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December 24, 2018

2018 Photo Review

Taking Bold Stands in Defence
of the Rights of All and to
Make Canada a Zone for Peace


TML Daily continues its month-by-month 2018 Photo Review with the struggles waged by the working people of Canada and Quebec and the Indigenous peoples in August.

In Ontario, August saw people in action against the Ford government's intensification of the anti-social offensive. People mobilized to demand that the government reinstate the basic income pilot project. The PC government's Bill 5, which slashed the number of city councillors in the middle of the municipal election and eliminated the City's jurisdiction over its own governance, met with a wall of resistance from Torontonians. The government claimed that its victory in the election gave it a "mandate" to carry out these anti-people anti-democratic acts. The incessant attacks on the people underscore the necessity for working people to work out their own agenda, so as not to be caught on the defensive and reacting to the maelstrom of the Ford government's wrecking and policies aimed at dividing Ontarians.

August is the time every year when CPC(M-L) marks important occasions in the life of the Party. August 15 marked the 79th anniversary of the birth of the CPC(M-L)'s founder and leader Hardial Bains, an occasion when the Party honours his memory and that of all the comrades who have died. August 19 marked the 29th anniversary of the Party's historic meeting in Chertsey, Quebec. Comrade Bains' elaboration of the nature of this period prepared the Canadian revolutionary forces for what was to come by analyzing precisely what was unfolding nationally and internationally at that crucial turning point. This analysis has continued to serve the Party in good stead during this period of retrogression marked by grave dangers posed by Anglo-American imperialism and the great tragedies unleashed on the world's people by U.S. imperialism -- the numerous wars, invasions, coups d'etat and medieval violence against the peoples striving for independence and social progress.

August saw the continuation of the fight to stop the expansion of the Kinder Morgan pipeline and to demand the federal government not proceed with its purchase of the pipeline. The month ended with the news that the Federal Court of Appeal had overturned the Trudeau government's approval of the Trans Mountain pipeline in a case that combined multiple lawsuits by First Nations, environmental groups and the cities of Vancouver and Burnaby. This ruling, that the government had failed to properly consult with Indigenous peoples or assess environmental considerations, vindicated the people's just stand to oppose the project. It left the government with a pipeline which it had no authorization to purchase, and is now legally barred from expanding, although expansion remains the aim of the supranational interests dictating the direction of Canada's economy. Despite the impasse, the government continued to ensure, above all, that Kinder Morgan's private investors were enriched at the expense of Canadians. Prime Minister Trudeau tweeted that the federal government "stands by the project and will ensure it moves forward in the right way." The issue that the Indigenous peoples and others have put on the agenda through their actions is not one of finding the "right way" for the ruling circles to impose their agenda on the people under the hoax of "consent," but how the people can exercise decision-making power.

August 2 
Liquor Control Board workers in Quebec hold a one-day strike as part of their fight for an agreement to end their precarious working conditions. Far from negotiating such an agreement, the employer is demanding more mobility and so-called flexibility, in particular more weekend work.


Torontonians Say No! to anti-democratic municipal restructuring
as Ford government rams through Bill 5, cutting the number of seats on Toronto
council in half in the midst of the municipal election campaign.


August 6
The workers at the Aluminerie de Bécancour Inc. continue to mobilize support for their just cause and to track the damage being done to the Quebec economy during the lockout through the company's reneging on payments for the block of electricity allotted it by Hydro Québec.

August 7
Workers at Gander aerospace facility D-J Composites mark 597 days on lockout with
a community barbeque. The company has been running the plant with scabs since workers rejected company attempts to eliminate seniority rights and lay off a third of the work force.

August 7-10
Actions in a number of cities and towns demand the Ontario government reinstate the Basic Income Pilot Project cut by the Ford government when it came to power. While the project itself fell far short of guaranteeing the right of all to a standard of living that befits a modern society, and had been put in place by a government that refused to stop the wrecking of manufacturing in Ontario, many activists had fought for years to gain this small advance in the fight to end poverty.




August 15 - 16
Torontonians hold town hall meetings to discuss legal challenges and other ways to stop the Ford government's anti-democratic municipal restructuring introduced in Bill 5.


August 17
Monthly pickets in Vancouver, Ottawa and Montreal demand end to blockade of Cuba.



August 20
Casino workers in Kamloops (below) and throughout the Okanagan continue their strike struggle to improve their wages and working conditions.

August 22 
PSAC members and allies rally outside the federal Liberals' cabinet meeting in Nanaimo demanding the government deal with the problems caused by the Phoenix pay system and ensure workers are paid correctly and on time.


August 23 
Professor Dai Trang Nguyen launched her book Ho Chi Minh: Selected Works on Peace, Democracy and Gender Equality at the University of Toronto. The launch was held in the context of celebrations of the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and Canada. 

August 24 
Demonstration outside Liberal Party fundraiser in Vancouver demands the federal government not go through with its purchase of the Kinder Morgan pipeline.


More people are arrested as actions continue to block access to the Kinder Morgan
terminal on Burnaby Mountain.

August 25
The 23rd annual Cuba Friendship Day celebrates the friendly relations between the Canadian and Cuban peoples. It includes a cultural program and the raising of the Cuban flag.

CPC(M-L) activists gather at the Party monument to remember Hardial Bains, the Party's founder and leader, on the anniversary of his death, as well as other comrades who have died, in particular Alain Charette who passed away earlier in the month.

Canadian authors gather for a reading in the Watchhouse established by Indigenous peoples on Burnaby Mountain as part of a week of action to stop the Kinder Morgan buyout. The reading is followed by a march to the construction site.

(Coast Protectors)

August 30
Celebrations take place in Victoria and Vancouver as the Federal Court of Appeal overturns the federal government's approval of the Trans Mountain pipeline. The decision encourages the Indigenous peoples and their allies to stand firm in their demand "No Consent, No Pipeline."



http://cpcml.ca/Tmlw2018/W48030.HTM#2   (Photos: UBCIC, M. Worthing, Greenpeace)


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