In the News March 27
NATO Summit Hopes Reality Will Conform to U.S. Wishes
to Control the World
Support Dialogue and Negotiations Which Produce Desired Results and a Peaceful Resolution
The NATO Summit of heads of state held in Brussels was an occasion to present the U.S./NATO forces as all powerful and the reactionary forces in Ukraine as winning against the Russians. News media and pundits in the U.S. and NATO countries are filled with opinions that Russia is bogged down, it did not get the 72-hour win they allege it was seeking, its younger soldiers allegedly do not know why they are there, they are allegedly not properly supplied and the like. They even say that Russia is about to be defeated “by the Ukrainian resistance” and/or cannot win this war.
Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that “the U.S. government assesses that members of Russia’s forces have committed war crimes in Ukraine.” This is an accusation the U.S. and its mouthpieces have been making since 2014 despite the fact that all the evidence shows the crimes are committed by the neo-Nazi battalions within the Ukrainian armed forces, especially in the Donbass region.
In other words, everything is done to divert attention from the fact that the U.S. is using NATO to make sure there is no political settlement to the conflict in Ukraine. The U.S./NATO plan is to create a never ending “no war, no peace” situation when what is needed is dialogue and negotiations.
A no war, no peace situation could continue indefinitely, as in Palestine for instance, where the U.S./Zionist policy of destruction permits no political solution, while Israel gets away with trampling in the mud every principle required of it as a condition of its foundation in 1948. Today, the historical fraud is to cite an alleged right of Israel to self-defence — the very same Israel which has ignored all the requirements for its founding in 1948 — so as to not be held to account for its duties as an occupying power. By deliberately continuing the no war, no peace situation, from time to time war can break out in the form of another destructive assault on the Palestinian people, who are forced to live in ever smaller pieces of occupied Palestine.
In this way the U.S. calculates, all evidence to the contrary, that it can prevail to use China against Russia or Russia against China and all countries of the Asia-Pacific against China and Russia. It calculates that whatever incentives it sees fit to offer will patch up the contradictions within the European Union and reconcile the peoples of the world to more and more wasteful spending. This is spending which provides enormous wealth to the war profiteers while the poor get poorer and social spending continues to decline and social programs continue to be privatized.
These are the desperate acts of a U.S. imperialism which thinks it can overcome all the crises in which it is mired — financial, economic, commercial, constitutional as well as social, political and existential. By strengthening Russian sanctions, it thinks it can save its financial system from diving into a new crisis even more profound than the last in 2008, which was more profound than the one before. It thinks that by concentrating real estate and financial assets in the hands of the narrow private interests it is serving, against others which will fight this tooth and nail, its crises will be resolved. Foolish indeed and dangerous.
Already these calculations are backfiring due to the failure of its intelligence agencies to predict outcomes due to their failure to uphold any standards which can be used to calculate and measure such outcomes. This will remain the case because the U.S. does not uphold any standards based on international rule of law. Its own so-called rules-based order means it imposes self-serving pragmatic demands on a reality which rebels against such things.
By deploying more U.S. troops in European countries and forcing those countries to increase spending on weapons and war-related materiel for the benefit of the war profiteers it serves, the U.S. thinks it can unite its military and civil bureaucracy. It thinks this will quell the conflicts between contending private interests within the United States itself. Even as this is going on, rabid reactionary forces are backing the mafiosi Rubio and Cruz to challenge Donald Trump in his bid for the presidency in 2024. Meanwhile the Department of Justice continues finding grounds to lay charges against Trump related to his real estate businesses.
What is the quid pro quo for those deals, the masses of people in the U.S. must be asking themselves as they continue to fight for equality and voting rights, and against funding of police violence and the cover up of police killings. They continue to demand too an end to the deportation of migrants, health coverage for all, and many other just claims that the people are entitled to make on the society they depend on for their living.
So too, the people of the NATO countries will not submit to U.S. demands. The U.S. is forcing NATO countries to agree to increase spending on arms and indebt themselves further within the U.S. financial architecture. Whether they willingly or unwillingly kowtow to U.S. dictate, the U.S. is using them to keep both France and Germany in check. But the U.S. is already having trouble achieving that.
Meantime, the peoples of the world are becoming ever more aware that the navies of the U.S., UK and other countries, including Canada, are prowling the oceans, engaging in war exercises and brinkmanship in the Asia-Pacific as well as positioning themselves to threaten Russia in the Arctic.
All told, the U.S. measures to bring the entire world under its control do not paint a pretty picture of a country interested in peace, freedom and democracy. The peoples of the world can readily see who will pay the price for the striving of the war profiteers to prevail.
For the people of Canada and Quebec, what the U.S./NATO forces are up to is a clarion call to oppose Canada’s integration into the U.S. war machine and to dismantle NATO, dismantle NORAD and support dialogue and negotiations which produce desired results and a peaceful resolution of the problems in Ukraine.
TML Daily, posted March 27, 2022.
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