Irresponsible Election
Speaking in Our Own Name Is a Good Place to Start
The irresponsibility of calling this pandemic election two years into the Liberals’ term of office reflects an unprecedented degeneration of Canada’s so-called democratic institutions. The arrogance of imposing this election shows above all else that the decision-making power is above the people (and against the people). It reveals the need for Canadians to directly take things in hand by opposing the cartel party system and refusing to let those in power set the agenda for both the election as well as what comes next.
The Liberals say that Trudeau is in search of a “grand idea” for the election. At the press conference where he announced the election he said that “we have to continue what we have been doing” and that the pandemic is an occasion to “rebuild better.” His words are vacuous PR to see what can be made to stick. The audience is comprised of the media, the pundits and the polling companies which are mostly set up by this or that cartel party or other private interest to ask the questions and promote the results they want. Whichever party shows its mettle and performs well will get the vote of the oligarchs. The people, called electors, are treated as consumers and their role is to “pick a side.” Nothing else. They exercise no control whatsoever over what the cartel parties do, say or decide. Even the members of the cartel parties are thoroughly disenfranchised and have no say whatsoever as concerns candidate selection or decision-making. Their candidates and MPs are similarly powerless. Along with the public, the members, candidates and MPs of the cartel parties themselves are mostly disinformed. Rumour and innuendo keep the ball rolling. The sum total is that the people concerned can exercise no control whatsoever over what is happening.
The alternative is to affirm the right to speak in our own name, empower ourselves with every step we take by taking that stand which is to our advantage within the situation. In this election, working in a manner which keeps the Liberals in a minority position is a good place to start.