July 10-11
Days of Action in Solidarity with Cuba
On July 10 and 11 friends and supporters of Cuba around the world expressed support for revolutionary Cuba and demanded the U.S. lift the blockade against Cuba. Anti-Cuban organizations outside of Cuba used the day to reiterate threat against Cuba’s diplomatic embassies and consulates around the world, as it is the 1st anniversary of the attempted coup these counter-revolutionaries thought they could pull off on July 11 met with the resouncing support of the people for the Cuban Revolution.
Official media in Canada is repeating the distortions carried by U.S. news agencies such as two articles widely distributed, one by Reuters titled “In exile or prison, Cuban activism gutted one year after mass protests” and one published by AP titled: “A year after protests, Cuba struggles to emerge from crisis.”
Hashtags to express support for the Cuban Revolution:
#AbrazoSolidario #CubaNoEstaSola # CubaViveYTrabaja #CubaPorLaPaz #VamosConTodos #LetCubaLive
Statement Issued by Associations of Cuban Residents in Canada,
July 9, 2022
The associations of Cubans residing in Canada demand once again and with renewed conviction the immediate lifting of the U.S. blockade against Cuban families and the cessation of the media campaigns that, financed by the U.S., try to tarnish the image of Cuba in the world based on lies and slander.
Sixty-three years ago, the U.S. government institutionalized its open aggression against the Cuban people by imposing an economic, financial and commercial blockade, which today is the most comprehensive and oldest system of measures and sanctions in the history of humanity.
Together with this sanctions regime, the U.S. tries by all means to incite acts of vandalism using political operators on the island with the express aim of disturbing the tranquility of the streets in our country and destroying its constitutional order. Cuba is a land of peace and will continue to be.
We reiterate our support and our willingness to help our people.
We wish peace and prosperity to the motherland.
No more penalties. Down with the blockade.
Associations of Cuban Residents in Canada
Association of Cuban Residents in Toronto Juan Gualberto Gómez
Cuban Cultural Association Residents in Montreal Island of Cuba
Cuban Association Montreal Cuban Community in Canada
Cuban-Canadian Association Ottawa-Gatineau