March 11, 2017 - No. 8

54th Anniversary of the Founding of The Internationalists

Studying the Work of The Internationalists
as a Guide to Action

Thousands of University of British Columbia students demonstrate against U.S. actions during
the Cuban Missile Crisis, October 24, 1962.

March 8 -- International Women's Day -- Photo Review
Women Determined to Renew the Resistance

54th Anniversary of the Founding of The Internationalists

Studying the Work of The Internationalists
as a Guide to Action

March 13 marks the anniversary of the founding of The Internationalists at the University of British Columbia 54 years ago in 1963. On this occasion, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) sends revolutionary greetings to all Party members, supporters and long-time allies, especially those from the 1960s who continue to share weal and woe with the working people and their striving for empowerment.

Hardial Bains in front of International House at the University of British Columbia, 1962. The meeting to found The Internationalists took place here March 13, 1963.

This year, the Party is calling on its organizations to invigorate the program it set for all its basic organizations to engage in the systematic study of the work of The Internationalists and the writings of Hardial Bains as a guide to action. This study is crucial because the activity of The Internationalists during the period 1963 to 1969 set the thinking, political line, organizational principles and methods of work of CPC(M-L), which was founded on March 31, 1970.

Hardial Bains was not only the founder of The Internationalists but also the leader of CPC(M-L) from its formation to when he passed away in 1997. During this period the general line of the Party was established. It took up the Historic Initiative to deal with the anachronistic democratic institutions, forms and arrangements, and to modernize the country's constitution. Through the Historic Initiative, the Party is creating conditions to have the working class constitute the nation, vest sovereignty in the people and open society's path to progress.

Many people were involved in the work of The Internationalists in the 1960s and the subsequent Party activity identified with Hardial Bains. The aim of the study of this work is to consolidate and advance the activity of CPC(M-L) and turn its successes into victory. To achieve this aim, the study and discussion must be geared to bring forth the essence of the work so as to provide a guide to action that sorts out the problems the Party, working class and society face today. 

The historic Necessity for Change conference held in London, England in August 1967, led by Hardial Bains and The Internationalists.

For instance, The Internationalists always took a practical approach to solving the key problem facing the people at any time. If the task set was merely to repeat what the problem was and no practical work was undertaken to solve it, the organization would exhaust itself and build up no tempo of work to enable it to make breakthroughs on any front.

CPC(M-L) takes a pro-active approach based on its own pro-social program and aims. Because of this it can function and flourish in close connection with the activism of the masses unlike any other political party. Such a connection with the activism of the people cannot be firmly established unless the constant work of CPC(M-L) and key work identified for the period are carried out on an uninterrupted basis.

For instance in its own work, TML Weekly does not forget about its constant work. At the same time, the constant work is not the key work. TML Weekly carries out the constant work of publishing on a regular basis while the key work is to involve as many people as possible in the reading, writing, distributing and discussion of its articles. Without the constant work of publishing TML Weekly on a regular basis, the key work to involve people cannot be taken up.

In publishing TML Weekly, as is the case with every Party organization, the constant work is always done by a very small group of people. This means it can never be said that too many people are involved in the constant work. In fact, the reality is there are never enough. This means the "never enough" force has to do the constant work while at the same time carry out the key work, which is to involve in the work ever increasing numbers of writers, distributors and those who develop discussion.

Party organizations at all levels have to do the same thing. They have to develop the constant work and the key work at their own levels. In fact, it can be said that all organizations must routinize their constant and key work through repetition and assertion while striving to expand their work. Once this happens, they will be able to respond to the calls of the Central Committee of CPC(M-L) to put the full weight of the organization behind the one task set for the period.

Responding to the calls of the Central Committee is precisely what will develop the scope and tempo of work. In this way, the Party and all its organizations in close connection with the working class can withstand all attempts by the retrogressive forces to block the working people from seizing the initiative in the class struggle.

Only through routinizing the constant and key work of all the organizations of CPC(M-L) can success be turned into victory and the work developed and expanded. A very important reason for this truth arises from the incessant pressure on a communist party to transform itself into the kind of organization that sets its tasks in the spirit of a bourgeois party.

