Anniversary of Nazi Invasion of Poland: September 1, 1939
In Memory of the Victims of Nazism, Fascism
and Japanese Militarism
During September, we commemorate several important anniversaries related to World War II. We recall the death-defying deeds and courage of the peoples of the occupied countries and the Allied nations who joined their fight to vanquish Italian fascism, German Nazism and Japanese militarism. We pay deepest respects to the victims of these scourges of humankind.
On September 1, 1939, the German Nazis invaded Poland. The Nazi invasion of Poland signalled the beginning of World War II and of the European holocaust.
In China on September 2, the people celebrate the defeat of the Japanese occupation of China in 1945. The Japanese invaded China on July 7, 1937. Their invasion unleashed the Asian holocaust about which Canadian media remains largely silent.
Since 1962, the International Day of Memory of Victims of Fascism is also marked on the second Sunday of September every year. This year it will be marked on September 11.
The Whole World Honours the Victims of Fascism
World War II involved 61 nation-states and over 80 per cent of the world’s population, taking a toll of more than 55 million people. Hostilities occurred on the territories of 40 states and the vast basins of the Atlantic, Arctic, Pacific and Indian Oceans.
The Soviet Union sustained the biggest losses in people and material resources. Some 27 million people lost their lives, in addition to losses to its armed forces of some 8.7 million people. China is estimated to have endured the second-highest number of total casualties in World War II. As many as 20 million people died in China in the Asian Holocaust, including up to 3.75 million military deaths and 18.19 million civilian deaths.
The Nanjing Massacre, also known as the Rape of Nanjing, was the mass murder of Chinese civilians in Nanjing, the capital of the Republic of China, immediately after the Battle of Nanjing in the Second Sino-Japanese War, by the Imperial Japanese Army. Beginning on December 13, 1937, the massacre lasted for six weeks. The Japanese militarists committed atrocities such as permitting mass rape, looting and arson. The massacre has gone down in history as one of the worst atrocities committed in the twentieth century.
In their maniacal drive to condemn Russia and the People’s Republic of China as “authoritarian regimes,” the government of Canada, official circles and media remain silent about the heroic role played by the revolutionary forces under the leadership of Mao Zedong who liberated China from these monstrous deeds and the role of the Soviet Union in liberating Europe. They are not only purveyors of criminal disinformation about what actually took place and its significance at that time but are forging new alliances with the criminals who perpetrated crimes against the Chinese and Korean peoples during and after the war to repeat the crimes today.
Canada is marching in lock-step with the United States, Britain and various European countries and NATO allies to spread historical falsifications to justify what cannot be justified as concerns U.S./NATO warmongering and crimes against humanity in the name of Canadian values, peace, freedom and democracy. The restoration of the Nazis, fascists and Japanese militarists does not solve any crisis as they plunge the world into an abyss. The wars of destruction they are embroiled in and planning have consequences they cannot predict
They are erecting monuments intended to equate Nazism and communism for purposes of complying with the U.S. striving for world hegemony. This includes the rehabilitation of neo-Nazi and militarist forces in positions of power and enabling private armies and paramilitary forces to maraud, plunder and commit crimes on their behalf.
Since 2005, on Russia’s initiative, every year the UN General Assembly has approved resolutions urging an end to the glorification of Nazism and urging member states to combat practices that exacerbate contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.
The General Assembly through these resolutions has expressed its deep concern over attempts to glorify Nazism, neo-Nazism and former members of the Waffen-SS in any form, including the construction of monuments and the holding of public demonstrations. The resolutions express concern over the “recurring attempts to desecrate or demolish monuments erected in remembrance of those who fought against Nazism during World War II, as well as to unlawfully exhume or remove the remains of such persons,” and noted an alarming increase in racist incidents and violence globally.
Today, even the United Nations is being used to push the Anglo-American historical fraud called a rules-based international order. May the memory of those who gave their lives in the fight for freedom, peace and democracy live on in the battle of current generations for a world free of the scourge of the aggression we see today carried out by the Anglo-U.S. and European powers in the name of regime change and “responsibility to protect.” It is said more people are losing their lives today as a result of the current imperialist striving for domination of the world’s resources, labour, zones for investment and influence than during World War II.
The need to establish anti-war governments all over the world has never been greater. Let us do our duty to the victims of Nazism, fascism and Japanese militarism and make sure we establish such a government in Canada.