Note to Readers
With this issue, Renewal Update, published during the 43rd federal election by the Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada, the name under which the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) is registered by Elections Canada, will cease publication. Regular publication of The Marxist-Leninist Weekly and Le Marxiste-Léniniste will restart on November 9 and the Workers’ Centre of CPC(M-L) will also restart the weekly publication of Workers’ Forum and Forum ouvrier.
TML Weekly will take up the social responsibility to provide information, analysis and enlightened opinion on the unfolding events. This is much needed for people to find their bearings and develop their own independent thinking and actions so as to turn the crisis around and resolve problems in a manner which favours them.
Workers’ Forum will continue to provide space for workers to speak in their own name. It will continue to smash the silence on their working and living conditions and the struggles which are taking place across the country and the matters of concern in these struggles.
We encourage readers of Renewal Update to read both TML Weekly and Workers’ Forum to stay abreast of the developments in the coming period in a manner which will assist them to draw their own warranted conclusions. It is very important going forward that we do not fall into the rabbit holes this minority government is digging. This is all the more necessary with the disinformation which will accompany elections taking place in the U.S. as well as Britain, while the international situation is also filled with threats of invasions and war.
We wish to thank all Renewal Update readers, distributors and contributors and those who helped sustain its publication by providing financial support to the MLPC.
We call on you to do the same for TML Weekly and Workers’ Forum!
With our best wishes for the success of your efforts to uphold the dignity of labour, renew the democracy and make Canada a zone for peace,
Editorial and Technical Staff
Renewal Update