CPC(M-L) HOME ontario@cpcml.ca

No to Privatization!

Block the Schemes of the Liberals and PCs to
Steal Our Public Assets to Pay the Rich!

April 15, 2014 - The Wynne government has announced it is selling off public real estate in Toronto, selling its shares in GM and establishing a panel to "review" other government assets -- Hydro One, Ontario Power Generation and the Liquor Control Board of Ontario -- all as part of a plan to raise funds for a so-called Trillium Trust that is being created to finance $29 billion in infrastructure and public transit over 10 years.

It all sounds very noble but of course has been decided behind the backs of the people who are not party to any evaluation of either the assets or the infrastructure projects. In addition, the government has also announced that it will be tabling its latest austerity/pay-the-rich budget on May 1.

The theft of Ontario's public assets is being carried out at an ever faster rate through privatization in the form of public-private partnerships and other schemes to have the public finance private profit. It removes immense amounts of added-value from the economy and puts it in the hands of the filthy rich who destroy societies to enrich themselves further and maintain their positions of privilege. Not to mention the way these "partnerships" are used to attack the wages and working conditions of the working people. Meanwhile, the government also uses its stranglehold on the decision-making power to dictate austerity for the working people in order to steal more funds for its schemes.

The Liberals hope upon hope that the working people will be lulled to sleep with their claims of not "pre-judging" the outcome of their review. This is a fraud to hide that the Liberals are putting their ducks in a row to emerge as champions in the next election by defeating the PCs and winning a majority in the Legislature.

The working people of Ontario cannot afford to side with either the Liberals or the PCs in the mistaken belief that one or the other, or any other champion of neo-liberal assumptions for the economy, is a lesser evil. Opposition to the austerity agenda and its corollary, the sell-off and privatization of public assets, is a serious first step to depriving the monopolies and the governments in their service of the power to deprive the workers of what belongs to them by right -- wages and working conditions and a retirement commensurate with the standard of living they have created for themselves, as well as the right to health care and education at the standard society has achieved for themselves and their families. As for the cost of infrastructure the working people require, not the rich, it can be readily financed in a manner which is not destructive to the economy and the people if the motive to do so were present and governments stop paying the rich.

By building on the experiences they have already gained, the working people can establish a new landmark from which to advance their own pro-social program for the society.

Hands Off Our Public Assets!
Stop Governments from Paying the Rich!
Hold Governments to Account!


Read Ontario Political Forum
Website:  www.cpcml.ca   Email:  ontario@cpcml.ca