No. 27

December 2023

Photo Review, November 20 to 30

Today and Going Forward, We Are All Palestinians

National Demonstration November 25 -- Parliament Hill, Ottawa

The Palestinian Youth Movement estimates that more than 100, 000 people took to the streets of Ottawa to demand an end to the occupation of Palestine, in Canada's largest pro-Palestine demonstration held to date. Coming from all corners of Canada and Quebec, people assembled on Parliament Hill at 1:00 pm on November 25. They were joined by a strong contingent of anti-Zionist rabbis from New York.

The demonstration was held at the very moment a temporary truce was achieved by Palestine, with a first exchange of prisoners, in which Israel released women and children held prisoner in Israeli jails. Holding thousands of prisoners in jail, including women and children, is an ongoing practice of the Israeli Zionist State. The significance of the truce and of the growing demand for a ceasefire and to end the occupation was best captured by a young woman speaking on behalf the Palestinian Youth Movement, who said:

"Salute to the children, to the refugees, who shall return home. Salute to our prisoners who are the compass of our struggle, and salute to our martyrs. Brothers and sisters, comrades, yesterday the world woke up to glorious news. Thirty-nine of our prisoners have been released from the Zionist prisons. This is thanks to the brave people of Gaza who have shown the world that to rise up and resist your oppressor is to suffer in order to triumph.

"The people of Gaza have shown us that our freedom and dignity are priceless. Our prisoners, who were denied food and water and even life itself are now among the free. Thirty-nine prisoners are liberated and they have ushered us into a new era. This is the era of liberation. The era where all the walls will fall, where the whole world has no other choice but to watch in awe as a small, brave nation brings the so-called indestructible army to its knees.

"We are here today, in our tens of thousands on Parliament Hill to demand a ceasefire, an end to the siege of Gaza, an end to Canadian complicity, the release of our prisoners and an end to this sickening occupation. Today, we have shut down the capital, Ottawa.

"November 25 will go down in history as the date when the people of Canada refused to be complicit in this genocide. We're here because we stand for justice and freedom and we are not naïve enough to think that they would offer us justice. But we are brave enough and bold enough to know that justice is ours to take. Justice belongs to the people, it belongs to the righteous, it belongs to the brave, it belongs to Palestine and it belongs to you. 

"We are here because we don't just believe in liberation. We will work for it. We, the Palestinian Youth Movement and the movement for liberation have sprung from the earth on which we were displaced across North America and Europe, creating a new generation of Arab and Palestinian youth that stand tall against Zionism. It is these efforts across the globe that have made our movement one of steel, of heart, of principle and dignity.

"The movement of the free people of the world has spoken. We no longer believe the lies of the political class. Canada, which pretends to uphold democracy and human rights, is now facing us, the people, who can see right through this hypocrisy. This so-called democracy has allowed our tax dollars to fund this genocidal project; it exports weapons that kill the people of Palestine. Every bomb that falls, every weapon in the hands of an Israeli soldier makes the list of martyrs grow longer and longer, and we have had enough! 

"So, this is the message to Parliament: this is not a protest; this is a prosecution trial. And we, the people, charge you with genocide!

"The Western world will try to make us think we are powerless. They will call us terrorists and animals, but that is what they called the Vietnamese people who died to liberate their land against the U.S. Empire. This is what they called the Native peoples, those who fought apartheid in South Africa, the Algerians. Millions, just like you, refuse to stay silent. 

"History has shown us that when we organize and fight, we can bring the most powerful empires to their knees. For 75 years, this occupation has tried to wipe us off the face of this earth, tried in every way imaginable to eradicate our people. We may not have U.S.-funded weapons, Western-manufactured bombs, but we have something that no bomb, no tank, no gun can kill. We have something to fight for!

"The people of Palestine are not just fighting for their liberation. They are fighting to liberate the entire world from this fascist project called Zionism. Every day our people in Palestine, our people in the refugee camps and in the prisons show us how liberation cannot be imprisoned, and it cannot be destroyed. So, know this. The movement has only begun to scratch the surface and the youth are getting organized by the day and we will never stop until every inch of Palestine is free!"

Her words were taken up by tens of thousands of voices shouting in unison: Enough Is Enough! We Charge You with Genocide! Free, Free Palestine!


November 26

Saint John

November 29


November 26

Quebec City

November 29


November 25
Health care workers day of action, November 30, 2023


November 29

Around 200 health care workers participated in a vigil at Queen's Park in Toronto as part of countrywide actions November 30 to honour the health care workers killed by Israel in Gaza. The names of all the workers and their occupations were read out. A number of the health care workers present had themselves worked in Gaza. Messages received from doctors and other health care workers in Gaza were read out.

People spoke of the horrendous conditions faced by their colleagues in Gaza and their valiant fight to defend life, which is an example for health care workers everywhere. They also expressed their confidence that the Palestinian people will prevail and Palestine will be free. Organizers stressed the importance of speaking out on the situation in Palestine among their peers.  

Health care workers vigil for fellow health care workers in Gaza, November 30


November 22


Health care workers' day of action November 30


November 26

Niagara Falls

November 25


November 25

November 26

To mark the UN’s International Day of Solidarity with Palestine, during the afternoon of November 29 people in Windsor and Detroit, Michigan held joint actions  -- “From Turtle Island to Palestine” -- on the riverfront of both the Canadian and U.S. sides of the Detroit River.

