Thursday, January 16, 2025
Long Live the Palestinian Resistance!
Gaza Ceasefire Agreement Announced

Celebration in Gaza of announcement of ceasefire agreement,
January 16, 2025
• Statement by Dr.
Khalil al-Haya, Head of Hamas Movement
in Gaza and Member of Political Bureau
• Statement of Follow-Up Committee for National and Islamic Forces
Gaza Ceasefire Agreement Announced
Statement of Dr. Khalil Al-Hayya, Head of Hamas Movement in Gaza and Member of Political Bureau
O pearl of the victorious, o great people of Gaza, o honorable people of Gaza, o people of the martyrs, wounded, prisoners and missing persons, o you who fulfilled the promise and were patient and endured pains that no one has ever experienced before you, and you encountered what no one else encountered, and you fulfilled the trust with its right and you are worthy of it, so you sacrificed the moment of sacrifice, and you presented the moment of giving, and you were patient in the places of patience, and you struggled, and you attained the greatest honor, God willing.
Al-Qassam Brigades dealt a
fatal blow to the occupying entity
and will remain in the
annals of history. Our fighters carried out operations against
the enemy with a will and
strength the world has never seen.
The steadfastness of our people and the bravery of their resistance are what thwarted the enemy's plans.
Congratulations on your steadfastness, your struggle, your patience, your giving, and your sacrifices. (Peace be upon you for what you patiently endured.)
We will not forget and we will not forgive, and none of us will give up the right to the sacrifices of our people in the Gaza Strip. Our people will not forget anyone who participated in the war of extermination.
At this historic moment of our people's struggle and their ongoing struggle over the decades -- which will have its aftermath -- we address all expressions of pride and praise to you, our people in proud Gaza.
At this moment, we stand in salute and reverence before the convoys of martyrs, from children, women, elders, scholars, mujahideen, doctors, media personnel, civil defence personnel, security personnel, government and police personnel, and clan and family men.
We stand in reverence before the martyred leaders Ismail Haniyeh, Yahya Sinwar, Saleh Al-Arouri, and all the brothers in the political and military leadership of the movement in Gaza.
We praise the Axis of Resistance that stood by the resistance in Gaza. We pray for all the martyred leaders in the movement and all the factions and fighters without exception.
The Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood marked an important turning point in the history of the Palestinian cause, and what happened on October 7 in terms of military and security achievement will remain a source of pride for our people and our nation and will be passed down from generation to generation.
The fighters in the Jenin camp, Jerusalem, and the occupied interior had a major role in supporting the resistance.
We salute all those who ascended in the most honorable battle and greatest cause, the battle to defend Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa in this battle, and all salutes to those who remained steadfast in the covenant after them, and continued and completed the path and carried the banner after them.
"Israel" has achieved nothing but destruction, devastation and killing in Gaza.
We remember the positions of many countries that stood with us: South Africa, Türkiye, Algeria, Russia, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the free people of the world.
We are now facing a new phase in our proud Gaza, the phase of construction, consolation, removing the effects of aggression and reconstruction, the phase of solidarity and sympathy. We confirm to the world that we are people who build, not destroy, and who rebuild what the occupation has destroyed. We are able, with the help of our brothers, siblings and supporters, to rebuild Gaza again.
Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa will remain our compass and the title of our resistance until liberation.
By reaching an agreement to stop the aggression, we thank everyone who stood with our people and our resistance.
Hezbollah offered its leaders and fighters as martyrs on the road to Jerusalem, headed by Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.
Ansar Allah in Yemen transcended the geographical dimension and changed the equation of war and the region.
Iran supported our resistance and our people and engaged in the battle and destroyed the heart of the entity in the two operations of the Truthful Promise.
The Iraqi resistance penetrated all obstacles to support Palestine and its missiles and drones reached our occupied territories.
We praise the Axis of Resistance.
(Hamas on X. Slightly
edited for grammar and style by TML.)
Statement of Follow-Up
Committee for
National and Islamic Forces
The following statement was issued by the Follow-Up Committee for National and Islamic Forces in Palestine, an organization which includes Hamas and the majority of other Palestinian Resistance factions.
Our great Palestinian people.
landmark historical moment in the history of our people and our
Palestinian cause, a moment in which our people overcame the
Nazi Zionist fascist holocaust in history, a moment of the fall
failure of the Zionist enemy's plans and ambitions to resolve
Palestinian presence and
the Palestinian geography through displacement; indeed,
resolving the
entire conflict in all its dimensions, this failure would not
have been
realized without your steadfastness, fortitude, patience and
your victorious resistance, all expressions of greetings will
not give
you your
destiny, children, women, elders and men.
The sons of our great people and the crown of our heads.
History will record October 7 as a watershed date and a pivotal turning point on the road to comprehensive liberation, and this day will be engraved in Palestinian and world memory as the day of the "flood of crossing and steadfastness"; the crossing of the resistance and the steadfastness of the people.
History will record in its bright side your steadfastness and patience, how an unarmed people were able to stand firm in the face of the worst colonial occupation on the face of the earth, and how your steadfastness caused the Zionist entity to become an isolated state in the international arena; you inflicted great damage to the reputation of the entity whose narrative has fallen, and showed the true face of the Western colonialist international system that supports this entity, as well as the brutal nature of this rogue entity that violated and broke all international laws.
On this Occasion and at this Historic Moment, the Follow-Up Committee for National and Islamic Forces Affirms:
1. We salute the honorable martyrs of our people, whose blood will remain a beacon that illuminates the path of freedom, and our brave wounded, whose wounds will remain a medal for them and a witness to their steadfastness in the face of global tyranny.
2. We send our advance greetings to our brave prisoners, who stand at a close distance from freedom and liberty.
3. We affirm that we will remain steadfast in the face of the occupation's plans to Judaize Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque, settlement brutality, plans to annex the West Bank and control the land and holy sites, as the battle with this occupation will continue as long as it exists.
4. National unity is our mainstay in the face of the Zionist occupation, which has been proven to target all Palestinians regardless of political affiliation, and to achieve our people's major goals of freedom, independence, return and self-determination. Our national unity is the duty of the time.
5. We call on ourselves first as national and Islamic factions and forces; and all the national components of our people secondly to embrace our grieving people who have provided more than two hundred thousand people between martyrs, wounded, missing and prisoners, and to provide everything possible to heal the wounds of our people in fulfillment of their great sacrifices.
6. We call on our great people to solidarity, cooperation and embrace each other, as all our people are injured and bereaved, and the great sacrifices they made in terms of lives and property are beyond the ability of human beings to bear, so let mercy, compassion and kindness be the characteristic of the interrelationship between our people in the recovery phase.
7. We call on the international community and mediators to expedite the implementation of urgent shelter and relief projects for our people, and to immediately start preparing plans for the reconstruction of our beloved Gaza Strip within a clear and specific timetable.
8. We thank all peoples, free people of the world, regimes and countries that have stood with our people; politically, legally, media and in the field, and we assure them that their standing on the right side of history will not be forgotten, and their positions will remain preserved by our people in the past to achieve their freedom and emancipation from the most abominable occupation in history.
9. We salute the mediators who contributed to stopping the hideous massacre against our people, especially the brothers Egypt and Qatar, and call on them to use all the national and patriotic pressure cards they possess to complete and stabilize the final cessation of the war and the withdrawal of the occupation army from all the lands of the Gaza Strip.
Mercy for the martyrs, healing for the wounded, freedom for the prisoners, and liberation for our great people.
Follow-Up Committee for National and Islamic Forces
(Hamas Info Telegram Channel. Machine translated by TML from original Arabic.)
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