25th Anniversary of the Death of Comrade Hardial Bains
August 24, 1997

Farewell Message of the Youth 

Comrade Bains, we had the great honour of closely working with you and although only for a short time, it seems as if we have known you for all our lives. Such was your intense passion for the youth! Such was your patience, generosity and warmth! Such was your dedication to assisting the youth and all those who shared your resolve to open the door for the progress of society!

Comrade Bains, you are gone but your words and deeds live on and comfort us in our profound grief. "Do not shed a tear," you said shortly before you were to fall asleep forever. "March on!" Let us follow this advice and turn our sorrow into strength. Comrade Bains, we will march on!

"The past only has beauty if it exists in the form of the present, and the revolution only has relevance if it finds its adherents from one generation to the next." We will never forget your inspirational words, dear Comrade Bains. You will always be remembered as the founder of The Internationalists and the Canadian Youth and Student Movement in the sixties. It is true, the struggles that lie ahead will be momentous, but thanks to the revolutionary traditions that you founded in Canada, the future of the youth shines brighter than ever. Step by step, under the experienced leadership of the Party, we are preparing for the revolutionary storms that glimmer on the horizon.

Comrade Bains, your life and work will live on forever. Today we are a small force in the same way that you and your comrades were a small force in 1962-63. But this is still the epoch of imperialism and proletarian revolution and the retreat of revolution is as certain to turn into flow as the sun will rise tomorrow. This is what dialectics teaches us. Your life and work will live on forever and your name will be spoken by millions of workers, women and youth who will come to know of your immeasurable contribution to humanity's forward march. In 1967 you declared: "This great humanity has said enough and has started to move forward!" Today, we are marching forward; tomorrow humanity will join in.

You can be sure that in the struggles to come your spirit will always be with us. We will carry on the glorious struggle for socialism and communism, guided by the proletarian world outlook, and transform the success of revolution in the 20th century into its final victory.

As you told us in January, "As young people, let everyone know your stand through your revolutionary actions. Already, you have made great headway. You did not have your study groups before. Now you have them. You did not have your Voice of Youth before. Now you have it. Go on like this until the time you have revolution. It is at that time that you will speak out with utmost happiness and joy -- Hurrah! We have now acquired our world outlook! And you will declare to the world: The world is ours."

All Glory to the Life and Work of Comrade Hardial Bains!
We Will March On!
Long Live the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)!

(CPC(M-L) Archives)

This article was published in

Volume 52 Number 7 - August 25, 2022

Article Link:
  Hardial Bains -- A Man of Revolutionary Action


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