Haitian Elections Postponed Indefinitely
On January 22 Haitian electoral authorities announced that the second round of the Haitian presidential election which was to take place January 24 has been postponed indefinitely.
This followed three million Haitians taking to the streets in the week leading up to demand the elections be cancelled completely after massive fraud was discovered in the last round of voting. The foreign-dominated electoral process was so discredited among Haitian public opinion that were the election to take place it would further discredit the foreign power occupying and interfering in Haiti and intensify the political crisis.
According to the Constitution, current Haitian president Michel Martely is empowered until February 7 after which it is not clear what will take place.
The monopoly-owned media are blaming the Haitian people, claiming that the election was cancelled due to “violence.” This serves to hide the massive fraud uncovered by the country’s own electoral council and the overwhelming evidence that the votes were rigged. The context for these attempts to block the Haitian people determining their own destiny is one of foreign powers, including Canada attempting to impose an outcome that favours them.
Haitians are now mobilizing to ensure that the big powers cannot block the people’s forces from playing their decisive role in politics, including any future electoral process. This includes the Lavalas political movement outlawed after the 2004 coup d’etat carried out by the U.S., France and Canada. Canadians should be on alert for whatever the foreign powers trying to control Haiti may attempt to keep the situation under their control and take the initiative back from the hands of the people.

Port-au-Prince, November 12, 2015. One of the ongoing mass protests against fraud in the Haitian presidential election. (J. Voordouw)