In the News
Developments of Concern Related to U.S./NATO War Hysteria
Oppose Attacks on Canadians of Russian Origin
and Their Institutions
Shortly after services ended on February 27, red paint was poured on the front doors of the All Saints Russian Orthodox Church in Calgary. Security cameras showed that a man first tried to enter the building, and on finding the door locked poured paint on the doors.
Owners of a Calgary Russian food store and the Russian Spoon in Vancouver have spoken out about the threats they are receiving, and how this is impacting the mental health of the workers. News media report that these are far from isolated cases. Social media threats against Canadians of Russian origin are also being reported.
Cultural performances by Russians are also being cancelled. The young Russian pianist Alexander Malofeev was scheduled to perform with symphony orchestras from Montreal to Vancouver. Malofeev had already arrived in Montreal for three dates with the Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal (OSM), when the concerts were cancelled. The orchestra said it would “not be appropriate” for Malofeev to perform. In Vancouver, the reason given for cancelling the concert was that “extra security” would be needed.
Meanwhile, NHL hockey great Alexander Ovechkin, was pressured to make a statement denouncing Russia.
The comments section on these media stories show that Canadians are firmly opposed to the persecution of people of Russian origin as they have been of all sections of the people, individuals and groups when attacked over the last thirty years of the anti-social offensive. The pattern is predictable. Official circles incite individuals and groups against other individuals and groups. They promote what they call Canadian values which are declared to be democratic and peace and freedom-loving and thus it becomes a matter of honour and patriotism to attack those not seen to uphold the same beliefs and opinions. The current climate in imbued with hatred of anything Russian as incited by the Deputy Prime Minister who is vicious in venting her personal hatred for the president of Russia.
The climate is such that nobody can freely discuss matters at hand without being accused of being an enemy of the state if they do not join the warmongering caravan of the government. Demands that Canadian citizens and residents or guests must declare their political views and personal beliefs are not acceptable. Why should people fear for their lives? Will people of Russian origin in Canada now have their properties and institutions expropriated in the name of high ideals as was done with the Ukrainians in Canada during World War II, or the Japanese, and is being done on a grand scale in the European countries, Canada and the U.S. in the form of sanctions against Russian oligarchs who have influence over Putin? Which Canadian, U.S. and European oligarchs are going to benefit from the expropriation of these properties?
In the case of Islamophobia, Canada’s official circles deny that they were its chief promoters and that this incited individuals and groups to attack Muslims and their institutions in Canada. Besides other things, Imams and others were pressured to make statements that they were “moderates,” not “extremists” or “fundamentalists.” So too today, priests in Russian Orthodox churches which serve Russians and Ukrainians alike are being pressured to make statements that swear they serve Ukrainians not just Russians and that they work for peace. There is no recognition that such congregations would naturally include Russian-speaking Ukrainians who have faced extreme violence and death at the hands of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi battalions.
It is not acceptable to politicize nationality or religious opinions. The defamation of individuals as enemies of the state is medieval, heinous, and pernicious. It was introduced in Canada on a large scale by the Harper government which declared individuals to be terrorists and “most wanted” and deported them based on inflammatory accusations which never went before a judge or jury.
The Trudeau and social democratic governments followed suit by launching accusations of white supremacy and racism against individuals or groups to cover up that it is the Constitution itself and institutions informed by it which are racist and misogynistic and that official policy is based on preserving racist and misogynistic relations between rulers and ruled. All of it is the old tried and true divide and conquer method of the British imperialists on the basis of which they caused massacres and strife all over Asia and Africa in colonial times and since then when they incite tribal warfare by financing warlords and the like. Millions perished when the British partitioned India in 1947.
In Canada, judging individuals and groups on the basis of racist, colonial and Eurocentric values has led to the genocidal policy against the Indigenous peoples, the Chinese Exclusion Act, official “Keep Canada White” policies, the adoption of racist immigration acts which excluded people from India and which categorize Canadian citizens and residents on the basis of colour by mixing up citizenship, nationality and race.
During times of war, citizens and residents have been attacked, interned and deported, properties confiscated and stolen, all in the name of high ideals. Most recently, the government of Canada apologized to Italians for interning them during the war. Will it now intern all those of Russian nationality as well in the name of high ideals, and then those whose origins are linked to China? Will we see the establishment of inquisition courts to secure confessions and loyalty oaths from certain individuals and groups in order to secure the “privileges” of Canadian citizenship? Will Russian children now be forced to go to retraining schools as in the case of schools established for Muslim youth whose views are deemed extremist because they oppose their countries of origin being attacked and bombed and occupied?
All of it shows that rights in Canada must be enshrined on a modern basis, that everyone is human and has rights by virtue of being human, not on the basis of the values of empire and NATO. The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) calls on Canadians to oppose the warmongering propaganda of the government of Canada, its ministers and monopoly media. Speak out against the attacks on Russians and their institutions. To carry out such things in the name of freedom, peace and democracy is unacceptable. People in positions of power and privilege must not be permitted to get away with politicizing their personal opinions or beliefs, spreading personal hatred and grudges and then acting in a manner which destroys political culture and discourse, and humiliates individuals and groups who are not able to defend themselves because the state is supposed to defend them. When the police and military themselves are being called on and praised for going to Ukraine to wipe out Russians, how can Canadians expect them to defend Russians in Canada? Targeting people on the basis of their nationality or beliefs is a gross violation of human rights. It must not pass!
(TML Daily, posted March 15, 2022)