25th Anniversary of the Death of Comrade Hardial Bains
August 24, 1997

Tribute of the Youth

Every year, on August 24, party youth join representatives of the Central Committee and, together with members of the local party organization, they pay respects at the Party Memorial in Beechwood Cemetery. The Tribute of the Youth to Comrade Bains, delivered on August 24, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of his loss, on August 24, 1997, follows.

Today's youth organized under the leadership of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), pay profound tribute to their ever-present leader, teacher and guide, Comrade Hardial Bains who passed away on this day, 25 years ago. We are joined in this salute by the youth of the '90s generation who are now educating us in the conditions of today as Comrade Bains taught them to do.

The youth of the '90s had the good fortune to work with Comrade Bains directly at a young age. He taught them to unite the people in action on the basis of consciously participating in individual acts of finding out to open society's path to progress on that basis. This is the example we follow and learn from. It is by acting consciously, working as a collective, learning together and taking up social responsibility that the revolutionary youth of today are guided to acquire a world outlook consistent with the demands of the times, as Comrade Bains always guided them to do. To humanize the natural and social environment, our fidelity is to the relations between humans and humans and humans and nature and to what they reveal, which is how to empower ourselves each step of the road we have taken.

Comrade Bains was himself schooled and disciplined by the mass struggle of the people of his native Punjab at the young age of eight or nine when he engaged in revolutionary actions of the people striving for Indian independence. He experienced the treachery of the British and their servants in India who made sure the people could not fulfill their aspirations for liberation, freedom and democracy based on a system of rule which empowered them, not those who took over the mantle of the British Raj in 1947 when they partitioned India and in 1950 when they imposed a Constitution on India designed to keep the people out of power.

Disciplined by the movement and its inherent demands, first in India and then Canada where he arrived in 1959, Comrade Bains profoundly understood the need for a revolutionary political party capable of educating the educators and winning the working class and people to bring about their own emancipation. The necessity to build such a Party and the kind of Party which is needed, we also learn from Comrade Bains. We therefore carry out all our actions on the basis of organization and the mass ideological and political mobilization required to achieve success.

On this occasion, we reiterate what the communist youth said to Comrade Bains in the Farewell Message they delivered at his funeral, held on August 30, 1997 at the Convention Centre in Gatineau, Quebec, the city he resided in and where he worked with the youth during the last decade of his life. The Tribute of the Youth addressed Comrade Bains directly, pledging that the youth would follow his lead by dedicating their greatest energies to the struggle of the younger generation for the world which is striving to come into being, as he did throughout his life.

This article was published in

Volume 52 Number 7 - August 25, 2022

Article Link:
  Hardial Bains -- A Man of Revolutionary Action


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