 4 agreements but we have not been able to implement them in the past decade. We regret that the momentum has been broken as south-north relations deteriorated. Chairman Kim has restarted this broken momentum of the past ten years by his courageous decision today.

In response, Chairman Kim said, "As expectations run high, there are also skeptical views. Extensive agreements were concluded in the past, but we failed to put them into practice for over a decade. Some people thus cast doubts over the implementation of any agreement to be reached during today's meeting. On my short walk, I thought to myself about whether it really took us 11 years to come this far. Over the past 100 days or so, however, we have made constant efforts to bring forth the thing we have failed to achieve over the past 11 years. If we move forward hand-in-hand with firm determination, the situation would not take a turn for the worse compared to the present situation."

Chairman Kim continued, "I thought our meeting here would be uncomfortable. However, I now feel at ease thanks to the President's personal letter and the conversation I had with the south Korean special envoys. I think mutual trust is important."

Pointing to 1st Vice Department Director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party Kim Yo Jong, who was accompanying Chairman Kim, President Moon said, "First Vice Department Director Kim rose to stardom in south Korea." This mention drew [great] laughter among the official delegates, [at] which the cheeks of First Vice Department Director Kim flushed.

President Moon continued, "Today, Chairman Kim and I are the main characters. Learning a lesson from past failures, we will do a good job. As past agreements were reached halfway through or belatedly at the end of the term of an administration, their implementation failed when there was a change of administration. About one year has passed since I took office as President. I hope Chairman Kim will be able to keep up the pace shown in his New Year's message to today's meeting while I am in office."

Chairman Kim said, "Kim Yo Jong's department coined a term, 'acceleration like a horse that can gallop 10,000 miles a day,'" and said, "Let's make it the pace of progress toward the unification of the two Koreas." The audience laughed and Chairman of the Inter-Korean Summit Preparation Committee Im Jong-seok added, "There is a saying that one should not slow down when walking on thin ice." President Moon said, "Lessons from the past tell us speed is what matters."

Chairman Kim said, in response, "Let's meet more often from now on. We should be fully determined not to come back to the starting point again." He went on, "Let's meet people's expectations to make a better world. I promise we will do well in the future."

President Moon said, "I heard there was an unfortunate accident in the north. You must have been busy handling it. I was told that you went to a hospital to meet the victims in person and prepared a special train for them."

Chairman Kim said, "I came here to put an end to the history of confrontation as well as to work shoulder to shoulder with you to tackle the obstacles between us. I came too with the confidence that a brighter future awaits us."

President Moon responded, "It is the two of us who deal with the matters on the Korean Peninsula firsthand, but we should also work in concert with the world. We should take the initiative in handling our matters so that surrounding countries can follow us."

(April 27, 2018. Text and photos: Korea.net)

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Canadian Government Continues Anti-DPRK Actions

Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chrystia Freeland, issued a statement April 27, the day of the historic inter-Korean summit, which said "Canada is encouraged by the high-level dialogue undertaken today between North Korea and South Korea. We recognize that resolving issues on the Korean Peninsula requires continued engagement and believe a diplomatic solution on the Korean Peninsula is essential and possible."

Unfortunately, the Government of Canada did not join the efforts of the leaders of the Republic of Korea (ROK) and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) to put practical measures in place to end Cold War confrontation and bring about a peaceful solution to outstanding problems. It instead reiterated the anti-DPRK stance the Anglo-American imperialists have adopted and continued the path of trying to interfere and meddle in Korean affairs, putting unacceptable pressure and persisting in the naval blockade. Calling its hostile action "diplomatic engagement" does not change the fact that a naval blockade is an act of war and heightens tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

Freeland said:

As discussed at the G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Toronto earlier this week, as well as during my recent bilateral meetings in Japan and South Korea, the situation on the Korean Peninsula is not just a regional issue, but a question of international peace and security.

Diplomatic engagement is crucial to resolving long-standing tensions on the Korean Peninsula. To that end, we also call on North Korea to demonstrate concrete action toward completely, verifiably and irreversibly dismantling its weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs.

Canada hopes that these talks will form a foundation for meaningful progress toward peace and stability in the region, and a more positive future for all people on the Korean Peninsula, particularly North Koreans, who have suffered for too long.

Then, on April 28, the CBC reported that the Canadian military is joining Britain, the U.S. and Australia in a new surveillance mission to monitor ship-to-ship transfers allegedly enforcing UN sanctions. These sanctions are aimed at strangling the DPRK and its people. Canada and the G7 are out of tune with the sentiment of the Korean and world's people on this matter. It is unacceptable that the Canadian government engages in such demagoguery about diplomatic solutions, peace and international rule of law and portrays those who want peaceful solutions to problems as enemies. These problems, such as the division of Korea and the refusal to sign a permanent peace treaty, were not of the DPRK's own making in the first place. This stand will receive the condemnation of the Canadian and Korean people, the peoples of the other belligerent countries participating in this naval blockade and of all the countries in the region which are affected by the blockade and the tensions it causes.

The Canadian government is sending about 40 support personnel and a long-range patrol aircraft, a CP-140 Aurora, to the U.S. military's Kadena air base on Japan's southern island, Okinawa, a spokesperson for the Canadian defence department confirmed in a statement on April 28. The aircraft and personnel are from Canadian Forces Base Comox in BC.

Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland and Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan issued a statement April 28, that says:

Canada is committed to peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and believes that a diplomatic solution to the North Korea crisis is essential and possible. We welcome recent statements by North Korea announcing a reported suspension of nuclear tests and intercontinental ballistic missile launches.

We fully support the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) sanctions regime that exerts pressure on North Korea to change course and abandon its weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs completely, verifiably and irreversibly.

To that end, the Government of Canada is today announcing its participation in an initiative to counter North Korea's maritime smuggling, in particular its use of ship-to-ship transfers, in contravention of UNSC resolutions. Canada has deployed a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) maritime patrol aircraft in the region to assist in this effort, in addition to assets being provided by the United States and the United Kingdom.

Canada's participation in this coordinated effort is a demonstration of the international solidarity in support of peace and security on the Korean Peninsula.

Also on April 28, Australia offered up a P-8A surveillance aircraft to help monitor north Korea's compliance with sanctions. Australia's Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, confirmed his country's role in the patrols:

We do have a P-8A surveillance aircraft that is going to be working in the region to monitor compliance with sanctions, and that is part of our collaboration with our partners in that exercise to enforce those UN sanctions. ...

What has been occurring is that sanctions have been evaded by transferring materials from ship to ship ... to add to the surveillance of the area enables that to be identified and then, of course, those who are a party to that to be held responsible and brought to account.

The move by Australia and Canada to deploy patrol aircraft comes after a British warship arrived in Japan this month to join efforts to police UN sanctions imposed on the DPRK over its nuclear and missile programs.

"Japan welcomes these (surveillance) activities from the viewpoint of upholding the maximum pressure on North Korea while maintaining the solidarity of the international community," the Japanese government said in a statement, referring to the moves by Australia, Canada and Britain.

(CBC, Global Affairs)

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United States

Another Successful National Student Walkout

Washington, DC, April 20, 2018

The National Student Walkout in the United States is a movement powered and led by students across the country. In a statement issued prior to the recent National Student Walkout organized on April 20, the organizers declared their purpose: "We're protesting congressional, state, and local failures to take action to prevent gun violence. America is the only country in the world where so many people are killed by guns, and yet our leaders do nothing about it. In many states it's more difficult to register to vote than it is to buy a rifle. Apparently to some politicians, a vote is scarier than a gun. We are changing that."

The April 20 Walkout was another great success. Students in 2,487 locations in all fifty states walked out of their classrooms at 10 am. "We are walking out for those who lost their lives to gun violence, to talk about the real problems our country is facing, and to find solutions to the problems that our leaders have failed to address," the student statement said.

The solutions the students are putting forward include: Counsellors Not Cops, Demilitarize the Police, Art Not Artillery, Books not Bullets. They oppose having teachers as police saying, Arm Teachers with Resources, Not Guns. They are also emphasizing that it is their voice that must be heard and that it is through their organized resistance that change that serves their interests can be achieved. On this basis, local National School Walkout Chapters are being developed to provide solutions and involve students in political activity.

Their statement describes the movement and formulates their demands:

The National Student Walkout is the launch of a forward looking youth movement that has a strategy, a plan for action, and is not going away.

We have a three-part goal:

Hold elected officials accountable;
Promote solutions to gun violence;
Demystify and engage students in the political system.

New York City

Buffalo, New York

South Burlington, Vermont

Washington, DC

Great Barrington, Massachusetts

Gaithersburg, Maryland

Madison, Wisconsin

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Chicago Illinois

St. Paul's, Minnesota

Des Moines, Iowa

St. Louis, Missouri

Nashville, Tennessee

Athens, Georgia

Parkland, Florida

Blue Valley, Kansas

Denver, Colorado

Columbine, Colorado

Desert Vista, Arizona

Houston, Texas

Los Angeles, California

Bakersfield, California

Portland, Oregon

Anchorage, Alaska; Fairbanks, Alaska

(Photos: Voice of Revolution, National School Walkout, Z. Lanis, E. Daniels, R. Delaney, P. Galiga, M. Barnes)

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Anti-War Movement Holds Vigorous Demonstrations Against Attacks on Syria

Anti-war actions took place across the U.S. April 14 and 15, rejecting Trump's illegal bombing of Syria and demanding Hands Off Syria! End All U.S. Wars Now! Regional actions in Washington, DC, New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles brought people together to demand U.S. wars end now and that the U.S. close all foreign military bases. Participants included those demanding that the U.S. get out of the Philippines and Korea. Everywhere demonstrators demanded Stop Funding War and Fund Our Rights! Attention was also given to the crimes of violence at home, including police killings and the connection between government use of force abroad and its use of force and violence at home. Signs included Demilitarize the Police and All U.S. Troops Home Now.

Dozens of actions took place in cities south to north and east to west. They reflect the growing anti-war stand of the majority and their rejection of a war government and war economy that provides no security at home or abroad. In many places the students engaged in walkouts and organizing against gun violence joined the actions, as did the many undocumented youth opposing immigrant raids and deportations. Consciousness is growing, as shown in many of the signs, that security lies not in more use of force and violence but in defending the rights of all, abroad and at home.

Washington, DC

Buffalo, New York

New York City

Boston, Massachusetts

Durham, North Carolina

Salt Lake City, Utah

Springfield, Missouri

Nashville, Tennessee

Lake City, Florida

Houston, Texas; Dallas, Texas

Los Angeles, California

Oakland, California

Portland, Oregon

(Photos: Voice of Revolution)

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