2019 Federal Election Produces Liberal Minority Government
Message of the Leader of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada
On behalf of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada, I congratulate all our candidates in this election who represented the Party’s program for democratic renewal and to make Canada a zone for peace. The call to humanize the natural and social environment, change the direction of the economy, uphold the dignity of labour and the rights of all requires democratic renewal so that the people can speak in their own name. In the opinion of the MLPC, this is what the 43rd general election reveals.
We also congratulate the candidates of other small parties, workers, women and youth who participated honourably by doing their best to have matters of concern to the people discussed and addressed during the election. We thank all those who assisted us in doing this difficult work. As far as the MLPC is concerned, all over the country we have raised the need for people to speak with their own voice, in their own name and this is where the future lies. We did this every day throughout the elections, the only force in Canada that publishes a daily on-line bulletin in both English and French to smash the silence on activities organized by working people which provide information on matters of concern which everyone holds in common. This work has met with a lot of success. Life is telling us that even though the quantity may still be small, the quality is there and it will grow and turn into quantity. Furthermore, the conditions reveal that economic and social justice of any kind is illusive so long as the workers, women and youth are not an organized political force which speaks for itself. They will not be served so long as a ruling elite continues to speak in their name, declaring it represents what the people stand for.
Our contribution is modest while the campaign of silence and denigration to which small party candidates and most independents are subjected is a disgraceful indictment of a system which calls itself democratic. Increasingly, the failure of what are called the democratic institutions is expressed not only in how candidates are not treated equally but in the division of society between those who rule and those who are ruled and have no say over any aspect of the process called democratic. The influence of money and privilege to favour the cartel parties to form a party government, as well as recourse to defamation of people and the criminalization of ideologies to divide the people, are increasingly offensive in light of the claims which exist on society to satisfy genuine needs. The arrogance with which the minority of those with power and privilege rule is of concern to the working class and people. By negating the rights of all, their rule poses serious dangers to the people at home and abroad.
What the situation reveals is the need for democratic renewal, so that the people become the decision-makers. On our part, through TML Weekly we will continue to provide information, analysis and views so that the working people can draw warranted conclusions. The Workers’ Centre of the Party will continue to publish Workers’ Forum with its interviews, reports on meetings and discussion on how the workers’ movement is tackling the problems it faces. So too, the work amongst the youth, women, seniors and others will continue so that all the collectives of the people can speak in their own name about matters of concern to them.
These are times which require vigilance. The people must occupy the space for change, as any power vacuum will be used against them. It can be done! It must be done !
With warmest best wishes,
Anna Di Carlo
National Leader,
Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada