Make Canada a Zone for Peace
Public Discussions on Canada’s Foreign Policy
One of the biggest preoccupations of Canadians is how to make Canada a force for peace in the world and establish friendly relations with all peoples instead of meddling in their internal affairs. Getting Canada out of the U.S. war machine, NATO and other aggressive blocs such as the Lima Group, and setting a new direction for Canada’s foreign policy is an important topic for discussion during the election. It is the Canadian people, and no one else, who must be empowered to decide the aim and direction of Canada’s foreign policy. Join the discussion!
Thursday, October 17 – 6:30-9:00 pm
USW Hall, 25 Cecil St.
Co-sponsored by the Animal Protection Party of Canada
and Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada.
For more information: 647-232-5293
Need to Review Canada’s Foreign Policy and Trade Agreements
Liz White – National Leader, Animal Protection Party of Canada and candidate in University–Rosedale
Promotion of Unacceptable Foreign Policy Doctrines by Canada’s Post Secondary Institutions – The Case of the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy
Steve Rutchinski – Marxist-Leninist Party candidate in University–Rosedale
Canada’s Role in NATO Must Be Ended and NATO Dismantled
Tamara Lorincz – Canadian Voice of Women for Peace
Saturday, October 19 – 1:00-3:30 pm
at one ten park: a working space
110 Park St. West
Organized by the Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada
For more information: 519-981-8792,
Canada Must Stop its Disruptive Activities in Latin America and the Caribbean –
The Case of Canada and the Lima Group
Margaret Villamizar – MLPC candidate in the riding of Windsor West
Overcoming NATO, Militarism and Military Spending in Canada:
For a Peaceful, Green Transition
Tamara Lorincz – Canadian Voice of Women for Peace