Letter to the Editor
Unacceptable People-Bashing by Ruling Elite
The article in Renewal Update about Quebec-bashing very well written. It is sad to have the ruling elite speak about everything except the actual problems facing our country. I agree with what is said in the article that they use bashing to pit people against one another and take people’s minds off the real issues.
They should not be bashing anyone. What we have as the ruling elite and who is running for those parties is appalling. It’s almost as bad as in the U.S. In the last U.S. election, we had Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Both had tarnished reputations and it’s also the case here, whether Conservative or Liberal. It’s the same thing over and over again, the same promises that are never being kept.
My hope is that someday in the not too distant future, this beautiful country of ours — especially at this time of year, sees other colours than red or blue.