In the News June 3
Results of June 2 Ontario Election
Massive Refusal of Ontarians to Authorize Any Party to Speak in Their Name
In this election, the disempowerment of the majority of Ontarians came through loud and clear. The election saw the lowest voter turnout in Ontario’s history with way more than 50 per cent of the voters registered before Election Day refusing to cast a ballot – 56.46 per cent to be precise. The previous low was a 48.2 per cent participation in the October 2011 election.
Never have we seen such an absurd declaration that the ruling PCs have a stunning mandate with a big majority of 83 seats, even though they received only 17 per cent of the eligible vote. Never have we seen such a blatant display of dismissing the people’s participation in an election. As is usual in elections, Ontarians had no opportunity to speak but also in this election practically no opportunity whatsoever to participate in any events where they could question the candidates or get them to listen to what they want. In fact, even what are called third party intervenors, listed by Elections Ontario as advertisers, spent their money targeting specific collectives on social media, meaning that any sense of Ontario as a collective body was destroyed and non-existent.
With the support of all the cartel parties, the ability of the people and their organizations to participate in elections has been severely curtailed, except for permitting them to vote, which they rejected en masse. Everything else is controlled by the ruling elite who dictate the agenda, the winner and now claim that they have a mandate from the people. It is all fraud. This election took it to a new low. It was a farce.
In this election, the refusal of the majority of Ontarians to endorse any candidate or party speaks loud and clear of their rejection of this self-serving state of affairs. It amounts to a refusal to authorize any party to speak in their name.
Ontario Political Forum, posted June 3, 2022.
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