Thirteenth Anniversary of Criminal Invasion of Iraq
Hands Off Iraq and Syria!
No to the Use of Force to Settle Conflicts!
Toronto, March 30, 2003. One of many actions across Canada opposing the invasion of Iraq and demanding Canada stay out and condemn the U.S. attack.
March 19 marks the thirteenth anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. It also marks the fifth anniversary of the U.S.-led bombing of Libya. On this occasion the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) encourages everyone to join actions taking place in many cities in Canada and resolutely reject the use of force to settle conflicts today in the Middle East. Today Canada’s position is to send arms to Saudi Arabia to use against the people and finance terrorist groups which have nothing to do with a legitimate political opposition. It is engaging in nation-wrecking to destroy the erstwhile modern, secular states and bring their peoples under the thumb of the imperialists.

Windsor, April 12, 2003
The 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq was carried out following an organized campaign of deception by the U.S. which sent its Secretary of State, Colin Powell, to introduce bogus evidence as “proof” the government of Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. This spectacle was meant to embroil the world in a fraudulent debate about the threat Iraq supposedly posed to the security of the world at a time the U.S. was preparing its “shock and awe” campaign of terror to take over the country by force. In its bid to destroy Iraq and take over the Middle East the U.S. never received the approval of the UN Security Council.
The 2011 bombing of Libya was carried out with the approval of a no-fly zone by the UN Security Council based on spurious allegations of so-called human rights organizations about the government of Libya and its leader with the same aim of preparing the ground for invasion and regime change.
The destruction the U.S. imperialists and their “coalitions” gave rise to in Iraq and Libya underlines the fact that with or without the UN Security Council the issue is to uphold the rights of all nations to self-determination and to oppose the use of force to settle conflicts in international affairs. With or without the UN Security Council, the U.S. resorts to terror and military might to carry out its aims of domination and the subjugation of those who refuse to submit to its dictate. To its shame the Liberal government appears to want to help the U.S. get UN approval for its actions in the future — in part by seeking a seat at the UN Security Council — rather than standing against the use of force in international affairs.

Halifax, October 25, 2003
Canadians’ stand against their government being a force for war and aggression internationally was expressed in their opposition to the Harper Conservative government in the last election and their stand remains the same under the Liberals. Canadians can see that the fate of world peace cannot be left in the hands of the big powers and the imperialists.
To its shame, today instead of recognizing that the destruction of Iraq and Libya have resulted in greater insecurity, bloodshed and displacement for the people of those countries and the region, and solemnly apologizing for the damage caused, and making amends, Canada is following the U.S. in upping the ante and sending special forces to Syria and Iraq with the sole aim of ensuring that the peoples of those countries are not able to determine an outcome that favours them.
On this occasion CPC(M-L) calls on Canadians to step up their actions in opposition to war and demand that Canada remove its troops from Iraq and stay out of Syria and Libya!