One Humanity, One Struggle
All Out to Humanize the Natural and Social Environment!
Global Days of Action for Climate Justice

On November 6, as world leaders meet in Glasgow for the COP26 Global Climate Summit, towns and cities across the world will take to the streets demanding global climate justice.
The actions are being initiated by the COP 26 Coalition in Britain as part of a program of activities taking place throughout the two week conference. The program also includes a People’s Summit from November 7-10 and daily Movement Assemblies at Adelaide’s Place, Bath Street in Glasgow to hear report backs from the UNFCCC negotiations, develop rapid responses, actions and discuss strategy questions facing global movements for climate justice.
In their callout for the November 6 Day of Action organizers state:
“Global problems need global solutions. The decisions made at COP26 will shape how governments respond (or not) to the climate crisis. They will decide who is to be sacrificed, who will escape and who will make a profit.
“So far, governments have done too little too late: colluding with corporations and hiding behind green washed ‘solutions’ that actually don’t exist yet, that don’t address the scale of the problem, and in many cases rely on more exploitation of people and the planet. Justice won’t be handed to us by world leaders or delivered by corporations. Only we can imagine and build the future that works for all of us. The transformative solutions that we need to survive and build a more just and fair world can only be brought about through collective action, solidarity and coordination, from our local communities and international levels.
“We are bringing together movements from across the world to build power for system change — Indigenous movements, frontline communities, trade unions, racial justice groups, youth strikers, landworkers, peasants, NGOs, grassroots community campaigns, feminist movements, faith groups — to name a few. Wherever you are in the world, now is the time to join the fight for climate justice. We need all hands on deck: in workplaces, communities, schools, hospitals and across national borders. We will be putting Indigenous, frontline and Global South communities front and centre. We need your help to amplify their voices and demands.”