Alberta Government’s “Blue Ribbon Panel”
Stop Paying the Rich! Increase Funding for Social Programs and Public Services! Empower Yourself Now!
The stepped up anti-social offensive of the Kenney government in Alberta shows what the pay-the-rich policy means for Canada’s future unless the people’s No! becomes organized and effective.
The Kenney government’s “Blue Ribbon Panel” report on Alberta’s finances, released September 2, demands that Alberta’s working people accept ever greater austerity. The report calls for a $600 million cut to investments in social programs, intensified privatization of all public services, and legislation giving the government power to unilaterally determine wages, benefits and working conditions of public sector workers. It seeks to block any investigation or discussion on a new direction that can empower and mobilize the working people to solve the problems in the economy and social conditions in ways that favour them and open a path forward.
The current agenda of the financial oligarchy that has seized the reins of power at every level of government is to block the people from empowering themselves politically to solve problems. The party, or coalition of parties, which will be brought to power in the federal election to form the next government is the one the rich and powerful think can deliver an agenda that favours the financial oligarchy. The election has nothing to do with choices the people have among the cartel parties and their candidates, or with how the results of diversionary polling questions play out. The rich and their spokespersons in the media and amongst the elite control the official election and seek to deliver a government that will allow them to become richer within the status quo and keep the demands of the people for political empowerment in check.
How can the people empower themselves politically is at the heart of the matter. This must be a topic of conversation in the election from coast to coast to coast.