Today the cartel parties of the bourgeoisie ignore the fact that society needs an aim to open its path to progress and provide humanity's demand for freedom, peace and democracy with a guarantee. They exercise constant pressure not to espouse the independent politics of the working class and not to unite the people in action by involving them to set practical tasks that further their interests. Parties and activists are pressured to manoeuvre in this and that way to respond to a disinforming agenda set by the bourgeoisie in power, which blocks any attempt to strengthen the New and build the movement of the working class for emancipation.

When an organization analyzes the unfolding events in the light of the Party's analysis and takes up practical tasks to further the key task set for the period, the individuals involved acquire a modern outlook consistent with the needs of the times, and the work advances.

The biggest safeguard against attempts to pressure the Party to abandon the independent politics of the working class and the work to provide society with an aim to build the New is to step up the tempo of the work. To accomplish this, all organizations of the Party have to pay attention to routinizing both their constant work and key work.

The 54th anniversary of The Internationalists is a good opportunity to review why the Party says the duty of all its organizations is immediately to achieve a level where their constant and key work is routinized. By taking a professional attitude towards the systematic study of the work of The Internationalists and the writings of Hardial Bains as a guide to action, and by making a proper assessment of the achievements of the past and how to carry them forward, the comrades and their organizations will be able to draw warranted conclusions of their own work and make great headway.

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March 8 -- International Women's Day -- Photo Review

Women Determined to Renew the Resistance

International Women's Day march in Toronto, March 11, 2017.

Militant mass actions in Canada and around the world marking International Women's Day (IWD) affirmed that women are determined to renew their resistance and plant the flag of women's rights, making it a matter of greatest importance to the society. The actions made clear that the role of women in a modern society is nothing less than a leading one, in which women refuse to be victimized and instead demand everything they require to provide their rights, the rights of the most marginalized and the rights of all with a guarantee.

IWD was also an occasion for people around the world, led by women from the ranks of the working class, to oppose war and aggression, and the retrogressive neo-liberal pressure on society by the ruling elite that causes tragedies and injustices and to emphasize the important role women workers play in the economy. In many countries, IWD was an occasion for women and their organizations to review the victories achieved in affirming their rights and set their aim towards taking these further. Actions also raised the banners of many particular struggles of the working people in each country.


In Canada, rallies, marches and gatherings of all kinds reiterated the demands for concrete measures that defend the well-being of women and children and advance their full participation in all aspects of society. These demands underscore that women's fight for their future, dignity and security is inextricably linked to the fight for the rights of all. As is always the case, working and oppressed women played the leading role to ensure that IWD took up strengthening the resistance movements as a problem for solution. Opposition to Canada's participation in U.S. imperialist aggression as well as support for the peoples of the world fighting for their rights was also taken up in this spirit.

In the United States, mass mobilizations reflected the momentum of the resistance since the inauguration of Trump as U.S. President. Many actions highlighted the broad opposition to the retrogressive Trump administration's assaults on the rights of women, national minorities and immigrants. Actions were held opposing the U.S. administration's decision to cut funding for international women's health programs related to contraception and abortion, known as the "global gag rule."

In the U.S. as well as Latin America, many took up the slogan of the Global Women's Strike/Day Without Women underscoring the vital role that women play in the society as leaders and workers. They affirmed that women deserve the respect, wages and other working conditions commensurate with the work they do, and equal to men who perform the same work.

Fortaleza, Brazil

In Brazil, massive IWD rallies rejected the illegitimate coup government of Michel Temer and its latest attack on the people's well-being, an anti-social pension reform. In Argentina, a huge rally took place in the capital, Buenos Aires, to oppose the neo-liberal Macri government and its attacks against workers and public services and social programs. In Venezuela, a mass march through the centre of the capital Caracas paid tribute to women heroes, Indigenous and Afro-Venezuelans whose efforts contributed to liberating Venezuela from Spanish colonial rule and paved the way for the Bolivarian Revolution. In Cuba, members of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC) held meetings across the country to discuss their achievements and challenges, while Vilma Espín, founder of the FMC was honoured in a ceremony at her grave for her decisive contribution to women's equality.