The Windsor action was attended by a number of First Nations members and Amberley John, Cultural Coordinator of the Can-Am Indian Friendship Centre and Cultural Consultations Assistant at the University of Windsor, addressed the gathering. Participants at this action chalked the names of some of the 6,000 Palestinian children murdered by Israeli occupation forces since October 7 on the riverfront walkway. 

Earlier that same afternoon as part of a provincewide action, students at Vincent Massey Secondary School walked out of their classes in support of the Palestinian cause and marched to a nearby plaza where they held a rally to demand a ceasefire and an end to the genocide.

November 29


Rail blockade, November 29


Thousands participated in a rally at Calgary City Hall and march on November 26 demanding a permanent ceasefire and end to the genocide in Gaza. Speaker after speaker spoke of the Palestinian people's courageous resistance and the justness of their cause. They also condemned the police brutality against men, women and children at the November 19 demonstration.

One speaker, from Gaza and long-time Calgarian, who has lost almost his entire family to the Israeli Zionist bombing in Gaza, addressed the shameful dehumanizing double standard in the mainstream media where, for example, the hostages to be freed are "women and children," while the Palestinians to be freed are "prisoners," or "women and people aged 18 and younger." He reported that a group of Canadians, whose relatives in Gaza have been killed, injured or otherwise affected by the Israeli army since October 7 or who continue to be stranded in the occupied Palestinian territories plan to bring legal action against Canadian governmental and military officials, including the Prime Minister, the Foreign Affairs Minister, the Attorney General, the Commissioner of the RCMP, and the Director of Public Prosecution for aiding the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel. They are demanding, among other things, that the Canadian government immediately issue a public statement condemning Israeli breaches of international law and call for an immediate ceasefire and end to the Gaza blockade, the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and the crime of apartheid imposed on the Palestinian people by the Israeli government.

A witness to the police assaults November 19 said to the rally, "We do not apologize for protesting peacefully and no amount of silencing, surveillance or intimidation will stop us." She said politicians have made the same mistakes over and over again with the Indigenous Peoples, and the Chinese, Japanese, Black, and Muslim peoples. She said that they don't know that a people of integrity cannot be broken and the people of Palestine will not be silenced.

Children from Gaza were invited to join the last speaker, whose older brother was hospitalized following the November 19 demonstration. He thanked the police who beat his 13-year-old brother and a pregnant woman, for making them feel unsafe as children – just like Gaza – and for teaching them there are no rights for children and for having shown their true face. He compared his life to that of his Palestinian cousins and promised to continue standing with them. He closed with several chants, including Free, Free Palestine! and From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free!

The march proceeded down Macleod Trail to 4th Avenue, across the flyover bridge to Memorial Drive, across Reconciliation Bridge, and down 4th Avenue, paused at the Harry Hays federal building – site of the police violence on November 19 – then returned to City Hall.

November 26


November 26


Vigil for all the martyred health care workers in Gaza organized by Healthcare Workers for Palestine at the Convention Centre on November 21.

November 21

November 25


November 29

New York City

November 24

November 26

Sharon, MA

November 25

Cleveland, OH

November 20

San Diego, CA

November 24

Los Angeles, CA

November 25

Pinar del Rio, Cuba

November 29

San Juan, Puerto Rico

November 29

Mexico City, Mexico

November 29

Bogota, Colombia

November 29

Quito, Ecuador

November 29

Buenos Aires, Argentina

November 26

Santiago, Chile

November 30

Nablus, Palestine

November 24

 Sana'a, Yemen

November 24

Amman, Jordan

November 24

Baghdad, Iraq

School children stand with those in Gaza,  November 23



November 25

November 25

Kabukicho, Japan

November 29

Tangiers, Morocco

November 29

Durban, South Africa

November 26

Hobart, Australia

November 25

Auckland, New Zealand

November 26



November 25

November 25
November 25
November 25
November 25



November 25
November 25

November 25

Cardiff, Wales

November 25



November 25

November 25

November 25

Vienna, Austria

November 25

Berlin, Germany

November 25



November 25

November 25

November 25


November 25

Lisbon, Portugal

November 29

Milan, Italy

November 25

Bucharest, Romania

November 25

Moscow, Russia

November 28

(Photos: TML, PYM, Saint John Palestine Solidarity, Collectif Paix, Z. Sarker, E. Gabriel, Health Workers Alliance for Palestine, Applewood for Palestine, Palestine House Toronto, Windsor for Palestine, Canada Palestine Assn, Nanaimo Palestine Solidarity, Neturei Karta, PAME, JVP Boston, Y.R. Cordero, M. Rivera, observatorioDHP, PCC, Revista Crisis, Free_Bird, Comunidad Palestina en Chile, Shehab, Bulatlat, ILPS, La Sallian, Samidoun, Wafa, drooghead, H. Khan, PSC, J.P. Needham, GMF_Palestine, B. Leipold, khooyinghooi, @iain_00, F. J. Kerr, B. Jewell, voice_wales, Cairde Palestine, R. Gerard, M. Barry, MuseumFree Derry, sasoyassin, kmqkate, mortada_foto, collectif_PV, N. Oziol, Misginaislam21, PCP, bizzeeilish, S. Trudel, Spriter Monitor)

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