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House of Commons Vote Favours Use of Emergency Powers
The Liberals’ invocation of the Emergencies Act was affirmed by the House of Commons on February 21. With the support of the New Democratic Party (NDP) and Elizabeth May of the Green Party the motion passed by a vote of 185 to 151. The Conservative Party and the Bloc Québecois and the second member of the Green Party with a seat in the Parliament voted against the motion.
According to media reports, “While the powers contained in the Emergencies Act took effect immediately, the Liberal government needed to seek approval for its decision to invoke the Act from the House of Commons within seven days. If that vote had failed, the emergency declaration would have been revoked. “
The motion still has to go through the Senate which started its deliberations on the Emergencies Act today after it was tabled in a brief session yesterday, Monday, February 21.
(Renewal Update, posted February 22, 2022)