No. 23September 15, 2022
44th General Election
Last Ditch Attempt to Influence Election Outcome with Muckraking
In this election none of the main cartel parties are reaching a target or winning position. This is because they are so self-serving and opportunistic, anything goes to win power — something the polity views with disdain.
As desperation sets in, certain forces are muckraking related to Justin Trudeau’s lack of judgement this time related to a 2016 deal to permit a book about him to be published in China. While the entire ruling class is self-serving, corrupt and will go to any lengths to get themselves into positions of power, accusations of being self-serving and an agent of China are once again centred on Trudeau. In tandem with this, while the ruling class scrambles to find someone who can claim a mandate to rule this country by decree in favour of narrow private interests, quite a few rats are once again scrambling to get off the sinking Liberal ship. Not knowing who pays for muckraking leads to suspicions that another attempt at a palace coup is taking place within the Liberal Party, or that it is a desperate attempt to gain a Conservative win, or both.
Whatever the case may be, it shows that under the rule of narrow private interests, anything goes to win power. However, this is not a winning position for the polity.
The neo-liberal anti-social offensive has permitted narrow private interests to take over functions of the state directly to control their rivals and profit from all decisions taken. As a result, there are no politics. The ruling class has set the polity adrift. It is neither moored nor steered. Muckraking, violence, corruption are all done in the name of high ideals. Only the working class and people can set things straight because their claims on society are all about developing the economy so that it meets the needs of all. Only they have an interest in upholding the rights of all and protecting the natural and social environment by putting the human factor/social consciousness at the centre of all considerations and endeavours.
In this election none of the cartel parties can reach a target or winning position. Reject these cartel parties. Vote for candidates who stand for political renewal and step up the political fight for the rights of all by speaking out directly in your own name!
Indications that Election is Headed for Minority Government
According to wisdom among the people, Ontario elects the next government and Quebec decides whether it is a majority or minority government.
Too Close to Call is a website that claims to provide a more accurate and unbiased approach to polling and the significance of changes in polling stats. It predicts that growth in support for the Bloc Québécois in Quebec may indicate the death of Liberal hopes for a majority government. The website says:
“The post-debate surge for the Bloc appears to be real. All of a sudden, Yves-François Blanchet is back over 30 seats and can even dream of 40.”
It says that a combination of polls show that while the Trudeau Liberals are gaining elsewhere, “they are dropping too fast in Quebec to secure a majority.” It indicates as well that a Conservative majority is unlikely.
The website particularly highlights that the post-debate support for the Bloc has increased by 95 per cent, going from single digits to a range of 16 per cent to 44 per cent. “Urban ridings like Hochelaga are now back with the Bloc,” it says.
The website concludes:
“The chances of a majority are back down around 15 per cent. Some polls (Mainstreet) do have the Liberals close to it but others (and the average) show this party quite far from the magic number of 170. Right now, the Liberals would be losing seats in Atlantic Canada and Ontario. The gains they could make in the Prairies and BC don’t compensate. And with Quebec not ‘cooperating’ anymore, it’s really hard to see where the remaining 19 seats could come from. Short of a polling error of course.”
The prediction of Quebec blocking a Liberal majority was also highlighted by the September 12 edition of CBC Radio’s Cross Country Checkup. Commentators noted that one of the factors that indicate how well the Bloc is doing is found in the number of voters outside of Quebec who chose the Bloc when asked how they will vote after watching the leaders’ debate. Apparently, after the September 8 Leaders’ Debate, several voters outside of Quebec picked the Bloc.
Results are from September 13 Too Close to Call report of polls
Urgent Need for Workers to Unite the People in the Fight for the Rights of All
– Pierre Chénier –
A prominent feature of the last leaders’ debate on September 9, was what has come to be known as Quebec-bashing. A self-serving manipulation of the issue of values makes sure no discussion takes place on what values people actually hold and how they can be expressed in a manner decided by the people themselves.
During the debate, the self-righteous side of the equation which claims to support the myriad identities in the society declared their conception the reference point people have to accept, take it or leave it. While they use identity to set people at loggerheads, they declare that everyone must “fight it out” as a matter of principle. They accuse the other side of the same coin for not supporting the myriad identities which exist in society. They say Quebec is racist, Quebeckers who support Quebec’s official position are racist, as if the official position of the federal government is not also racist and divisive and it goes downhill from there.
No discussion takes place on the actual demands of the people for a rule which fosters a self-reliant economy that upholds the rights of all, permits people to live in peace in their regions and with one another, funds social programs and protects the natural environment. The nation-building project of the Quebec and Canadian peoples to defend the rights of all and for political renewal, including a modern constitution which vests sovereignty in the people, is not an option as far as the ruling class is concerned.
