September 11, 2024
Anniversary of 9/11
The Task of Nation-Building Facing the Peoples
Twenty-three years after 9/11, whatever goodwill the U.S. had as a target of terror and for the loss of life has been lost a million times over in its revenge-seeking killing spree. The call of history is beckoning the peoples of the world to achieve their striving for peace, freedom and democracy by relying on their own efforts to bring into being their own sovereign decision-making systems based on the interests they identify themselves.
No matter what political stripes they sport, attempts by the occupants of the U.S. presidency fail to unite the military bureaucracy at home, let alone the rest of the civilian and industrial complex, intelligence agencies and others. The political parties no longer exist as parties and instead the contending factions among the oligopolies act as cartels and coalitions, striving to maintain their rule using the impunity of police powers, while keeping the people divided and disempowered. This includes using the biggest oligopoly of them all, the U.S.-led NATO aggressive military alliance, which is as deeply divided as is the U.S. military, civilian industrial complex itself. These divisions and conflicts are evident in the growing threat of open violent civil war in the U.S. and imperialist war abroad.
The concerns of the U.S. presidency were expressed clearly three years ago when the U.S. was defeated in Afghanistan and left nothing but destruction in its wake. As revenge the U.S. continues to try to starve and divide the people of Afghanistan by freezing her assets.
In his post-Afghanistan war press conference on August 31, 2021 Biden said: “We’re engaged in a serious competition with China. We’re dealing with the challenges on multiple fronts with Russia. We’re confronted with cyberattacks and nuclear proliferation.” He added:
“This decision about Afghanistan [to withdraw U.S. troops] is not just about Afghanistan. It’s about ending an era of major military operations to remake other countries. We saw a mission of counterterrorism in Afghanistan — getting the terrorists and stopping attacks — morph into a counterinsurgency, nation-building — trying to create a democratic, cohesive, and unified Afghanistan — something that has never been done over the many centuries of Afghans’ history. Moving on from that mindset and those kind of large-scale troop deployments will make us stronger and more effective and safer at home.”
Biden threatened even greater U.S. brutality and aggression in the form of hunting down and eliminating any who stand in the way of the U.S. striving for domination:
“And for anyone who gets the wrong idea, let me say it clearly. To those who wish America harm, to those that engage in terrorism against us and our allies, know this: The United States will never rest. We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will hunt you down to the ends of the Earth, and we will — you will pay the ultimate price.”
![]() Demonstration in Kabul, Afghanistan, May 10, 2009. |
The result is not only the U.S./NATO proxy war in Ukraine and the massive militarization and provocations in the Asia-Pacific region to threaten China, along with continued attempts to spawn colour revolutions in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, militarization of the border with Mexico and efforts to keep all other countries in check. No, the result is U.S. genocide of the Palestinian people which is the clearest evidence of what the U.S. democracy stands for. It is the genocide at home of Black people with racist police killings and mass incarceration, of Indigenous Peoples, colonization of Puerto Rico which persists and more.
The U.S. stands condemned by humankind as the greatest terrorist state in the world. Twenty-three years since 9/11, the tragedies it holds in store for humanity cannot be overstated. This poses monumental nation-building tasks for the peoples of all countries, without exception. It is a historic task which needs to be achieved in order to humanize the natural and social environment the world over so as to avert the dangers which lie ahead.
Nation-building must favour the peoples and put them at the centre-stage of decision-making on all matters that affect their lives. It must block the nation-wrecking of narrow supranational private interests which have usurped state power by force.
On this occasion, we pay our deepest respects to all those who have suffered at the hands of the U.S. imperialist terrorist state with the support of countries such as Canada which have been integrated into the U.S. war machine lock, stock and barrel. We salute the working class and people of the U.S. and Canada and throughout the world acting in defiance of the U.S. to build the resistance and advance the fight for rights.
Long Live the Opposition to U.S. State Terrorism!
Open a Way Forward by Fighting for the Rights of All!
U.S. Falls Victim of Its Own Deadly Revenge-Seeking
This anniversary of 9/11 is an occasion for the peoples of the world to reflect on many things, not least of all the U.S. pledge to make the world a safer place on the basis of the Bush doctrine: “You are either with us or with the terrorists” and “we will hunt you down.” This justified the U.S. deciding who is and is not terrorist, then and since, as is occurring with Israel and the Palestinian resistance today.
Far from reflecting on anything, the ruling class in the U.S., Canada, Britain and other countries which joined the U.S. revenge-seeking after 9/11 are mired in crises, their democracies without a shred of credibility as their rulers try to convince the world that to defend U.S./Zionist genocide of the Palestinian people is to defend democracy. Anyone who does not join in committing and supporting their crimes against humanity are labeled supporters of terrorism. Whole countries are branded as such, including Cuba, Iran, Syria and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
Countless wars have been unleashed by the U.S. and its NATO allies since 9/11 to wreak vengeance on those who were not responsible for the crimes committed on 9/11. The increasingly widespread violations of the international rule of law with impunity – in the name of a rules-based order dictated by the U.S. imperialists and their partners in crime – has characterized this period. Force, violence and collective punishment have been used to achieve the solution of problems in a manner which favoured the interests of the U.S. in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. This has wreaked havoc, anarchy and violence. Today, anarchy has been raised to authority with the struggle between factions which represent narrow supranational private interests which operate as cartel and coalitions committing unprecedented crimes against humanity including genocide with impunity. These crimes are presented as righteous. The ignominious results show precisely what U.S. democracy and its neo-liberal incarnations all over the world actually stand for.
![]() Demonstration against the Iraq war in Toronto, March 20, 2004. |
The countless crimes committed in the last 23 years by the U.S. imperialists and the countries which have become an integral part of its war machine such as Canada, include waging wars in one country after the other, targeted assassinations, torture, lies, “colour revolutions” to achieve regime change and genocide. They have suffered one ignominious defeat after another at the hands of resistance forces fighting for their freedom, independence and sovereign right to govern themselves free from foreign interference while also leaving devastation, famine, starvation, disease, anarchy and violence in places they destroyed. Since their ignominious defeat in Afghanistan just three years ago, today their failures include their murderous proxy war in Ukraine and genocide in Palestine along with attempts to establish their control over Haiti, Venezuela and many other countries. In their desperation and revenge-seeking, the U.S. imperialists and their NATO allies have nothing to offer but threats of nuclear destruction if their schemes do not prevail.
The loss of credibility and legitimacy of the U.S. democracy is irreparable. It is an outdated system of rule brought into being in the 1600s in England to stop civil war at home and foreign wars. It provided arrangements to defend the interests and rule of big property holders and their private property, and to block the people from power. It was incorporated holus bolus into the U.S. Constitution with its compromise with slavery and oligopoly against the people. Society has since then been divided between those who rule and those who are ruled over. Today, with a dysfunctional Congress, corrupt courts and elections that cannot guarantee a peaceful transition of power, the existing arrangements no longer function, are not legitimate and those in power are no longer fit to govern. The relations between humans and humans and humans and nature reveal the need to empower the people.
The narrow private interests which have usurped state power in the U.S. and other countries such as Britain, Canada and France, amongst others, have tried to contend with this reality by destroying the public authority and public services and championing neo-liberalism with its anti-social offensive. But try as they might, they cannot control the massive productive forces which have exploded due to the scientific and technical revolution. Instead, they act to destroy the human productive powers they cannot control, as U.S. wars and genocide show.
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