25th Anniversary of the Death of Comrade Hardial Bains
August 24, 1997

The Work of Youth for Democratic Renewal

One of the most important features of the work of Youth for Democratic Renewal (YDR) is how we deal with the fact that the youth and students are presented with a very definite situation. The question is posed: What must the youth and students do to secure their future at this time? In other words, the youth are organized by the very task emerging out of the concrete conditions. They are not organized according to some sectarian principles imposed on the situation by some would-be revolutionaries or reformers.

By dealing with the actual conditions of the youth and students, and by posing the question "What Next?" young people are expressing their opinions to one another. There are some youth and students who are already organized with very definite ideas guiding their work. There are other young people who are looking towards the YDR for leadership and organization. There are those who just want to participate in work or actions. What brings them together and unites them is their resolve to deal with the concrete conditions facing the youth and students and to find ways to open the path for their work.

Sectarianism in modern times is the most reactionary thing there is. Every sectarian cares only about the well-being of their own sect, and subordinates the well-being of all to it. The real world tells the youth that what is needed is to subordinate all organizations and their work to the success of the work to open the path forward for the youth and students. The Youth Organizing Project (YOP) Camps and other activities linked to the work of Youth for Democratic Renewal, including the participation in political affairs during elections, have only one consideration: to involve all youth and students to open a path for themselves in order to secure their future. This imparts to this work its most progressive character.

Youth and students who participate in YDR work and activities and YOP camps are called on to work out their own opinions beforehand. This means that events are used to deal with the problems of organizing to achieve success, and not whether this person's or that group's opinion is right or wrong. The youth cannot afford to lose their focus, their aim in getting together which is to organize the events they decide to carry out. All participants are called on to contribute their creative energies to the success of this work.

Youth for Democratic Renewal is not just an organization. It is also a way of looking at things and doing them. All participants are called upon not only to implement the decisions, but also to participate in arriving at them. The entire work of arriving at decisions and implementing them places the participants in the position of being both decision-makers and decision-implementers. YDR and the YOP principles and methods of work truly place everyone in a position of equality and leadership. These are:

Learning Together
Working As a Collective
Taking Up Social Responsibility

The youth face conditions that are most destructive to their economic and spiritual well-being. Managers regularly demand that the youth speed up at work, yet all the while they must remain eternally grateful to have jobs! In other words, they are forced to submit not only to economic exploitation but also to the capitalist dictate: Do not think of anything else except "life" within this system. For all intents and purposes, these youth feel as if they are on the margins of society and life, which is materially and spiritually devastating.

Youth organize picket against the glorification of Nazism, Ottawa, August 21, 2021.

As if this were not enough, their concerns are trivialized by those who speak about their oppression not as an occasion to work for the creation of a new society, which would guarantee a secure future for them, but to harp at them to aspire to having a bourgeois life minus all the inconveniences that go along with it.

For the youth to secure a future, they must fashion a profound life for themselves by being fully involved in creating that new life. It is this life of struggle and organizing that will place them at the centre-stage of all developments and provide them with the wherewithal to change the situation.

Youth for Democratic Renewal is one such prospect. The working class youth must be in the forefront along with the student youth in building Youth for Democratic Renewal as an indispensable tool for the success of their work.

In 1996, Hardial Bains, with comradely affection, wrote a letter to the youth who took up the project of publishing Voice of Youth. Congratulating them on their initiative under the leadership of the Party, he wrote:

"Every new generation of youth has to learn to take hold of the affairs of the society from the older generation. This is certainly the case with the present generation of young people. But what will they learn and from whom? Will the new generation of youth merely take hold of the capitalist status quo and hope for the best? Or will it actually create a society capable of opening a path for the progress of the society? The younger generation can guarantee a future only if the path for the progress of society is opened.

"It is quite clear that the youth will have to learn not just to take over from the older generation, but specifically from that particular older generation that has engaged itself throughout its lifetime in opening the path for the progress of society. Such learning involves work, and very specific work for the progress of society. Your decision to publish Voice of Youth is a step in the right direction.

"While remaining loyal to the task of opening the path for the progress of society, youth must be extremely militant and broad-minded. Some will decide to learn Contemporary Marxist-Leninist Thought and join CPC(M-L), but they must not permit any divisions in the youth collective on this basis. They must forge the unity of the youth as a collective for the progress of society."

Those who want to become Marxist-Leninist, and more and more are coming forward as the revolutionary ebb wreaks havoc on society and the absence of political power is increasingly felt, must ensure that while they become the future cadres of CPC(M-L) they must be at the head of the political struggle and seek the unity of the entire collective of youth. Political struggle at this time has taken the form of the defeat of the anti-social offensive and the victory of the pro-social program on the basis of making way for democratic renewal. Youth must be in the front ranks of this struggle, opposing any ghettoization and marginalization, Comrade Bains pointed out.

Our organization has taken many successful initiatives in the past and many more are needed at this time. Basing ourselves on these past achievements, I am sure that we will enter the new school year ready to make our present initiatives to expand our youth radio, discussion and work for political empowerment successful as well.

This article was published in

Volume 52 Number 7 - August 25, 2022

Article Link:
  The Work of Youth for Democratic Renewal


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