Now, another main theme of the election has become the issue of mandatory COVID-19 vaccination, with penalties including unpaid suspension from work or even termination for workers who it is said refuse to get vaccinated or wear masks. many times, decrees mandating vaccinations are being issued in a manner which completely denies responsibility for adequately financing the health care system or the education system, seniors’ homes and long-term care centres, child care centres as well as prisons and the like where the state is responsible for the living and working conditions. Measures such as increasing pay and staffing, immediately ending all privatization of services and making sure the infrastructure and protocols are in place for infection prevention and control programs are not taken. This is a continuation of the rule by decree that has caused so much damage to workers and people, depriving them of their right to a decisive say in establishing working conditions that are needed to ensure the well-being of all workers, their families and society.
More importantly, rule by decree violates the right of those who provide the services to determine what is needed to protect the health and the safety of the people within their own concrete conditions.
To divide the people on the basis of those who are for or against vaccines is state-organized disinformation to keep people fighting one another instead of uniting to solve problems. Those dead set at winning seats in the election or depriving their rivals of seats intervene by fomenting passions, ideologizing issues so as to convert them into matters of conscience and ethics instead of making sure it is the people who decide and control the conditions that affect their lives and those of their families. Health care workers are being targeted and people going to work or going into establishments to receive care, or to classes are subjected to violence. As in cases of racist violence, none of this would happen if it were not state-inspired, promoted and even organized.
Now reports indicate that governments are considering establishing so-called protest-free zones around hospitals. It is like calling security on patients who protest wait-times or bureaucracy or get frustrated at the lack of provision of social services instead of taking collective measures to make sure funding and staffing are in line with the demands. The neo-liberal aim to declare hospitals part of critical infrastructure is for purposes of serving narrow private interests and to criminalize the fight of workers for their rights. This is what is driving these measures, not the safety of the population.
The polity has been cut adrift and the attempts of the ruling class to control the situation breed violence while anarchy prevails. Democratic renewal is necessary so that the decisions of the working people about what is required and how to use the human, natural and material resources can prevail.
This presents the working people in every sector of the economy with the urgent task to calm the situation by speaking out, laying the claims on society which they must and informing the public about the solutions they are proposing and implementing, that favour them and society.
All Out to Fight for the Rights of All!
Actions Put Climate Change on Agenda
of Federal Election
Montreal, September 8, 2021
Actions were held at noon in more than 64 communities across Canada on September 8 which brought together people from all walks of life, the majority being youth, to put the issue of climate change on the agenda for the federal election. The action was organized by the group 350.org under the slogan “Canada is Still on Fire.” The actions were organized in response to the snap elections called by the Liberal government and as “an opportunity to bring together as many groups, organizations, and local organizers as possible to demand real action on the climate emergency.”
The aim of the actions was two-fold:
1) to demand that the next federal government implement a moratorium on fossil fuel expansion including terminating existing expansion such as the Trans-Mountain Pipeline and
2) to develop and implement “an urgent and robust transition that leaves no one behind and moves us past fossil fuels.”
The depth of the political crisis regarding not only people’s concern about climate change, but for all matters of concern to Canadians, was evident when one speaker in Windsor asked all those who had confidence in Canada’s institutions to raise their hand, not one hand went up. It was an indication of how people — especially the youth who have concerns about their future — do not feel they are served by the democracy in Canada. The ruling elite undermine any discussion or actions which address the urgent need for renewal of the political system so the people are empowered as decision-makers, instead of always being on the outside looking in.
Under the cartel party system, the vast majority of people are relegated to acting as a pressure group, lobbying cartel parties over which they have no control, to act on their behalf. The youth find this not only a frustrating exercise but a useless one as well. In no way is this central problem of Canada’s democratic institutions solved by electors casting a ballot for candidates of the cartel parties who themselves, even if elected, have little or no say over what those electoral machines run by marketing firms, say and do. By speaking and acting in their own name about the conditions of their lives and their concerns, the youth know they take another step for their own empowerment.
All Out for Democratic Renewal!
The youth organizers for the action in Mississauga in the Greater Toronto Area noted “this is the first federal election taking place in the midst of a truly catastrophic climate emergency. Unprecedented wildfires, heatwaves, and floods are ravaging communities across the country. But media and politicians still aren’t acting like we are in an emergency…that’s why we are mobilizing to keep the climate crisis issue in the public eye during the elections.”
Everyone in the Mississauga action shared their experiences and concerns and affirmed the necessity of all concerned to work together in the fight to protect Mother Earth. This sentiment was also evident in other cities where the organizers pledged to continue to organize and mobilize on this important issue beyond the elections.


Parry Sound
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