98th Anniversary of the Birth of Fidel Castro
August 13, 1926
Fidel’s Revolutionary Example Inspires Millions to Fight for Sovereignty and Uphold Principle
This August 13 marks the 98th anniversary of the birth of Fidel Castro, legendary leader of the Cuban Revolution and Cuba’s revolutionary nation-building project. Fidel’s life epitomized the striving of the Cuban people for justice and independence. His leadership in all facets of life – the economy, education, sciences, culture, sport and international relations based on peace and friendship, to name just a few – has left an indelible mark on modern Cuba. The Cuban people, under a new generation of leadership, continue to elaborate and implement this human-centred and forward-thinking outlook, mobilizing the people to exercise control over their own affairs to meet the conditions they face today and will face in the future.
In a tribute to Fidel at the time of his death, millions of Cubans signed the oath to the “Concept of Revolution” which Fidel declared on May 1, 2000. The oath concludes; “Revolution means unity; it is independence, it is fighting for our dreams of justice for Cuba and for the world, which is the foundation of our patriotism, our socialism and our internationalism.”
This is what we see every day as the Cuban people unite to face the difficulties caused by the U.S. blockade, and also its spurious inclusion of Cuba on its list of state sponsors of terrorism. The people’s unity and fidelity to the Cuban Revolution has been amply demonstrated in their repeated defeat of U.S. attempts to sow counterrevolution. From the early days of the Revolution to the recent attempts by the U.S. to create social unrest by using the problems caused by the blockade which prevent the stable delivery of electricity and food to the people, the Cuban government and people have isolated and defeated the counterrevolutionary elements.
Fidel presents his “Concept of Revolution” during 2000 May Day speech in Havana.
Facing the increasingly brutal economic and financial blockade of the U.S., Cubans are united in overcoming all difficulties and safeguarding the Revolution. Fidel’s revolutionary spirit and profound generosity lives on in the workers, youth and students, health professionals, intellectuals and teachers who have proven their revolutionary mettle as they overcome any difficulty to continue living a life of dignity and freedom. So too is Fidel’s spirit seen in the historic stand of the Cuban Revolution to share weal and woe with oppressed peoples of the world, particularly seen today as Cuba continues to uphold the rights of the Palestinian people.
Fidel’s example and fidelity to principle continue to inspire the Cuban people on the path of independence, self-determination and human dignity.
It has been shown in deeds that the life and work of Fidel Castro also live on in the hearts and minds of millions of people throughout the world who are fighting for justice, dignity and freedom. Worldwide opposition to the illegal U.S. economic and financial blockade of Cuba once again confirms that the world stands with Cuba and it is the U.S. which stands isolated, not Cuba.
“The permanent teaching of Fidel is that yes, we can; that man is able to overcome the harshest conditions if his will to win does not yield, he makes an evaluation of each situation and does not renounce his noble and just principles,” Raúl Castro pointed out. It is this revolutionary spirit that continues to guide the Cuban people on the road to guarantee their sovereignty and independence.
¡Hasta la Victoria Siempre, Comandante! ¡Venceremos!
Quotes and Photos of Fidel
Fidel Castro and the victorious rebel forces are welcomed in Havana, January 8, 1959.
Fidel Castro, while leading the Cuban people to defeat the U.S. attempted invasion at Playa Girón, makes the historic declaration establishing the socialist character of the Cuban Revolution, April 16, 1961.
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