In London, England a large IWD rally was held outside the British Parliament to oppose inequality in women's state pensions. In Ireland, women demonstrated under the slogan #Strike4Repeal calling for an end once and for all to the 8th amendment of the constitution that effectively bars women from access to abortion services. In France, women used the hashtag #15h30 to highlight wage disparities -- pointing out that in effect, women work two to five hours per day without pay, relative to men doing the same work. In Poland, massive rallies put their weight behind the campaign to defend women's right to access abortion in the face of the government's efforts to restrict the already limited access that prevails there.

The women of Palestine and Syria, countries that have shown the world the meaning of the word resistance, affirmed their essential role in the struggle of their people against imperialism and Zionism. In Gaza, Palestinian women demonstrated to demand equality and to emphasize that their rights will only be affirmed when the illegitimate Israeli occupation is brought to an end and the rights of the Palestinian people are respected. In Syria, women medics of the Syrian Arab Army were paid special tribute for their contribution to defending the country against foreign-backed terrorism and aggression.

Manila, Philippines

In Vietnam, IWD coincided with the National Women's Congress, which drew hundreds of delegates to the proceedings in Hanoi. At the Congress, the Vietnam Women's Union elected its 171-member Central Committee and set ambitious goals for itself including organizing at least 50 per cent of women aged 18 or above as members in the years ahead, and forming 300 new women-managed cooperatives. In the Philippines, mass protests across the country reiterated the demands of the Filipino people for land, jobs, justice and peace. Women also reiterated the people's demand that the government commit to peace negotiations with the National Democratic Front of the Philippines.

TML Weekly salutes the fighting women of the world for their leadership in society and most importantly in the urgent tasks required to renew the resistance to meet the challenges today. Women are rising to the occasion to further develop their leadership as one of the most important contributions to the emancipation of all working people, the end of imperialism and war and the creation of a society that recognizes the rights of all by virtue of being human.



Montreal, March 8

Montreal, March 7

Ottawa, March 8

Ottawa, March 4







Vancouver, March 8

Vancouver, March 10

Prince George

United States

New York City

Washington, DC

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Madison, Wisconsin

Miami, Florida

Denver, Colorado

San Francisco, California

San Jose, California

Latin America and the Caribbean

Mexico City

Managua, Nicaragua

Havana, Cuba

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Guatemala City

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

San Salvador, El Salvador


Caracas, Venezuela

Quito, Ecuador

Lima, Peru

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Porto Alegre, Brazil

Santiago, Chile

Buenos Aires, Argentina


London, England

Belfast, Ireland

Dublin, Ireland

Paris, France

Berlin, Germany

Stockholm, Sweden

Warsaw, Poland

Porto, Portugal

Madrid, Spain

Milan, Italy

Rome, Italy

Athens, Greece


Cairo, Egypt

Lagos, Nigeria


Istanbul, Turkey

Gaza, Palestine

Aleppo, Syria


Delhi, India


Kathmandu, Nepal


National Women's Congress, Hanoi, Vietnam

Manila, Philippines

Shanxi University, Taiyuan City, China

Pyongyang, Korea

Seoul, Korea

Saitama City, Japan


Melbourne, Australia

Sydney, Australia

(Photos: TML, NSGEU, R. Le Blanc, Solidarity Ottawa, S. Desjardins, Hamilton Steelworks Area Council, Council of Canadians, J. Sanyshyn, MAWO, Justice League NYC, Philadephia Teachers Federation, A.K. Fin Photography, A. Cardona, Y. Yarborough, E. Lee, Doreen, SME, J. Cajina, Trabajadores, MINH, CEPPAS, Via Campesina, FMLN, O. Mondragon, AVN, R. Boothroyd Rojas, Ecuador Ministerio del Interior, I. Huilca, Midia Ninja, CUT Chile, CTA, WASPI, Women's Resource and Development Agency, WSM, Peuples Solidaires, ProChoice Berlin, T. Fleischer, iDottie69, Klub Obywatelski, CGPT, CGT, Anticapitalist, Mov Artura, Xinhua, IndustriALL, TKP, Middle East Monitor, RT, SSO, CGPI, Bangalore Contract Sanitation Workers Union, BILS, Viet Nam News, KMU, Shanxi University, KCNA, KCTU, Japan Press Weekly, We Are Union Women, S. Magoffin)

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