The Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada (MLPC), the name under which the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) is registered with Elections Canada, is fielding 36 candidates in the 44th General Election.
The 22 women and 14 men are working people from various sectors of the economy in Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia. They work to smash the silence over conditions of work and life. They take stands which encourage everyone to speak in their own name to turn things around in favour of the working people. They reject illusions that cartel parties and party government, over which they exercise no control, will rule in the people’s favour.
“The approach is a practical rejection of an obsolete process,” says Party Leader Anna Di Carlo. “The MLPC and its candidates create new political arrangements to replace those of the crisis-ridden party-dominated system. They call on Canadians to reject the role given to them by the political process to ‘pick a side’ and vote for candidates and agenda they do not select and over which they cannot exercise control.”
“The integration of Canada into the U.S. economy, Homeland Security, war machine and foreign policy has put Canada on a dangerous path. It is nation-wrecking and contributes to the conditions for more war and conflict internationally,” Anna points out. “Canadians have been courageously taking stands which empower them by fighting for changes which go to their advantage, not the advantage of those who rule by decree on behalf of privileged interests. This is how change is brought about,” Anna says.
The MLPC denounces this opportunist snap election and calls on Canadians to bring in a minority government so that whatever cartel party is brought to power can more readily be held in check.
Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada Candidates