No. 33September 26, 2021
All-India Strike/Bharat Bandh
All Out to Support the Just Struggle of the Indian Farmers!
An All-India shutdown will take place on Monday, September 27 to mark the first anniversary of the three controversial farm laws passed by Parliament. The Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) called for the All-India shutdown, supported by trade unions, farmers’ associations, youth, teachers, labourers and others, as well as opposition political parties and many state governments.
The SKM is a united front of more than 40 farm unions spearheading the farmers’ agitation. Their appeal reads: “The SKM appeals to every Indian to join this nationwide movement and make the Bharat Bandh (nationwide strike) a resounding success. In particular, we appeal to all organizations of workers, traders, transporters, businessmen, students, youth and women and all social movements to extend solidarity with the farmers that day.”
The Bharat Bandh will be held from 6:00 am to 4:00 pm during which all government and private offices, educational and other institutions, shops, industries and commercial establishments as well as public events and functions will be closed throughout the country, SKM informed. The only exemptions are emergency establishments and essential services including hospitals, medical stores, relief and rescue work and people attending to personal emergencies.
For 10 months, the farmers’ protest has continued without letup since it began on November 26, 2020, against the Modi government’s three anti-farmer bills. The Indian people and their collectives and organizations have expressed broad support for the Bharat Bandh and actions are also taking place worldwide.
The MLPC joins the international campaign of support and solidarity with the farmers, and all those Canadians — citizens, residents and migrant workers — whose families are part of the farmers’ protest and are taking part in the All-India shutdown. The Indian farmers will forever hold a place of honour in the struggle humankind is waging for a social order and rule which places the needs of the working people in first place.
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