Labour Day 2019
Events Across Canada Uphold the Dignity of Labour and Defend the Rights of All

Prince George
Labour Day events took place across Canada with the exception of Quebec where workers recognize May Day as the international day of working class unity and struggle. A marked feature in this year’s Labour Day was to hear workers say that when they fight for their rights and their claim on what belongs to them by right, they represent not only what is required today but that their fight opens a future for the coming generations.
Recognition is widespread that in the twenty-first century workers do not want governments that say they are acting in the name of working people but in deeds represent narrow private interests. In speaking with workers at the Labour Day events, one of the concerns expressed most often was that the upcoming federal elections will once again be a fraud in which the workers have no say over the outcome whatsoever. Working people do not choose the candidates, the agenda, issues, discourse, debate or what appears in the mass media. Recognition is growing that workers themselves must democratize the political process so that they can exercise control over the decisions which affect their lives. A salient feature on the minds of many was how do workers determine in practice who is elected and how governments can be held to account for their deeds.
Workers spoke out in defence of justice, human dignity and the rights of all, for an end to exploitation and impoverishment, enslavement, environmental degradation and war.
Banners called for “Justice for Injured Workers” and for the unemployed; others said No-One Is Illegal and demanded an end to fraudulent consultations with Indigenous peoples that in fact deny them the right to give or not to give their consent to activities that affect their lives.
The slogans Stop Paying the Rich! Increase Investments in Social Programs! Make Canada a Zone for Peace! Empower yourself now! were also present at various actions.
Renewal Update is posting photos and short reports of some of the Labour Day events.